IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Feb 10, 2010 00:22
nice,you got yourself a new living : )
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Feb 11, 2010 06:36
So we got any serious casino players here?
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Feb 11, 2010 12:10
Gambling is not allowed in Brazil.
But this year, we'll have 6 BSOP (Brazilian Series Of Poker) hosted by PokerStars.
Let's see if I qualify in any of the satellites!
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Posted : Feb 11, 2010 16:44
I've largely given up trying to get good at holdem to be honest.
I think in person cash tournaments are probly the way to go just because you might get lucky and win.
The biggest reason we are seeing more and more great younger players is because you have all these 18yos in the world playing insane amounts of hands online that would take years to play at a casino.
Here is a guy from the 2+2 forums that has already played 30k hands this year alone.. Even playing 4 tables at once thats a hundred hours of playing. I read an interview with Phil Ivey that in 2007 he was still playing 40-80 hours a week of poker...
I think if anything it probly makes more sense to get really good at Omaha.
Its also interesting if you do the math...
You can break flop textures down to about roughly 30 combinations, then even using the tightest range possible with 28 starting hands of your own you get around 1.1 million situations that can come up just on the turn...And that is not counting anything to do with position or the opponent let alone stack sizes for tournaments.
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Posted : Feb 12, 2010 07:44
Also if your not hardcore with online playing you might have missed "isildur1"..
This is most likely him, his first time on TV..
He is a monster. No point in trying to play against that guy in 10 years just starting out right now.
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Posted : Feb 14, 2010 21:05
Dear Braininavat.
I sense you have spent some time studying the game but i understand that you still have a long way to go, at least on giving advices on more novice players.
I will explain myself immediately.
First of all when we are talking about Texas Holdem people have to understand that there are three main types of the game,No Limit Cash, Limit Cash and ofcourse Tournaments. I said three main types but this is half the truth because a No Limit Cash game can also be full table or shorthanded (AJ suited is not a good start hand in a full table game but its much more powerful in a shorthanded game for example) and also Tournaments can vary from full table to shorthanded but more important than that is the time period between level changes, for example a turbo tournament with a 3 minutes level change requires a total different strategy than a deepstack game with 15-20 minutes level changes. I believe that every tournament with level changes below 12 minutes is like playing coin flips or Lotto because in a short period of time you will have to go all in many times and face multiple players which means its mostly a matter of luck rather a matter of skill in winning such a tournament. Personally i prefer 15-20 level changes deepstack tournaments with high buy ins where the good players always make it In The Money and where the amateur players (a 60-70% of the total players) get knocked out during the first 90-120 minutes, there its a matter of knowledge and tactic in winning the tournament and not a matter of luck and in the long run good players will always make a profit out of such tournaments. By the way the word bluff just doesnt exist in Limit Cash Games where the best hand usually wins and a guy with K7 diamonds in hand will call any bet you might make even if the flop is 10-J-K hearts. Bluffing is a word that belongs to the No Limit Cash Game world mostly.
1) You mentioned that the best way to beat your friends and players who are new to the game is to play tight. Between playing tight and playing loose one can play a SOLID game which means to be tight when needed and loose when you are able to. It is essential in poker to change your strategy during a game otherwise even the worst players will notice the way you play and will change their tactic accordingly. If you are a good player it is essential sometimes to be loose and maybe lose a few hands so that the opponents will also win some money and not be scared to play against you. If you keep playing tight all the times and win most of the times then the other players will never play loose against you and will most likely early fold against your raises unless they have the best probable hand and feel confident they can beat you. The best strategy among your friends is to make them believe that you are just an average player and make them believe they are better than you and that you are just lucky when you beat them and that they are unlucky.You dont want or need to establish the best player profile in small tables among your friends or other amateur players, this will be bad for you trust me.
2) Stealing the blinds is a tactic that EVERYBODY knows in our days and is only usefull in advanced blind levels of tournaments and not in cash games. For example trying to steal the blinds with nothing in hand in Limit Cash Games is the most stupid thing one can do and will cost him a lot of money in the long run. This is also true when we are talking about small ammount No Limit Cash Games like 1-2 or 2-4 dollars for example. Stealing the blinds is a tactic one should follow when he is either playing high stakes cash games or he is playing the advanced blind levels in a tournament and he has a lot of chips.
3) You mentioned to go all in preflop in tournaments when you have AA or KK. First of all i have to inform you that poker is being played after the flop and not preflop, always keep this in mind. In the early stages of a tournament (first 90 minutes) one should play AA or KK by raising 4-5 times the blinds and see the table reactions and how many players will call this bet. If a lot of players (3 and more) call this raise then the player must be very careful after the flop and be read to fold if unusual raises or all ins occur because he might get knocked out of the tournament really early just because he got unlucky with AA or KK. Playing AA or KK all in preflop is the best tactic after the second hour of a tournament when the blinds are big and many players are trying to steal the blinds with hands like AK,AJ,AQ or small pairs, then going all in from either early or late position is the best tactic indeed since most likely you wont face more than 1-2 opponents since people play more tight after 2 hours in a tournament. By the way before going all in with any hand you must notice how many chips you have and how many chips the opponents have.
