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The aliens are here...

Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

Started Topics :  75
Posts :  1848
Posted : Aug 30, 2009 23:18
The whole UFO debate throws in a lot of hypotheticals for me. Firstly, I'm certain that life exists elsewhere in the universe, somehow.

Relating to issues such as crop circles, I think one point that has been missed is that the potential for human creativity in the case of pulling off some elaborate deception as that. There are also very natural, earthly ways (surprisingly many of them quite simple) of creating some of the aftereffects (magnetic fluctuations, radiation, chemical changes, etc.) so there's not a total reason to conclude it came from outside our planet or that it's beyond human means.

Relating to "UFO" sightings, it's important to remember what the term stands for... "UNIDENTIFIED flying object". A light in the sky is just that... if there's no other possible way to explain it, assuming it's an alien craft is just as fallacious as any. Maybe it's better to remain open to possibilities when no direct answers exist. It's interesting to see the context of so many people such as here using the term "UFO" to describe alien craft when the term really means a flying object that couldn't be identified.

Some questions I ask myself: If aliens had the capacity to come into our realm somehow, wouldn't they be able to do it in a way we would be completely oblivious to? If they want to be seen, it's to tell or show us something... wouldn't they be smart enough to figure out a more direct and clear and profound method that humans would be able to understand instead of need to creatively interpret? If it's to monitor us for some reason, why be so flashy and elusive at the same time? Wouldn't they just be able to take some bits of DNA to wherever they want to that we wouldn't know about to do their experiments? And many more.

Regarding the Disclosure Project discussion, one possibility to be considered is that neither they are liars, nor are they under pressure from some conspiracy villains, etc... Maybe... they mean well (or not) but some of them aren't entirely sure about what they are talking about. There are a lot of reasons for this.

One reason may be that, as was pointed out, many of these people spent their whole lives in the field. Even for scientists (who are humans also) to accept that their entire life's work turns out to be a sham, or at least perceived as a sham by their environment. That's a hard sort of thing for a lot of people to accept. So, as in human behavior, the mind struggles to assign worth to its efforts because it's easier to accept than that the idea or work turned out to be for error. Maybe others such as pilots are also not ENTIRELY sure of what they saw... they lack some definitive proof themselves to validate the experience, but they have gone over the story for so long in their mind and told the story over and over that the brain "fills in the gaps" and even convinces the self that the stopgaps are truth. This is simple human behavior and everyone does this in their memory from the littlest things in life on up.

Regarding the worth of testimonies... Yes it's true that testimonies can have a lot of worth (such as in and especially outside of court). Sometimes they can have too much worth to the point of being dangerous and having a potential for exploitation when there is no other evidence to corroborate with.

There is also the possibility that at least some of these testimonies are at least some part hallucination. Hallucinations can occur for many reasons outside a person's control or even awareness and if it's so easy for some people such as many on this board, for example, to blur the line to what's real and what's imagination, it's only logical to assume the line can be blurred both ways. Especially under stress.

I think what it all boils down to is that there's an intrinsic, subconscious need to find meaning in life and to suspect that there must be more to what our senses tell us. We can never quite put our finger on what it exactly is, and many times we're not even aware that we're on the search for it, but almost always there is a strife that goes beyond logic and rationale to cling to the possibility that we're something special, because the notion that we're nothing more than a speck of dust and a spark of energy floating locationless within an infinite soup of space and time, rendering most of the day to day activities we put so much effort and misery into, meaningless, is just too hard to bear for most souls. It's possible (just try to be open here for a second to the idea) that SOMETIMES, alien abduction accounts and other "paranormal" experiences (such as the waves of demon possessions that gripped people in the context of past paranoia of society) are people's way of feeling special, unique, valued, acknowledged, because in our souls the feeling of loneliness, being wrong, and not knowing is much more frightening to bear. In the epic face of the universe, human affairs are really, really miniscule.

That's not to say that there isn't any truth in most of these ideas. As I said, it's foolish to assume that there is no life but Earth life in the universe and it's even plausible to assume that at least some life, if not ALL Earth life, has been influenced by, or entirely came from it's environment, that is, the universe around us.

I guess you could say that an idea is like a snowball, and when you roll it around on the ground, it accumulates more snow and begins to change its shape and picks up pieces of dirt and debris and takes it within itself. That's basically the way I feel about the whole alien anthropomorphistic theories as well as many other ideas and stories which have been tossed about our history for long enough.

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  741
Posted : Aug 30, 2009 23:25

On 2009-08-30 21:54, Aluxe wrote:

On 2009-08-30 17:12, bbgun wrote:

On 2009-08-21 19:33, djanahata wrote:
Very recomended !!!

