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thanks steve jobs...


Started Topics :  296
Posts :  6194
Posted : Oct 7, 2011 14:27
1) The next person who will use very offensive language towards another user will find out that his account no longer works in this forum. If you cant communicate without calling the others "cocksuckers" then you dont belong in this place.

2) In ancient Greece there was nothing more sacred than a dead person so thats why people didnt accused them about anything because now they were dead and they couldnt explain/defend/protect themselves. Speaking badly about a dead person in public is extremely bad behavior. You could do so in public WHEN HE WAS ALIVE. Now that he is dead you must show your respect towards THE SITUATION if not to the person.

3) We have created an offtopic section (or in this case even the Technology section) so that all these topics can get posted. Some people INTENTIONALLY ignore this because they want to post their thoughts/topics in the Trance section so that more people will see them and response to them. Guess what,the trance section is only about trance and its trance we mostly care to show and give to the people. The death of Steve Jobs has nothing to do with trance and so the original poster either didnt know what the trance section is and represents (so i wonder how and why he joined this place) or he did post it here intentionally without caring about the trance section or the guidelines of this forum at all. In any case this is the last time i will explain in public why an offtopic got locked or deleted or moved from the trance section,you people are not kids to need anyone to guide you about what goes where,you asked an offtopic section and you got it,dont ask for the trance section to become an offtopic because that is not going to happen.

Have a nice day all and show some respect for dead people by not accusing them in public after their deaths and also show some respect for living people by talking to them gently like humans should speak between them.           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
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