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The aliens are here...

Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Aug 21, 2009 19:12
A UFO, beamin' back atcha.
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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 21, 2009 19:27
Phil Schneider - The Alien Agenda (1 of 7)

Out Now! va PROFESSIONAL MATCD12 - Compiled by Dj Anahata
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 21, 2009 19:32

Out Now! va PROFESSIONAL MATCD12 - Compiled by Dj Anahata
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 21, 2009 19:33
Very recomended !!!

Out Now! va PROFESSIONAL MATCD12 - Compiled by Dj Anahata
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 21, 2009 19:37
Ufos in Barcelona last month just in top of my house, filmed by my neighbors, many peoples see and recorded this amazing event..

Out Now! va PROFESSIONAL MATCD12 - Compiled by Dj Anahata
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 21, 2009 19:39
I always noticed a sorta belief in aliens by many people who threw some trips or love very the music called goa trance or psytrance.
I never was that.I believe more in ilumminaties and some secret societies ruling our world than in aliens.
But when I saw some this one documenatary (i forgot tha name it is 3 or 4 houres) with scientist speaking in german and english and from other corners of this world.I seriously started to doubt it were some funny artist with chainsaw or any other funny and "eazy to explain" bullshit.
Well its all up to you
Wizack Twizack
Wizack Twizack

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Posted : Aug 21, 2009 20:18

On 2009-08-21 19:37, djanahata wrote:
Ufos in Barcelona last month just in top of my house, filmed by my neighbors, many peoples see and recorded this amazing event..

i didnt get that.. didnt have any sound on tho.. but what are we watching here? the moon?

bOm..           For Contact & Bookings:
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Posted : Aug 21, 2009 20:37

On 2009-08-21 19:39, TimeTraveller wrote:

But when I saw some this one documenatary (i forgot tha name it is 3 or 4 houres) with scientist speaking in german and english and from other corners of this world.I seriously started to doubt it were some funny artist with chainsaw or any other funny and "eazy to explain" bullshit.
Well its all up to you

I'm 100% convince by the existence of millions of extraterrestrial civilisations but i also 100% agree with you TimeTraveller.
I think that the subject is extremely popularized (that's why we ear so many bullshits), and this is an extremly important subject...The confirmation of an E.T specie will change the face of the world for ever. That's why the autorities prefer let this "UFO professionals" guys telling more and more bullshit, making stupid reports about UFO's crash,blabla.., instead of really working on this subject. It is a taboo subject and 'll stay like that as long as we'll have all this mad guys controlling the planet. Our attention is diverted towards basic sciencefiction's style reports to hide something bigger, i'm sure of this fact.
About crop it really looks like a fake (one of this kind of stuffs who make us looking in the wrong direction...). All the realisations stay in human possibilities...If aliens want to prove their existences physically (by making drawings) why don't they make a 20 kilometers one on a military base?
Actually, i think that he is the only one who deserves to be studied (and he has nnot been at all...):

On 2009-08-21 19:39, TimeTraveller wrote:
I always noticed a sorta belief in aliens by many people who threw some trips or love very the music called goa trance or psytrance.

Once again you are right...Because they also exist (and maybe they only exist) in non-physical dimensions, and this kind of people you describe have experienced the exploration of non-physical dimensions. the relationship beetween shamanism and UFO is extremely strong. Psychedelics are inner paths to outer space, where many species are living.
...Few examples, but each famous psychonauts (huxley, leary, shulgin, cohen, ect...) spoke about this strange relationship at a moment.
We are living in 5 senses matrix, wich is connected to something we can not imagine. All theories about the subject are thinking in the frame of this "5 senses" reality, wich is absoluetly not "the" reality. Nature gave us amazing tools to open windows on this outside/innerworld...thx mama.