I just watched the full project disclosure video.

To me, it seems like a bunch of fully conscious charlatans and rip-off artists. So much stuttering, so many sweaty palms, so much throat clearing, so many confessions of "being scared or nervous", so many shifty eyes, so much right brain-brain image construction, so much memorization, so much word choking, so much forgetfulness. But so little evidence? Why all the anxiety and tension when they have legal council and claim themselves that nothing they're saying is against the constitution? Also considering they are willing to testify in front of congress? hah.

If these guys are so desperate to reveal "truth" why didn't that crook in the beginning project his video? why didn't he play his audio tape recording? Why was such a blissfully idiotic audience present, with daft journalists asking moronic questions? Why did that thug towards the end say it would "take too long" to describe the bodies he saw? And then quite simply said aliens looked humanoid the next second? Also, how did this fraudster know that the aliens could go into a darkroom and guess what color an object was by touching it, especially when he said the aliens were shot with rifles when they surfaced from the craft? These guys should be ashamed of themselves.

Lie after lie after lie. Either these racketeers are actually deluded(I don't think so except for those two chicks), or pulling off a cheap gimmick, or were fired from their positions in the government(if they were actually employed) at some point. Don't get me wrong, I too am pretty certain there's E.T life elsewhere, it's just that this video is riddled with gas and quacks.

Bbgun, your analysis of the video is kind of flaky and childish, I mean seriously. First you proceed to insult all these people of whom YOU KNOW ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT by calling them: charlatans, fraudsters, crooks and liars based only on the fact that they are not providing any evidence and are only sharing their testimony. Is this really fair? I mean you can choose not to believe somebodies testimony, and that is fair. But to dismiss them all as liars without any knowledge of who they are seems a bit moronic if you ask me. I mean if you had worked on some of these projects with these people, knew their history, their ranks, and the type of people they actually are then you would have some grounds to call them liars. Otherwise you fall in the typical ignorant closed minded mindset of talking about things you really do not know jack shit about.

You ask for evidence of what these people are claiming, but a lot of times, even in the court of law, all you have is a testimony and it can still have a lot of merit and value. And in this case I think the value of many of these witnesses comes forward when you consider the ranks and high positions and projects they have been involved with. They are not just some bbgun nobody talking out of their ass in a forum. I mean you have airforce pilots, engenieers involved with the manufacturing of military aircraft, military colonels, high ranking defense officials, astronouts who have been to the moon, etc. So you have to be real moron not to give any validity whatsoever the testimonies of these people. And if anything these people are putting their reputation on the line because this subject that has been target criticism and ridicoule for a long time. You have to understand that like bbgun, most people in the world have a hard time opening up their minds to the possiblity that all this stuff could actually be taking place.

And bbgun points out that there is a lot of stuttering, sweaty palms, shifty eyes, etc in these witnesses while they are talking, as if that is proof that they are liars. He goes on to make this statement:

“Why all the anxiety and tension when they have legal council and claim themselves that nothing they're saying is against the constitution?”

WOW.. talk about a lack of grasp of this subject. Dude these people are claimin that there is a coverup and that people involved in these black operations are threatened in every possible way so they don’t come out with this info. When Dr Greer makes the claim that “they have legal council and nothing they are saying is against the constitution” it’s to try and protect themselves against these powers that have been manipulating things. If this whole coverup is true you can bet that there many many more witnesses who have CHOSEN not to come out because of fear of their lives. Because they will threaten to kill you, your family, your friends and that is not the price that most people are willing to pay for disclousure. So if that is the case, then these people that came out with their testimony are very fucking brave, because they are putting not only their reputation at risk but potentially also their life. And so displaying all those characteristcs you describe like sweaty palms, eyes shifting, etc actually makes, ummm…. PERFECT SENSE. In fact it would be odd if these people were totally relaxed in disclosing this information openly when its highly supresed by very powerful people. Understand amigo? Think about it, it actually all makes sense that these people would be having anxiety and nervousness,. And I think the point of the discloure project was also to try and get as many people together to come out openly at the same time, that way it would reach the press and these people would be somehow more protected than if they came out each on their own.


So, this video isn't highly recommended for information, but for ridicule and laughter purposes. Enjoy.

An you base this out of your simplistic biased anaylis of the video? hehe..

