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The aliens are here...

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 24, 2009 00:58

On 2009-08-23 22:33, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
so i just wanted to mention that we have alien genes too, this is what i think. what i believe.

A group of researchers working at the Human Genome Project indicate that they made an astonishing scientific discovery: They believe so-called 97% non-coding sequences in human DNA is no less than genetic code of extraterrestrial life forms.

The non-coding sequences are common to all living organisms on Earth, from moulds to fish to humans. In human DNA, they constitute larger part of the total genome, says Prof. Sam Chang, the group leader. Non-coding sequences, originally known as “junk DNA”, were discovered years ago, and their function remained a mystery. The overwhelming majority of Human DNA is “Off-world” in origin. The apparent “extraterrestrial junk genes” merely “enjoy the ride” with hard working active genes, passed from generation to generation.

Collaborative research from a gathering of exo-scientists postulate that there are genes from over 20 extraterrestrials civilizations in Human DNA. These exo-scientists have continued the work of Nobel Prize winner Dr. Frances Crick, and other scholars in this area. Current findings are consistent, who discreetly released information on his own apparent findings, in association with the Human Genome Project.

Out Now! va PROFESSIONAL MATCD12 - Compiled by Dj Anahata
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 24, 2009 01:15

Out Now! va PROFESSIONAL MATCD12 - Compiled by Dj Anahata
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 24, 2009 01:36
Ralph Ring is a brilliant innovative technician who as a young man in the late 1950s and early 1960s worked closely with Otis T. Carr. With the aid of his small team, Carr, who was himself a protegé of the great inventor Nikola Tesla, built a number of flying disks, which worked.... prior to their experimentation being forcibly terminated by government agents.

In a dramatic experiment, Ring co-piloted a 45 foot disk a distance of ten miles, arriving at their destination instantaneously. Ring, now aged 71, tells his story to Project Camelot -- the first time it has been reported.

Out Now! va PROFESSIONAL MATCD12 - Compiled by Dj Anahata
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 24, 2009 01:39
Yes the aliens are here. We are not alone, we have never been alone and we will never be alone! We are part of a greater intergalactic and interdimensional family of beings and our destiny is in the stars.

Hey maybe we came from the stars. And yes some say we were actually seeded on planet earth, or at least genetically “manipulated”. I have heard lots of people also say that we share some kind of ancestry with people from the plaeidians and that they are here to help.

But why haven’t these aliens made open contact?

Well I do hear lots of stories of people who are making contact. But you have to be ready I think, and it has to come from you, like reaching out with sincere heart and beyond fear. I think getting over the fear factor and into a more love oriented frequency is very important step.

And some claim that the earth is been quarantined until we can learn to some respect for each other because they can not trust us with a passport to the stars when we can’t even respect our own species. I mean how many of our own have we killed for stupid reasons?

I also hear people talking about bad ETs, like reptilians or whatever. But some researchers like steven greer have pointed out is that we have to be very careful not to fall into this trap where we stigmatize a group of ET as bad because we could just be completely misunderstanding everything. First of all a lot of the so called abductions and UFOs are actually manmade, many of these apparently using alien technology retrieved from some crashes like Rosswell. But even if we were getting hostily from some Aliens we have to first accept that we as a species are a very hostile, so how the hell can we expect more from others? We have to grow spiritually and learn to respect eachother first. Then maybe the universe will respond in a very different way to us. The doors will open something totally different, because in some way what we get is a reflection of what we give and of what we are.

And it’s not through some type of high tech machine sending signals into space that we are going to establish contact. The most advanced technology we could ever imagine is already embedded within us, and that is our own counsciousness. Apparently our counsciousness is like a super antena that can connect us to far away galaxies and through which we can establish contact with other entities in the universe and much more. Its like having accesss to some intergalactic internet web of information. Like wow! Pretty mind blowing!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 24, 2009 01:48
The Billy Meier Storie (english audio and spanish subtitles)

Out Now! va PROFESSIONAL MATCD12 - Compiled by Dj Anahata
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 24, 2009 08:16
aliens ..they are long time ago......but what they are doing ....?
working for the elite ...or humanity
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 24, 2009 11:41
yes, i also think that they are mostly working for the elite. well, they are in negotiations with the elite and try to find a friendly conversation with the leaders of humanity. because they know that humanity is gonna get mad and the whole system will collapse if there is a sudden encounter . and the masses will not know what to do from now on.
they are working with the elite ( which is exactly the best genes of humanity and the opinion leaders) in order to plan a strategy of what humans are gonna do in case of a very bad event that might happen to us - like earthquakes or huricanes or even a third world war with nuclear weapon or with weather wars.
but i heard many times that the elite is not really doing well with the negotiations. and even the kennedy story, there is so much hypothesis around, but one of them states that he died because he did not want to take part in the strategy that his fellow politicians tried to reach in connection to the aliens and in connection to the federal bank - he tried to put laws against the "private form" of the federal bank .

but okey, i am going to politics again and this is not a political forum. actually it is not a ufo forum as well.

me personally , i ve had some very strange contacts but i still dont know how much is for real and how much is a product of my own psychedelic mind. i had the first one as i was a teenager. they meant we have to build something. i cant say more. or i dont wanna say more here.
it is just so strange. i would really like to know if there are others who have seen such things here.
but may be they hide, because it is dangerous to know. it is really dangerous to know. i just speak about it, because i came to a quite confused phase in my life in november last year and i still dont know if there are others in this culture who really see such things and had contacts.

