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Posted : Aug 26, 2009 21:16
Another question to all you UFO & CROP CIRCLE Alienheads here. 'Life' outside Earth must be existing. There must be life similar to humans somewhere else as so many galaxies exist. But how the fuck are you so sure that their technology is much superior?? Maybe 'they' don't have any 'technology'?? Maybe the life outside is less intelligent than humans? How can you be so sure that they exist?? Just cause of some acid experience?? You can hallucinate about shit loads of crazy things while tripping on LSD in your mind... that does not mean its all true.
Everything alive need not be like humans. The Sun is alive the earth is alive the moon is alive.
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Posted : Aug 26, 2009 21:21
Also... can any of you name some good documentary on Aliens or something similar here so i can download it using torrents. Not some random you tube link. something which is validated by experts.
P.S: Talking about Aliens & other planets, reminded me of the beautiful planet we are living on. Watch the Planet Earth documentary by BBC. Simply Amazing
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 26, 2009 21:32
First, NO conexion between Lsd trip and extraterrial life.. leave drugs far away of this stuff..
Nobody said that all the aliens are more advanced.
You know FUTURAMA ? ya is funny...
the universe is like Futurama, full of diferent forms of lifes, even not only phisical, but also energies form of life, plants vegetals animals humanoides reptiles etc etc etc...
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 26, 2009 21:44
On 2009-08-26 21:21, toogoodforyou wrote:
Also... can any of you name some good documentary on Aliens or something similar here so i can download it using torrents. Not some random you tube link. something which is validated by experts.
Wich is validated by expert u mean?
start with THE DISCLOSUE PROJECT, more than 400 expert will explain to you what happens..
You know, if you take time to search, you will find
we live in a short time of "ilimited information", is your obligation to look for your self what is reality. Out Now! va PROFESSIONAL MATCD12 - Compiled by Dj Anahata
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Posted : Aug 26, 2009 21:46
On 2009-08-26 21:32, djanahata wrote:
First, NO conexion between Lsd trip and extraterrial life.. leave drugs far away of this stuff..
Someone in this thread has mentioned some kind of 'contact' during a bad trip. Lol. Was referring to that.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 26, 2009 21:56
Someone in this thread has mentioned some kind of 'contact' during a bad trip. Lol. Was referring to that.
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Posted : Aug 26, 2009 23:13
On 2009-08-26 21:46, toogoodforyou wrote:
On 2009-08-26 21:32, djanahata wrote:
First, NO conexion between Lsd trip and extraterrial life.. leave drugs far away of this stuff..
Someone in this thread has mentioned some kind of 'contact' during a bad trip. Lol. Was referring to that.
Please, just show me a post where speak about LSD, we just never mentionned it (was focus on plants)...Have the respect to take time to read better before laughing. As you said, "You can hallucinate about shit loads of crazy things while tripping on LSD in your mind... that does not mean its all true"...I 100% agree, but true hallucinations also exist. Psychedelics can be use as a way of knowledge, not only to freak out on psytrance parties.
Anyway, i respect your opinion.
About your first questions:
"But how the fuck are you so sure that their technology is much superior?? Maybe 'they' don't have any 'technology'?? Maybe the life outside is less intelligent than humans? How can you be so sure that they exist?? Just cause of some acid experience?"
Once again, take time to read better...Nobody said the opposite. Personnaly, I wrote exactly the same thing in another post: about how humans think than all is similar than them (why should they have any kind of technologies?), and that reality is probably much more different. Nobody is "how the fuck" sure of anything, maybe that's why we are speaking on this thread, no?...Just because we have personnal convictions and we are looking for answers.
....Actually we can be 100% sure of one thing: there's billions of planets with similar conditions than our (solar system, proximity of the sun ect...), and when we look our amazing planet, we can observe something specific: life is EVERYWHERE, also in the hardest conditions. Why it should be different in the universe?
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 27, 2009 10:10
Well but UFOs and extraterrestial phenomena in relation with entheogens and altered states of being are also perfectly valid. And it’s no secret that inside the deeper entheogen dimensions like that of salvia, ayahusaca or DMT, and other plants people experience contact with entities which are very real. Terrence Mckenna talks a lot about this. Which is very interesting because it reveals to us that you do not have to go millions of years away into outerspace to find other “intelligent” lifeforms, in fact all you need is a big hit of DMT and you have a decent chance to encounter some of these aliens. And that is telling us in some way that there are all these dimensions right here, right now, that there are all these worlds accesible to us without having to travel anywhere physically. And think about the implications of this, I mean as if the universe we can observe with our telescopes wasn’t gigantic enough already, well the multidimension aspect to reality multplies everything even further.