OH Aluxe, remember this thread is about extraterrestrial life, not UFOs. While the only credible UFO video I have seen is of the Edgar Mitchell interview, their sightings don't necessarily indicate extraterrestrial life. Nowhere have I said that UFOs don't exist; nowhere have I said E.T life doesn't exist either. Quite contrary actually. I clearly said I am certain E.T life exists elsewhere, but there isn't a tad of evidence here on Earth. In a similar manner in which a rational person would dismiss astrology, alchemy, resurrection and voodoo, claims of having seen alien life forms on Earth without a shard of evidence(besides some supposed UFO off course) calls for nothing but mockery. Quite frankly in fact, I wasn't so impressed by any of the witnesses "high-ranks". Many of them were pretty fucking ordinary characters, and although there are people of integrity working in the army, military, airforce etc., there are an equal number who will readily have their palms greased and make up the averages. Crooks and fraudsters prevail in every organization.

Speaking of your testimony and court of law, yes let's say the same about the lochness monster and bigfoot. Perhaps it too will have merit and value in the court of law. Please keep in mind, none of those portrayed in the Disclosure video EVER visited the moon as you claim. While Edgar Mitchell has, he wasn't a part of this shady presentation and his proposal is backed by an interesting video of what appear to be disc-shaped objects. Speaking of putting reputations on the line however, it really doesn't matter. 90% of that panel were retired and will probably face end-time in the not-so-distant future anyways. Or perhaps testimony of an after-life will convince you to think otherwise?

I have absolutely no troubles with examining the possibilities of strange, strange stuff actually taking place. But my criticism was largely towards those who claim MAJOR things, provide zero evidence and contradict their own bullshit! Severe claims call for severe evidence. So you sir, with all due respect to your "flaky and childish" analysis of my analysis should comprehend that the context of this thread regards ET life-forms and not UFOs. Hence, I said "400 people having seen UFOs says nothing". I don't know what kind of credulous background a peasant such as yourself have been cultivated in, but logic, reason and evidence is required out here before phantasmal hypothesis' with no evidence are taken seriously. Remember, a negative is impossible to prove; so kindly control your imagination mister jack shit

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  725
Posted : Aug 31, 2009 01:41
Bbgun you stated that ALL these witnesss are LIARS despite the fact that you have absolute no idea who they actually are and the projects they have been involed in. And you call on their integrity and lack of evidence when you without without any evidence about of their lack of integrity proceed to call them all liars, charlatans, frauders, rip off artists and racketeers; just because they are only providing their testimony and no concrete evidence. Oh and ofcourse because what they claim goes waaaaaay beyond your personal beliefs and it all seems impossible to you, so much that you feel its correct to dismiss all these testimonies as false without the need to investigate and even feel its correct to go ahead and call them crooks and bunch of other names. Do you honestly feel this is fair? Also you seem to expect the evidence to come to you wrapped up in gift box and knock on your door. Like get down from your cloud, because with that mindset you are basically living in your little box and you are not allowing to many possiblities other than your little set of learned beliefs.

Sure many of these people could be lying, but you have really no grounds to claim they are because you are not even taking the time to investigate these claims. You say great claims require great evidence, yeah ofcourse but unfortunately a lot of times the evidence is not as easy to get for one reason or another. And it’s a fact that there are countless cases where somebodies testimony is TRUE despite the lack of evidence. Or am I wrong? So for you to go ahead and dismiss it all with such certainity and lack of respect and without any serious research on the matter just seems ingorant.

I for instance am not claiming that what these people are saying is true. Hower I think some of these testimonies could very well be true and I at least give them the benefit of the doubt because if you do some research on the subject you will find that a lot of other people corroborate many of these claims. And yeah you are right, Edgar Mitchel is not part of the witnesses here but he has spoken publicly about an alien ufo cover up, which corroborates much of what these witnesss are saying. You get me? And you may dismiss all these ranks and positions but they do have its value because they are completely relevant to the claims they are making. If it was some farmer talking about alien technology in the military it would be hard to imagine how he came across this info. But when you are talking about high ranking military coronels or astronouts talking about black projects and classified information in regards to aliens then they have a bit more crediblity. Still it doesn’t prove that what they are saying is true, but their field of work grants them at least some more crediblity.

