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The aliens are here...

CRX(HSS Records)
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 14, 2009 00:21

          Helicon Sounds Music
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 14, 2009 06:34
Mind Control! hehe! I love it
Ill start building my own beam machine

USA the land of freedom? haha
Toxic Anger Syndrome

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Posted : Nov 16, 2009 00:40
Don't know if anyone posted this...

..and here's another translation on the last msg..

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 2, 2010 01:31
Another solid proof:
the Starchild skull, a strange humanoid skull found in Mexico that could be the remains of an alien-human hybrid.

Out Now! va PROFESSIONAL MATCD12 - Compiled by Dj Anahata
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 10, 2011 03:32
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 10, 2011 07:25
@ fometrius: that first crop circle you just posted is a one of the most impressive formations, has 408 circles spanning an area of 780ft. Pretty Amazing and stunning design!

Still I am not sure these amazing formations can be considered anything other than amazing graffiti made by some really talented group of humans. Humans can be quite clever and there are some really far out individuals, like Leonardo da Vinci for example.. people that go beyond the norm and produce incredible things. So I don't really see crop circles as something beyond what a group of humans could produce. But who know maybe some of these circles are made by our cosmic bros

Though as far as evidence of ETs on earth goes I would lean more on studies such as "the cometa report" made by the french goverment where they concluded that though 95% of all the claims can be explained as either as hoaxes or natural phenomena there is 5% which is "utterly inexplicable" and can only be explained through some type of ET related hypothesis.

Who knows you know, I keep my mind open. I think with such a incredibly universe of which we know so little you got to wonder what else is happening right here and out there that we are not yet aware of.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 10, 2011 07:56

On 2011-08-10 07:25, Aluxe wrote:
@ fometrius: that first crop circle you just posted is a one of the most impressive formations, has 408 circles spanning an area of 780ft. Pretty Amazing and stunning design!

Still I am not sure these amazing formations can be considered anything other than amazing graffiti made by some really talented group of humans. Humans can be quite clever and there are some really far out individuals, like Leonardo da Vinci for example.. people that go beyond the norm and produce incredible things. So I don't really see crop circles as something beyond what a group of humans could produce. But who know maybe some of these circles are made by our cosmic bros

Though as far as evidence of ETs on earth goes I would lean more on studies such as "the cometa report" made by the french goverment where they concluded that though 95% of all the claims can be explained as either as hoaxes or natural phenomena there is 5% which is "utterly inexplicable" and can only be explained through some type of ET related hypothesis.

Who knows you know, I keep my mind open. I think with such a incredibly universe of which we know so little you got to wonder what else is happening right here and out there that we are not yet aware of.

Yes, i also believe that mostly crop circles and photographs of UFO`s etc are hoaxes and human made.And alot of stories of abductes and contactes etc is imaginations, but if only one of this things is true it would change the whole way that we look at the world.However i do believe the universe is full of life in different stages and forms of intelligence, some way , way ahead of what we can understand and some with less advanced structures.

I also believe some exist on another "plane" , like a different slice of the bread.At a level that we cant understand,so therefore we should not only rely on finding them on planets etc since that means that they exist on a similiar "plane" as us.Surely some exist at the same "level" as us ,planets etc. But many could exist in ways we cant grasp. It can be something we cant understand since we are limited by our biological construction.

The string theory for an example includes that it exist alot of extra dimensions, eleven to be precise. However it make sense that there are "planes" "levels" that we cant see or experience ,however they would be linked to those we can see , so its a interesting questions how they interact with each other.

Life is a mystery and we know basically nothing of what life is, where we are , what is the universe etc? So intelligent lifeforms dont feel like science fiction at all, rather more logic that they would exist since life is so diversified and able to change and adapt itself to different environments.

The whole existence in itself is like fiction, yet we exist.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 10, 2011 11:54
Aliens obviously like listening to psychedelic trance , because at fesivals there are more inter-dimensional entities than at Mos Eisley space port. If you have "they live" goggles on, it is evident.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 16, 2011 11:25

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 16, 2011 11:26

On 2009-09-30 12:10, CRX(HSS Records) wrote:
u really believe that?

Check the video son.
Cardinals Cartel
Black Machine

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Posted : Aug 16, 2011 13:53

Aliens .. Where .. ?

Maybe he sow Alien 303

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 16, 2011 23:47

On 2011-08-16 13:53, Cardinals Cartel wrote:

Aliens .. Where .. ?

Maybe he sow Alien 303

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 18, 2011 04:11
it should be clear as day to anyone who has had enough interest in the subject to do a little research that aliens regularly visit our world and have been doing so for a very very long time

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 25, 2011 10:27
I think lots of this complex patterns are photoshop made. 
Perma Fry
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  56
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Posted : Aug 25, 2011 19:18

On 2011-08-16 11:25, aXis wrote:

This documentary was very nice

Made a believer out of me
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