Perhaps the real UFO is counsciousness and entheogens simply facilitate the process. Many people claim to have UFO encounters while or after deep meditations, and that is also in some way maybe like an altered state of mind.
Sure you can argue that when you are tripping on entheogens you can not tell what is real. But you can also say the same thing about our sober reality from the perspective of the entheogen dimension. I mean we think the reality we live is so real, but how much is it an illusion fabricated by our collective psyche and culture and thoughts? In the psychedelic realms your thoughts become more powerful, and everything you believe almost becomes real. Maybe that is the nature of reality on some level. I mean atoms in the end are not made of any real hard matter, in the end its just energy right? So it seems like its all like a virtual reality anyways. So maybe the real reality is not the hard surfaces we touch with our hands and perceive with our 5 senses, but the universe inside us, like our thoughts and how we are also creators of this universe we experience. Sort of like when Bill Hicks tells us that “we are the imagination of ourselves”
And I agree that the Disclousure Project organized by Steven Greer is a very powerful video you can watch, specialy for those who are very stuck on the hard evidence to believe all this stuff since the witness that come out are from what I understand all verifiable and to many, so its hard to dismiss.
"however they do not fly, they oscillate in between dimensions"
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 27, 2009 10:42
Aliens do exist.... haven't you heard of Ford Prefect?
"It's not the fall that kills you; it's the sudden stop at the end." - Douglas Adams
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Posted : Aug 27, 2009 11:04
lets discover first this planet
who cares about aliens,, too much of these shit and the meaning is lost imo
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Aug 27, 2009 12:10
On 2009-08-27 10:10, Aluxe wrote:
Sure you can argue that when you are tripping on entheogens you can not tell what is real. But you can also say the same thing about our sober reality from the perspective of the entheogen dimension. I mean we think the reality we live is so real, but how much is it an illusion fabricated by our collective psyche and culture and thoughts? In the psychedelic realms your thoughts become more powerful, and everything you believe almost becomes real. Maybe that is the nature of reality on some level. I mean atoms in the end are not made of any real hard matter, in the end its just energy right? So it seems like its all like a virtual reality anyways. So maybe the real reality is not the hard surfaces we touch with our hands and perceive with our 5 senses, but the universe inside us, like our thoughts and how we are also creators of this universe we experience. Sort of like when Bill Hicks tells us that “we are the imagination of ourselves”
I think you might be making a very valid point here, something that i have been thinking about a lot recently. Reality as we see around us is all tangible, palpable and grounded in physical materiality. unless we feel it or see or hear it we do not know or believe it. There are other worlds that exist which we do not perceive on a day to day basis because out cognitive intellectual functional faculties are probably not evolved enough to perceive EVERYTHING that is out there. So its only with the help , notice i do not say under the influence, but with the help of certain natural potions/entheogens/plants that we are able to get a hold of these otherwise invisible , imperceptible worlds that elude us.
Aliens very well could be a part of that reality that we do not automatically perceive, and science or any man made theory might not be able to justify the existence of such things as UFO's and aliens in the way entheogens help us see the spirit world that in all likelihood hold such extraterrestrial beings.
And its not like your or my opinion is in isolation , there seems to be a general consensus as far as this subject is concerned among a lot of folk whether listening to psytrance and ingesting certain accompaniments to enjoy it or not.
missing plug-in
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 27, 2009 14:34
ya but is already prouved years ago...
(anyway we dont discover nothing everything is in Veda knowledge)
Lets see whats saids the best scientifics about extra dimensions.... really interresting
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 27, 2009 15:37
)))in isratrance i always evaluate if a page is worth reading by just looking at the google ads at the bottom of the page. sometimes really genious links there:), it is kind of sorting out the more interesting pages here:))
i only wanted to comment this shortly:
Yep, but searchers have also observed this kind of phenomena after a big storm or with some kinds of specific (but natural) manifestations of the climats...It's not a real proof of a paranormal manifestation.
hm, but i dont really agree with this, my invisible friend. ( hope it is not a disrespectful thing not to agree , it is just my opinion).
you dont have this after a storm. there are cases of paranormal activity within the crop circle - like for instance mobiles and radios turn automatically off. by itself. other people report of really strange trips after lying in the circle, but okey, it is not a prove of paranormal activity. but the electromagnetic reaction is a prove. it cannot happen through a couple of guys who cut circle in the field. no way.
what are these weather reaction that you are talking about? the spherics? do you describe the shumann resonance now? yes, you find strange frequencies in the air, but i still dont understand why do you compare the story of the crop circles with the those spherics and the electromagnetic frequencies of the earth??
what does this have to do with the way the crops look like if they are for real - especially the microwave that has been needed to move them inho this position?