And bare in mind that these claims like those shown in the disclousure project only add to a mountain of similar claims and massive ufo sightings (which seem intelligent controlled) and even huge mothership like crafts which you could only describe as some kinf of alien craft. For instance, the phoenix lights were reported by THOUSANDS of people including the gobernor of Arizona at the time. Thousands of people reported seeing some gigantic V shaped craft and there were some pictures and even some videos taken. The videos and pictures were not very detailed at all and are no proof of aliens but corroborate what thousands of people saw. You understand? Thousands of people including pilots and people that are trained to read the skies saw this huge V shaped craft. So are all these thousands of people in the phoenix area also charlatans and pranksters? I mean we are talking about a massive V shaped craft floating and witnessed by thousands of people in the same location. Well this is one more UFO case, there are many others that that also raise a lot of question and in the very least deserve some SERIOUS INVESTIGATION and not just dismissing it all like bbgun did without any research whatsoever. Another famous case is the Roswell incident where the government actually admits to capturing a flying saucer, and then retracts the story. And there are many cases like these, and only one of these needs to be true. I wonder why are people so opposed to the possibility of aliens visiting earth to the point that they will dismiss all claims without any investigation or research? Ignorance? I don’t know. But when you look at all these cases together, (not just one of them isolated) you realize that the possiblity that something is going on here on planet earth is not out of the question.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  40
Posts :  449
Posted : Aug 31, 2009 02:54
its me again and sorry...
just one thing:
who said they have not evidences????
they came with tons of documents, videos, pictures, radar scan, nasa images, etc etc they said everybody can have access to this evidences after the speaking...

and Britain opens UFO X files right now

Government Admits to Aliens Being Real

my last comment, sorry to monopolise here

Out Now! va PROFESSIONAL MATCD12 - Compiled by Dj Anahata
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  725
Posted : Aug 31, 2009 03:56

On 2009-08-30 23:18, Axis Mundi wrote:
The whole UFO debate throws in a lot of hypotheticals for me. Firstly, I'm certain that life exists elsewhere in the universe, somehow.

Relating to issues such as crop circles, I think one point that has been missed is that the potential for human creativity in the case of pulling off some elaborate deception as that. There are also very natural, earthly ways (surprisingly many of them quite simple) of creating some of the aftereffects (magnetic fluctuations, radiation, chemical changes, etc.) so there's not a total reason to conclude it came from outside our planet or that it's beyond human means.

Relating to "UFO" sightings, it's important to remember what the term stands for... "UNIDENTIFIED flying object". A light in the sky is just that... if there's no other possible way to explain it, assuming it's an alien craft is just as fallacious as any. Maybe it's better to remain open to possibilities when no direct answers exist. It's interesting to see the context of so many people such as here using the term "UFO" to describe alien craft when the term really means a flying object that couldn't be identified.

Some questions I ask myself: If aliens had the capacity to come into our realm somehow, wouldn't they be able to do it in a way we would be completely oblivious to? If they want to be seen, it's to tell or show us something... wouldn't they be smart enough to figure out a more direct and clear and profound method that humans would be able to understand instead of need to creatively interpret? If it's to monitor us for some reason, why be so flashy and elusive at the same time? Wouldn't they just be able to take some bits of DNA to wherever they want to that we wouldn't know about to do their experiments? And many more.

Regarding the Disclosure Project discussion, one possibility to be considered is that neither they are liars, nor are they under pressure from some conspiracy villains, etc... Maybe... they mean well (or not) but some of them aren't entirely sure about what they are talking about. There are a lot of reasons for this.

One reason may be that, as was pointed out, many of these people spent their whole lives in the field. Even for scientists (who are humans also) to accept that their entire life's work turns out to be a sham, or at least perceived as a sham by their environment. That's a hard sort of thing for a lot of people to accept. So, as in human behavior, the mind struggles to assign worth to its efforts because it's easier to accept than that the idea or work turned out to be for error. Maybe others such as pilots are also not ENTIRELY sure of what they saw... they lack some definitive proof themselves to validate the experience, but they have gone over the story for so long in their mind and told the story over and over that the brain "fills in the gaps" and even convinces the self that the stopgaps are truth. This is simple human behavior and everyone does this in their memory from the littlest things in life on up.

Regarding the worth of testimonies... Yes it's true that testimonies can have a lot of worth (such as in and especially outside of court). Sometimes they can have too much worth to the point of being dangerous and having a potential for exploitation when there is no other evidence to corroborate with.

There is also the possibility that at least some of these testimonies are at least some part hallucination. Hallucinations can occur for many reasons outside a person's control or even awareness and if it's so easy for some people such as many on this board, for example, to blur the line to what's real and what's imagination, it's only logical to assume the line can be blurred both ways. Especially under stress.

I think what it all boils down to is that there's an intrinsic, subconscious need to find meaning in life and to suspect that there must be more to what our senses tell us. We can never quite put our finger on what it exactly is, and many times we're not even aware that we're on the search for it, but almost always there is a strife that goes beyond logic and rationale to cling to the possibility that we're something special, because the notion that we're nothing more than a speck of dust and a spark of energy floating locationless within an infinite soup of space and time, rendering most of the day to day activities we put so much effort and misery into, meaningless, is just too hard to bear for most souls. It's possible (just try to be open here for a second to the idea) that SOMETIMES, alien abduction accounts and other "paranormal" experiences (such as the waves of demon possessions that gripped people in the context of past paranoia of society) are people's way of feeling special, unique, valued, acknowledged, because in our souls the feeling of loneliness, being wrong, and not knowing is much more frightening to bear. In the epic face of the universe, human affairs are really, really miniscule.