the last thing i heard from them, which was not such an intense message like the first ones, but still very present in a way ( i dont hear them directly, it is a very strange different story of channelings who manifest themselves in my presence), they said we will gonna have to leave the big cities . and that these very fast music events are dangerous for our energetic balance. this is what i got last.

strange things happen. i dont know to whom i direct this post. but it is certainly not to most of the inhebitants in this forum. but it is still to trance heads.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 24, 2009 11:43
but whatever it is. i believe they are trying to warn us in every step. because we are very far from our true selves nowadays. we are not following the cosmic laws...
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 24, 2009 12:10
"We are stardust, we are golden, we are billion year old carbon,
And we got to get ourselves back to the garden" -- CSNY           "It's not the fall that kills you; it's the sudden stop at the end." - Douglas Adams
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 24, 2009 12:12

On 2009-08-24 11:43, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
but whatever it is. i believe they are trying to warn us in every step. because we are very far from our true selves nowadays. we are not following the cosmic laws...

These aliens are like women.... they do things subtly and expect us to understand! wtf, why don't they just come on out n say what's on their mind!           "It's not the fall that kills you; it's the sudden stop at the end." - Douglas Adams
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 24, 2009 12:19
well they came and told some of us already. it is not impossible that we are all mad, but still, they came already to whom they thought they should come.
as i remember how many months i needed for this experience to be accepted by my intellect, it was very long time. time of questions, questions questions and hard work on staying true to yourselve and not giving up in front of the masses. and it was a very hard time on the border between sanity and insanity. i would suggest that most people will actually not be able to digest this experience. it is so much psychic power needed actually. i dont know, dont know how the masses will react, but come on, we know the masses, the masses are even here in isratrance - they do whatever the others do and say what the others say. if an alien comes, very few of them will be able to stay in sanity because they need the others to believe in whatever. they will believe only if the majoritiy has seen it as well.

and still they do say some things to some of us though. lots of destruction on earth, this is what i know from them as well. we need to build a savior. and i personally need to collect the puzzle.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 24, 2009 12:24

as i remember how many months i needed for this experience to be accepted by my intellect

what experience?           "It's not the fall that kills you; it's the sudden stop at the end." - Douglas Adams

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Posted : Aug 24, 2009 14:07

On 2009-08-24 11:41, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:

me personally , i ve had some very strange contacts but i still dont know how much is for real and how much is a product of my own psychedelic mind. i had the first one as i was a teenager. they meant we have to build something. i cant say more. or i dont wanna say more here.
it is just so strange. i would really like to know if there are others who have seen such things here.
but may be they hide, because it is dangerous to know. it is really dangerous to know. i just speak about it, because i came to a quite confused phase in my life in november last year and i still dont know if there are others in this culture who really see such things and had contacts.

the last thing i heard from them, which was not such an intense message like the first ones, but still very present in a way ( i dont hear them directly, it is a very strange different story of channelings who manifest themselves in my presence), they said we will gonna have to leave the big cities . and that these very fast music events are dangerous for our energetic balance. this is what i got last.

strange things happen. i dont know to whom i direct this post. but it is certainly not to most of the inhebitants in this forum. but it is still to trance heads.

He's speaking about this kind of experiences ...I also had many times the same kind of contacts. I allready posted a message with links about the relationnship beetween psychedelics/shamanism and UFO experience. From this experiences i'm actually convince it's not interesting to focus on "scientific" theories about the extraterrestrial DNA, UFO crashs, crop circles...It is false documents which serve for diverting our attention on the most important thing: our brain and the infintite possibilities inside...Like to connect to the universe and people who are living inside. All this theories just keep us in a basis and consensual way of thinking.
We have to going out our usual way of thinking to understand better this phenomena, we have to going a bit more far then our 5 senses and our 3D vision. We all have our own UFO inside, our brain, and when we know how to drive him then we can travel all around the universe. 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
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Posted : Aug 24, 2009 15:07
here is another thing about sound and crop circles:

come on, fragletrollet, tell us the secret...did you create the corn circles while doing sound , man?????

(my contribution to our youtube library in this thread);)

cymatics or how sound can affect matery.
whoever is sending this to our planet, even if it is the planet itself, it might actually be a reaction of sound.

ayalien, now you will not even believe me, but i was told long time ago to watch especially for aya. fits to your name. well in my personal matrix it is an important conscidence. so you had these experiences as well.

yes, psychedelics can bring us much more near to those entites. for sure.

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Posted : Aug 24, 2009 16:20
Great video, nice they finish by the parralelism beetween spiritual traditions and creation by sounds...Once more the sciences confirms some esoteric aspects of the religions, 2 differents but highly-linked way to use our brain for knowledge. There's interesting links about sounds and forms on this topic:

Off course i believe you moki, and also in how importants are what we call "concidence"...Matrix are connected. We are a lot who had these amazing feeling to hear and speak with non-humans entities in the psychedelic mindkind. Specially ayahuasca users...This kind of experiences are common in an ayahuasca trip process...And in fact it looks so logical, no travels but just jumping from a reality to another. The idea of a lot of crossed universes is today studying really seriously by the scientific community and i think once again sciences will confirms magic/esoterism. We are always imagining "the others" are and act like us: driving metal spaships, having a physical body, a planet, a phsysical technology, 2 eyes, 2 arms, 2 legs........Probably what they really are is much more impressive than all we can imagine

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