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The aliens are here...

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Posted : Aug 22, 2009 08:10

On 2009-08-21 14:14, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
you can forget the idea that everyone will be able to see this. absolutely impossible in my humble opinion. very few will!

keep an open eye for coinscedences that lead you to more information. those who search, will find. the rest will not. it is the principle that will guide us till the encounter:)


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Posted : Aug 22, 2009 11:46

On 2009-08-22 05:46, Jedi_knight wrote:

Just think that with this technology we are using we are going straight to our doom. How can an alien race do it better and survive long enough to spread this knowledge to other races ????

Our irresponsible behavior don't mean other civilisations was not able to use technologies in a positive way. The problem is not the technology, this is how we use it. 

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Posted : Aug 22, 2009 13:26
as an animal can't understand what is an human, i guess it's same thing with us and aliens, .....................if they are here ;-)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 22, 2009 13:33

On 2009-08-22 11:46, ayalien wrote:

On 2009-08-22 05:46, Jedi_knight wrote:

Just think that with this technology we are using we are going straight to our doom. How can an alien race do it better and survive long enough to spread this knowledge to other races ????

Our irresponsible behavior don't mean other civilisations was not able to use technologies in a positive way. The problem is not the technology, this is how we use it.

No ! The problem is this specific technology that we use and it kills us and the planet together. Why do you think cancer is our most common sickness and most common cause of death ? Can we handle radioactivity ? We can't even handle the electricity...we all live with all these wires around us like we are inside a huge coil which is our house. I don't know if we could use better this technology we developed but the sure thing is that we won't have the time to fix it but only to abandon it. What's wrong with others forms of energy ? We live a technological decadence if we take seriously the health issues. After all technology is to make man's life better and easier but not to create bigger problems because for me health is above all and that's what matters the most. Examples can be plenty. A simple one is the mobile phones. The communication problems we solve with the use of the mobiles are in better interest and more valuable than our health ? Because that's how it works !

Started Topics :  2
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Posted : Aug 22, 2009 14:06


Can we handle radioactivity ? We can't even handle the electricity...
I don't know if we could use better this technology we developed but the sure thing is that we won't have the time to fix it but only to abandon it. What's wrong with others forms of energy ? We live a technological decadence if we take seriously the health issues.

I totally agree, but i'm convince this is only our own madness who is dangerous. For example, about nuclear energy: Since more than 20 years, consciousness scientists develloped A-type central (CERN-geneva)...With this kind of central, nuclear waste are harmless after only 30 years, you can not produce nuclear bombs (most of them are made with nuclear waste), and you can destroy propely nuclear bomb with...To make simple, you can clean all the planet from this shits...But since this project exist french gouvernement cuted all kind of subventions to start it seriously because they control nuclear power in europe, and they prefer seeling cheap and dirty ones (to iran in 80's for example...Ha ha) wich ones you can produce atomic bomb.
Same logic for each types of technology...The only problem is buisness, war, madness. This is another type of cancer but this one is older. We can't just abandonned, we have to fix a lot of has a two faced power, but first of all, humanity needs to grow up as fast as possible for using it propely...Hope i'll live long enough time to see that.
Madness sucks:)


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Posted : Aug 22, 2009 14:15
Maybe we start to be off-topic...They are more close to us than we can imagine.


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Posted : Aug 22, 2009 21:09
i blv we all aliens
came from outer space
frm another planet
and some ppl are ufos too hehe
Forest dreams
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 23, 2009 14:51
i just saw this movie called 'the invasion' its about some alien epidemic that's spreads on earth like a flu..

and my reviews -
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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 23, 2009 15:55

On 2009-08-22 13:26, specymen wrote:
as an animal can't understand what is an human, i guess it's same thing with us and aliens, .....................if they are here ;-)

well not if they made love with our grand mothers some tausand of years ago:) and we are the result:)

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Posted : Aug 23, 2009 21:43

On 2009-08-23 15:55, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:

On 2009-08-22 13:26, specymen wrote:
as an animal can't understand what is an human, i guess it's same thing with us and aliens, .....................if they are here ;-)

well not if they made love with our grand mothers some tausand of years ago:) and we are the result:)

so the question is :"who made love with their grandmother ;-) ?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 23, 2009 22:19
presumably fallen angels... :; 
Out Now! va PROFESSIONAL MATCD12 - Compiled by Dj Anahata
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 23, 2009 22:33
for sure fallen angels or just giants, nephilim, messiahs, gods, halb gods ( those are second generation mixed with other genes like sphinx) , or whatever it was. all names that you find in mythology and earlier religions.

back to topic. about crop circles. the difference is all about the way the corns were moved to this position of bending over and then falling to earth. but i have no time to write further on the issue with more depth, so i just wanted to mention that we have alien genes too, this is what i think. what i believe. and this is what makes us to an experiment. we need to collect the puzzle faster and it is not a coinscidence that they made this sign , if it is for real, to connect to exactly this place as well. the puzzle needs to be collected because i actually honestly even fear that the communications systems might fall apart and be destroyed before 2012. lets hope not. whatever happens, there are really enough intellectual prove for those who search, that ancient religions and mythology is perfectly synchronised to the idea that some species came to earth to multiply their genes.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 23, 2009 22:50
here is something that might interest you more : about sound ,harmony and crop circles:

we can change the topic so that i dont possibly get a statement that i am insane about the alien genes.
btw i accept the idea that it is not alien but some manifestations of higher powers of totally different reality than ours.
there are theories that the circles come from the earth itself, from her feelings and reactions, warnings and hopes.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 24, 2009 00:33
I dont know a lot about Crop Circles, but maybe is another piece of the puzzle of the aliens evidences.

Personally till today I think that luminiscent unidentified flying object (balls of light) make it...

but Iam still open for new evidences

Out Now! va PROFESSIONAL MATCD12 - Compiled by Dj Anahata
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 24, 2009 00:48 
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