That's not to say that there isn't any truth in most of these ideas. As I said, it's foolish to assume that there is no life but Earth life in the universe and it's even plausible to assume that at least some life, if not ALL Earth life, has been influenced by, or entirely came from it's environment, that is, the universe around us.

I guess you could say that an idea is like a snowball, and when you roll it around on the ground, it accumulates more snow and begins to change its shape and picks up pieces of dirt and debris and takes it within itself. That's basically the way I feel about the whole alien anthropomorphistic theories as well as many other ideas and stories which have been tossed about our history for long enough.

Axis I agree with a lot of what you say. Its good to consider everything and keep and open mind in both directions! good post
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  168
Posts :  2984
Posted : Aug 31, 2009 05:27
UFO folklore, much like religion, sounds to me like something a bunch of human beings would have made up. There's a very anthrocentric theme running through it all. These stories sound like they are about ourselves, not gods or aliens.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  725
Posted : Aug 31, 2009 06:40
I just came across this documentary, it has been recommended on some other forums so it could be good. I am about to watch it for free online.

Its called:

Out of the Blue - The Definitive Investigation of the UFO Phenomenon

watch it for free here:


Started Topics :  2
Posts :  741
Posted : Aug 31, 2009 08:10

On 2009-08-31 01:41, Aluxe wrote:
Bbgun you stated that ALL these witnesss are LIARS despite the fact that you have absolute no idea who they actually are and the projects they have been involed in. And you call on their integrity and lack of evidence when you without without any evidence about of their lack of integrity proceed to call them all liars, charlatans, frauders, rip off artists and racketeers; just because they are only providing their testimony and no concrete evidence. Oh and ofcourse because what they claim goes waaaaaay beyond your personal beliefs and it all seems impossible to you, so much that you feel its correct to dismiss all these testimonies as false without the need to investigate and even feel its correct to go ahead and call them crooks and bunch of other names. Do you honestly feel this is fair? Also you seem to expect the evidence to come to you wrapped up in gift box and knock on your door. Like get down from your cloud, because with that mindset you are basically living in your little box and you are not allowing to many possiblities other than your little set of learned beliefs.

Sure many of these people could be lying, but you have really no grounds to claim they are because you are not even taking the time to investigate these claims. You say great claims require great evidence, yeah ofcourse but unfortunately a lot of times the evidence is not as easy to get for one reason or another. And it’s a fact that there are countless cases where somebodies testimony is TRUE despite the lack of evidence. Or am I wrong? So for you to go ahead and dismiss it all with such certainity and lack of respect and without any serious research on the matter just seems ingorant.

I for instance am not claiming that what these people are saying is true. Hower I think some of these testimonies could very well be true and I at least give them the benefit of the doubt because if you do some research on the subject you will find that a lot of other people corroborate many of these claims. And yeah you are right, Edgar Mitchel is not part of the witnesses here but he has spoken publicly about an alien ufo cover up, which corroborates much of what these witnesss are saying. You get me? And you may dismiss all these ranks and positions but they do have its value because they are completely relevant to the claims they are making. If it was some farmer talking about alien technology in the military it would be hard to imagine how he came across this info. But when you are talking about high ranking military coronels or astronouts talking about black projects and classified information in regards to aliens then they have a bit more crediblity. Still it doesn’t prove that what they are saying is true, but their field of work grants them at least some more crediblity.

And bare in mind that these claims like those shown in the disclousure project only add to a mountain of similar claims and massive ufo sightings (which seem intelligent controlled) and even huge mothership like crafts which you could only describe as some kinf of alien craft. For instance, the phoenix lights were reported by THOUSANDS of people including the gobernor of Arizona at the time. Thousands of people reported seeing some gigantic V shaped craft and there were some pictures and even some videos taken. The videos and pictures were not very detailed at all and are no proof of aliens but corroborate what thousands of people saw. You understand? Thousands of people including pilots and people that are trained to read the skies saw this huge V shaped craft. So are all these thousands of people in the phoenix area also charlatans and pranksters? I mean we are talking about a massive V shaped craft floating and witnessed by thousands of people in the same location. Well this is one more UFO case, there are many others that that also raise a lot of question and in the very least deserve some SERIOUS INVESTIGATION and not just dismissing it all like bbgun did without any research whatsoever. Another famous case is the Roswell incident where the government actually admits to capturing a flying saucer, and then retracts the story. And there are many cases like these, and only one of these needs to be true. I wonder why are people so opposed to the possibility of aliens visiting earth to the point that they will dismiss all claims without any investigation or research? Ignorance? I don’t know. But when you look at all these cases together, (not just one of them isolated) you realize that the possiblity that something is going on here on planet earth is not out of the question.