Science-fiction needs to be upraded.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 21, 2009 21:39

On 2009-08-21 20:18, Wizack Twizack wrote:

On 2009-08-21 19:37, djanahata wrote:
Ufos in Barcelona last month just in top of my house, filmed by my neighbors, many peoples see and recorded this amazing event..

i didnt get that.. didnt have any sound on tho.. but what are we watching here? the moon?


clean your computer screen
Iam jocking sorry
You cant see the Ufos really?
In july like seven "strange lights" appear and move in barcelona sky, Many peoples see this fenomena and recorded it
there is anothers videos all in Barcelona on this dates








Out Now! va PROFESSIONAL MATCD12 - Compiled by Dj Anahata

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Posted : Aug 21, 2009 23:11

On 2009-08-21 14:18, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:

On 2009-08-21 07:37, kriz wrote:
hehe why not have some alien technology in the psy parties from now on ??!

we have dont we:)). do you seriously believe that the whole technology we use, is actually created by the human race??????
computers and chips and all the rest?????
i dont. not even slightly. it is telepathy from others.

Really?? And what about those Aliens who zapped this technology in our heads?? They were the ones who discovered it?? Or did they receive it through telepathy??

I wonder how you can talk about such things so confidently.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 21, 2009 23:30

On 2009-08-21 23:11, toogoodforyou wrote:

On 2009-08-21 14:18, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:

On 2009-08-21 07:37, kriz wrote:
hehe why not have some alien technology in the psy parties from now on ??!

we have dont we:)). do you seriously believe that the whole technology we use, is actually created by the human race??????
computers and chips and all the rest?????
i dont. not even slightly. it is telepathy from others.

Really?? And what about those Aliens who zapped this technology in our heads?? They were the ones who discovered it?? Or did they receive it through telepathy??

I wonder how you can talk about such things so confidently.

Sorry to writte again there, but Iam very interresting in all this stuff.
About technologies via telepathique way from Aliens, somes stories come in my mind.
But maybe the most relevant is NIKOLA TESLA.
I have no time to explain right now, but one of the most inteligent man in the world said that all this inventions and knowledge come in his mind from someone outside...
I suggest to investigate this case is really crazy... 
Out Now! va PROFESSIONAL MATCD12 - Compiled by Dj Anahata
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

Started Topics :  95
Posts :  5380
Posted : Aug 22, 2009 00:45

On 2009-08-21 20:37, ayalien wrote:
i think that he is the only one who deserves to be studied (and he has nnot been at all...):
Art, not aliens           Mastering - ::
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Posted : Aug 22, 2009 01:25

On 2009-08-22 00:45, Colin OOOD wrote:

On 2009-08-21 20:37, ayalien wrote:
i think that he is the only one who deserves to be studied (and he has nnot been at all...):
Art, not aliens

The link is really interesting but he's not the first guy to revendicate the creation of a circle and who just lied (remember doug&dave), and it looks like he has been disproved. As usual this is just people speaking, no evidences.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 22, 2009 02:49
Don't mean to sound like all scientific and stuff, but I know that I will most likely only believe in aliens if I stood in front of one and said whats up. maybe touch knuckles or whatever we do.

and if he acknowledged me the same way we'd be friends.
otherwise we'd walk on by.

I think they're just walking on by right now, or else they'd come over and say whats up to our face.

Oh well.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 22, 2009 05:46
You don't have to look up in the sky to find aliens , just look in the mirror !
We are the aliens of this planet...!

It is our technology the UFO and the Circles as long as the antigravity technology and electromagnetic fields creation and control and even weather control knowledge (a part of it) belong to us.

Who ever tries to make people believe that UFOs are alien technology is simply hiding the truth, the markings printed on the UFOs are "US" or "RSS" or a country's name initials.

Just think that with this technology we are using we are going straight to our doom. How can an alien race do it better and survive long enough to spread this knowledge to other races ????

We could drag energy from thin air and solve our energy problem or we could start searching for the invisible things that are around us. This would be more "alien" but more Earth friendly.

This is my point of view and i've been thinking about this a loooooooooooong time.           ---RealPsyLifeForRealPsyPeople---
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