For me a begginer should start in slow ammounts Limit Cash Games in order to learn the basics of the game, when he has mastered these small levels and begins to win all the time he can move to larger ammount Limit Cash Games and then slowly he can move to No Limit Cash Games where things get more complicated and new strategies have to be adopted including bluffing and playing really aggressive at times. A patient player with good knowledge of the game can make a living out of playing online poker cash games.
Tournaments are a good weekend fun but someone who is playing poker to win money will rarely spend time with tournaments,thats why the pro players either dont play in big tournaments or just participate because their sponsors pay for their entry fees and go there for personal promotion and the chance to win money without spending money from there pockets.
At the moment i am playing 5-10 No Limit Cash Games on 2-3 tables at the same time on Full Tilt with great success although i spend a lot of time and get very tired sometimes.
My advices for new players.
1) Stop playing right now.
2) Buy Super System Volume 2 and spend 1-2 months in studying and understanding the book.
3) Start playing Limit Cash Games with small ammounts of money.
If you do these three small steps you will see the game from a totally new perspective and understand that the way you used to play was a joke.
Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
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Posted : Feb 15, 2010 17:38
On 2010-02-14 21:05, DETOX wrote:
1) You mentioned that the best way to beat your friends and players who are new to the game is to play tight. Between playing tight and playing loose one can play a SOLID game which means to be tight when needed and loose when you are able to. It is essential in poker to change your strategy during a game otherwise even the worst players will notice the way you play and will change their tactic accordingly.
I think you are viewing this from too high of a level though if your talking playing a game with your friends who haven't studied the game.
In the average friendly game people will not be aware of position anyway, blind stealing with any two cards in that game is just disguising your range..Moving all in preflop with QQ-AA is because those are too hard to play post post flop when your post flop game sucks.
I know I'm not a good player and like I said I don't really have the time to put in to become a good player. It was advice from one bad player to other bad players who will mostly play bad players..
Your advice is good if your in college and have the drive to multitable 100k hands a month like kids are doing these days online, but even then most people aren't going to be that dedicated.
a horse is a horse.. doesnt matter what the colour is..
pocket AA..
Girlfriend is also addicted.. its great.. they just opened a hold'em floor at my local casino. looking forward to it...
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 20, 2010 15:23
On 2010-04-13 18:30, stu|ART wrote:
they just opened a hold'em floor at my local casino. looking forward to it...
Thank God gambling (casinos) is not allowed in Brazil.
But we had our 1st BSOP this year.
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Posted : Jun 15, 2010 09:26
Poker isnt legal , wher i stay.. but facebook is da best for texas holdem poker...
never depend on the river card.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 16, 2010 10:04
Casinos have just become legal here, but cards are prohibited, only electronic games. So some companies are bringing some electronic texas holdem systems, do yout hink its the same or I should avoid it and play online?
"The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 17, 2010 01:11
Avoid playing machines.
They can ALL be "fixed", if you know what I mean.
On 2010-02-14 21:05, DETOX wrote:
If you do these three small steps you will see the game from a totally new perspective and understand that the way you used to play was a joke.
Haha, Since my original posts I've played 30k hands at 5nl on tilt, up 5bb/100..meh..Been playing totally nitty and don't feel I can learn much more this way.
I'm going to switch to limit based on what you said. I've found books to really be useless though, they are just outdated.
I was using this fantastic program Equilab that would give you a quiz on flop equity vs a range but the fucker is going commercial and made all the freeware versions crash.
It was much better than pokerstove.
I've played a lot more home games too and see how bad my advice was but I guess its in part I have better post flop skills now.
I play way LAG now and just limp almost anything playable now because post flop no one ever builds the pot exponentially in our home games and is almost always giving odds to draw.
How have you been doing? Have games got harder? I get my gambling fix from currency and index futures trading and have been at that awhile. Poker has been fantastic training in variance that you don't get starting off from trading literature. I can't see ever getting to your level but I'll probably play poker for life so who knows 20 years from now.
I do notice on FT 5nl that games are way harder in the morning than at night. Morning is all 20yo college kids trying to grind 8 tables even at 5nl while all the hobbiest are at work.
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Posted : Aug 2, 2010 00:42
Limit Poker is better since the best hand usually wins and you cant loose a lot of money,playing good will make you a winner in the long run.
Books are good to learn basic things concerning statistics,positions and betting patterns.The best learning you will get it from watching the tables where you play and by examining your opponents.
Me i win 1500 dollars a month by playing on the same tables and winning 50 dollars a day (usually in 3-4 hours).I do it for an extra income and this is how i treat poker.Its extremely boring yes since i play the same cards from the same positions and with the same betting patterns (so no action at all for me) BUT its the winnings that count in the end.If you want to have fun and raise your adrenaline you can try other games rather than poker i guess.
And yes at night times more players play online (after their morning jobs i guess) so worst players than day time.
Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
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Posted : Nov 8, 2010 02:22
Just lost 1800 dollars (i would loose more if i had more money on the table) on BWIN when my four aces lost to a straight flush on the river.
I still havent understood what happened and i am going to sleep so that i will pretend this never happened.
Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!