Firstly, I never used the word LIAR so don't say that. Perhaps you think I'm clueless about what I'm talking about but I hope this post makes sense. In addition, I'm pretty well read when it comes to this topic. So, considering you have claimed that I have no evidence, why don't YOU do some bloody research and look the controversies surrounding Mr. Greer? So to list two "small" examples that question this huckster's integrity and personal agenda, consider the following:

1. He claimed SETI received alien signals on Art Bell's radio show which has been repeatedly denied by SETI.
2. He claimed a military nerve-gas attack on an underground alien base; from a supposed CIA de-briefing.

Indeed, this crass-fund raiser has claimed to possess "spectacular evidence" and will release it "soon". How long is soon? We are WAITING Mr. Greer(and don't bring me a fucking diagram of a UFO and tell me this suggests E.T life). How about a tissue sample? How about a solid video projected on a screen for everyone to see which provides some evidence of E.T life or any of the other hideous claims he makes? Perhaps people gave him a little credit when he began his racketeering, but today, after so many years, why don't we have one piece of solid evidence from an organization that's founded based upon UFOs and E.T life? If these guys are so desperate to reveal the truth, why didn't they project a single video or play a single audio tape recording at the presentation? ESPECIALLY when it's common sense that it would be more convincing than even 400 shoddy testimonies?

WHY, should anyone be convinced by testimonies? Don't you see that bald THUG has contradicted himself thrice in the video? Don't you see the same way the religions have driven billions nuts? Don't you understand that our stupid mammalian brains seek patterns ALL THE TIME? Don't you understand that humans would prefer a conspiracy theory explanation to no explanation? Don't you see that superstitions have carried with us from the infancy of our intellect? From their body language, many things tell me these guys are talking out of their asses. a) If you run a managerial role in a business and hire people you might want to look out for similar body language, b) How can they make such insane claims without putting out some CONCRETE evidence for everyone to see, hear, or touch? As somewhat "advanced" creatures, I think we OUGHT to be more skeptical. There is absolutely NO need to be swayed by testimony because millions of people make millions of maniacal claims which are not true.

Once again, I am not saying UFOs or E.T life doesn't exist. Have ETs landed here on Earth? NO, I don't think so because there is no evidence. I urge you to stop saying that "thousands of people" also saw it for any of your arguments. If you have studied anthropology or have experience in fields of science or philosophy, you will realize that a thousand witnesses of UFOs say NOTHING about aliens. I am completely willing to accept that maybe there will be contact someday. But until that day, like any logical, rational person I will dismiss the claims and ridicule them until sufficient evidence is provided.

The TRUTH is important to me. I don't expect it to come gift-wrapped, but I don't expect it to come delivered by some swindlers who have escaped a mental ward either. So perhaps you sir, will all respect to your loyalty to the "DISCLOSURE PROJECT", and the rest of your loony friends such as Dr. Greer, Bob Lazar and the likes, should hop onto the next UFO you spot, and buy a one way ticket to wherever they take you. Thanks for your contribution.

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  741
Posted : Aug 31, 2009 09:24
PS - A "scientist", doctor, astronaut or pilot talking about alien technology without evidence is no different from a farmer talking about the same without evidence.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  725
Posted : Aug 31, 2009 10:16

Firstly, I never used the word LIAR so don't say that.

Well you called them charlatans, crooks, frauds and claim its lie after lie after lie. So whatever, big difference.


Perhaps you think I'm clueless about what I'm talking about but I hope this post makes sense. In addition, I'm pretty well read when it comes to this topic. So, considering you have claimed that I have no evidence, why don't YOU do some bloody research and look the controversies surrounding Mr. Greer?

Yeah I am aware of the controversies sorrounding Steven Greer, some people hate him and he has been called everything from an Alien (hehe) to a disinformation agent to a homosexual to a crook and a wacko. But like everyithing else in this subject matter you have to take what people say, including what people say about other people with a grain of salt because you never know who is making up what. And even if Steven Greer has said many crazy things that are just balooney it doesn’t necessarly make all his claims untrue. I mean there are plenty of examples of people who mix in facts with lies, delusions or just wishful thinking. It’s not always black and white. And people are not always either bad or good, liars or truthers, loonies or sane. if you get my drift. I mean that is a very simplistic way to look at things.

And Steven Greer who organized this is only one of these witnesses, you went ahead and dismissed all of them without any research on their background, history, etc. Though maybe I am wrong and you did investigate each of these witnesses seriously, but honestly, I doubt very much you did. Just a hunch, hehe.

And you throw the ball on me and ask me to do my research. But the bottom line is I did not claim any of this stuff to either be true or false. You know? I found the Disclosure Project compelling because of the number of witnesses and most importantly the positions and involvements of these people in classified goberment projects. But I am not claiming any of this is actually the truth, because I honestly don’t have the grounds to really make such a statement. I would have to be involved with these people, AT THE VERY LEAST seriously investigate the matter and those who have worked with these witnesses. Maybe then I would have some ground to call these people either charlatans and crooks or real honest people. I believe that is only fair. You on the other hand went ahead and claimed that it was lie after lie after lie and insulted all these people with a bunch of names with out even taking the time to investigate these people. And that to me is just ingorance and the worst part is you present it as logical thought.


WHY, should anyone be convinced by testimonies?

Well you shouldn’t, its not enough to be certain about something. But if the witness is a credible person known to be honest and responsible maybe his testimony is at least worth an investigation into the matter. You dig? More so if there are a lot of credible witnesses about a specific case like for example the Roswell incident. I think where you fall short my friend is when you dismiss something without really looking seriously into the matter.


Once again, I am not saying UFOs or E.T life doesn't exist. Have ETs landed here on Earth? NO, I don't think so because there is no evidence.

For sure there isn’t any difnitive or conclusive evidence, otherwise we would not be discussing this here. But there are a lot of credible reports by credible people and though these may not prove anything they may at least suggest this issue should be taken seriously INSTEAD of being the target of ridicule or blind dismissal.


I urge you to stop saying that "thousands of people" also saw it for any of your arguments. If you have studied anthropology or have experience in fields of science or philosophy, you will realize that a thousand witnesses of UFOs say NOTHING about aliens.

Well the "thousands of people" reference I made was in regards to the phoenix lights. And thousands of people did witnesses what they describes as some time of giant V shaped spaceship. So ofcourse this is no defenitive proof, I mean only an alien in your couch is proof and not even, he could be a dummy. Hey it could be a hologram! So you never really know anything for certain, hehe. But you have to at least give some credence to the fact that people saw something that looked like a V shaped craft of huge proportions with lights on it. And we are talking thousands of people so it does make you wonder what they hell they saw, and what could it be. Yeah its no proof but it does raise a lot of questions, very interesting questions because we are talking about a giantic V shaped craft that does not resemble any craft created by humans . And that description does not sound like a natural phenomena either, at least not to me. It seems more like some techonological type of machine, So hell, thinking that it could be an Alien ship is not the most outlandish thought in the midst of staring at this gigantic craft with your own eyes like so many people claim they did. You know what I mean?


The TRUTH is important to me. I don't expect it to come gift-wrapped, but I don't expect it to come delivered by some swindlers who have escaped a mental ward either.

Yeah just be sure that these people really did escape the menatl ward, otherwise you would be making claims about something in the end you really haven’t looked into.


So perhaps you sir, will all respect to your loyalty to the "DISCLOSURE PROJECT",
and the rest of your loony friends such as Dr. Greer, Bob Lazar and the likes, should hop onto the next UFO you spot, and buy a one way ticket to wherever they take you. Thanks for your contribution.

Look don’t worry about my loyality to the disclosure project because that is simply your imagination (or a cheap shot at me, hehe), worry instead about not making blind claims about people or events of which in the end you really not honestly know ENOUGH about. Otherwise you come off as ignorant and closed minded. It’s as simple as that.

The question in the end is not weather these UFOs are aliens. But instead weather ANY of these UFOs are aliens. Weather ANY of the countless claims regadardings aliens on earth are true.

It just takes one of these alien stories to be true so its an interesting subject if you ask me.

Cheers mate.

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  741
Posted : Aug 31, 2009 10:53
Your pretty patient dude. I'm not, but check this article out in its entirety. It's interesting and says a lot I want to say about Dr.Geer's claims and evidence(or lack of):

If Greer could have made these claims, I don't see why Project Disclosure isn't in all likelihood a bunch of bribed retired officials at best. As I said, there are very obvious contradictions made by some speakers. So did Greer not register this when he screened their stories? Or were the contradictions a stage blunder?

And I'm now totally satisfied Mr. Greer is either deluded or a vulgar fraud. But feel free to conjure your own opinion. The following are some interviews with Greer which will give you a drift of where he's coming from:;f=1;t=000035

A few more:

I don't know how anyone could feel compelled any agenda of this villain after reading these.

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  725
Posted : Aug 31, 2009 19:12
thanks for the links man, I will have a look later. Though I have a feeling that you are only looking for negative aspects about Greer, like the things that prove he is a fraud, liar, etc and you then run the risk of falling into the “selective thinking” trap where you are only looking for evidence to confirm your already made up belief. And regardless I think you always have to be careful with all you read, and keep in mind that the crazier and more controversial somebody is the more people you will have attacking him, and trying to discredit him sometimes in unfair ways. So I personally try and keep my mind open in both directions and reserve judgment to the facts I can confirm myself or with a great deal of certainty.

Also like I said before, people are very often not all either just good or all bad. Sometimes they have a combination of traits and if you want to get their good bits you have to learn to not dismiss everything they say simply because of some nasty aspects or annoying traits. I see this in a lot of great speakers and philosophers. Like for example, Osho.. he has been accused of all things (charlatan, cultist, fraud, etc) and I think some of these things do apply to some extent. But he also has some amazing insights and so you have to learn to discern so you don’t loose the value people might have just because their mistakes or flaws. Another example is David Icke, you read his stuff and you start thinking he is totally crazy and he has made some statements that sound very incredibly deluded. But he also has a lot of insights that can open your mind and stimulate you very much.

Horrordelic Records

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Posts :  1247
Posted : Aug 31, 2009 20:03

On 2009-08-31 05:27, Basilisk wrote:
UFO folklore, much like religion, sounds to me like something a bunch of human beings would have made up. There's a very anthrocentric theme running through it all. These stories sound like they are about ourselves, not gods or aliens.

I agree very much on this.. If some spaceship will land here and we all can see it I will surely believe.. But I dont believe the governments could control such information, especially in these internet times where everything is newsworthy (and easy to publish).

lets explore our own mind now !            3o~ kriz aka krize 3o~ ....Horrordelic Records....
- Think for yourself -
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  725
Posted : Aug 31, 2009 21:58
^^This reminds me about McKennas UFO experience he had in full waking consciousness. He saw a physical UFO but it looked a bit too familiar:

"There was just one thing wrong. "I recognized this thing," he says."It looked like the end cap of a Hoover vacuum cleaner, exactly the same fake saucer as in George Adamski's photos. This thing flew right over my head, and it was as phoney as a three dollar bill. I knew it was a fake."
But was it really a fake? McKenna doesn't seem to know. For him, it was a textbook case of cognitive dissonance."

And if you need to see an alien to believe, you might consider Mckennas offer:

"I'm offering something everyone claims to want and no one can produce -- a reliable way of meeting aliens," McKenna said. He stressed that the effects of DMT, unlike other longer-lasting hallucinogens, last only about fifteen minutes. "If you heard there's a twenty percent chance you'll see UFOs if you fly right now to New Zealand, I bet quite a few of you would drop everything and just go," he said with trademark humor. "What I'm saying is, give me 15 minutes of your life and I'll give you a 20% chance of meeting aliens -- and the odds go up to maybe 40% if you increase the dose!" McKenna seemed genuinely perplexed that few UFO researchers ever seemed to take his offer seriously."
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  40
Posts :  449
Posted : Sep 1, 2009 03:54
back to crop circles..
A new interesting book just published:

By Colin Andrews

It’s 2009 and it is time to rewrite history. Nick Pope and the MoD attempt to change the official UK crop circle and UFO history. But they are taken to task by using
the documented historical evidence. Never before revealed private correspondence between the Royal Family, the highest level of the British Government, and the original crop circle researchers.

The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh confirmed their interest in crop circles,
but why were they lied to?

Just one of many questions answered in this historical perspective from Colin
Andrews. He takes on former UK government agent Nick Pope and the UK’s
MoD as they attempt to rewrite history in the new digital age. Andrews and Pope
have interacted for years in the Disclosure process.

Pope staffed the UFO desk at the MoD, and has been a key player in the global
Disclosure movement. See how the early days of the modern crop circle
phenomenon concerned the highest level of the British Government and Royal
Family and pointed the way to the Disclosure splashed across the electronically
connected world of today.

Colin Andrews is best known for his research into the crop circle subject since 1983. His long-view of both the genuine and human-made phenomenon provides unique insight into the subject. He asks if the intelligence behind the phenomenon is interacting with both crop circle researchers and many of the
people who make the hoaxes. In the final analysis Andrews believes the phenomenon is challenging people to a higher-level of consciousness.

Government Circles, the first in a series of historical accounts from the archives of Colin Andrews, re-opens the direct links between UFO’s and crop circles, a link many have fought hard to deny!

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