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Trance Forum » » Forum  Israel - TEXAS FAGGOT - "KININIGIN" partya on HYPNOZA 106fm (TLV) Sunday 18/5 @ 20:00
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TEXAS FAGGOT - "KININIGIN" partya on HYPNOZA 106fm (TLV) Sunday 18/5 @ 20:00

IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  441
Posts :  406
Posted : May 16, 2008 15:33:10
The Finnish duo that showed the Americans that Finnish people have their own special Hill Billiy's , the problem starts when they encounter psychedelic new realms, which make them redefine the meaning of Finnish - Suomi

At first there were 3 : Tim Thick, Pentti Slayer and Francoice Faggott who has left the threesome for another project - Squaremeat - together with Pepe Kosminen. Part of the syndromes of the Finnish Hill Billy's is the tendency for multi personalities which takes over with no warning, thus joined other projects such as: Flying Scorpions, Mandalawandalz, Shiwa 2000 and many others.

Texas Faggot create Cartoon-Goa electronic bloopers in an amusement park while everybody there is running around or jumping on a trampoline on acid. (sort of like that scene from Fear & Loathing)

The first tune Kössi Kuittaa, came out in 1998 on Nephilim Records, After that they have released their debut album with a name to help the audience remember their stage name - Texas Faggott which was released on Australian mental label based Psy-Harmonics. then In 2000 Back To Mad EP came out on their mother ship label - Exogenic.
Check out this funny video of the notorious track - Back To Mad:

in 2001 came their 2nd album Petoman´s Peflett, with some break to have time for the other personalities they released their 3rd album at 2004 Pilluminati Cunt Roll (with a teaser in the form of Paramoncler EP in the year 2003).

Now they have made an attempt to see how many people can actually say Kininigin (try to say it 5 times fast) so they threw an album to go with it...

Texas Faggot special with new album - Kininigin Sunday 18/5 @ 20:00 106fm Tel Aviv, Kol Hacampus.
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Trance Forum » » Forum  Israel - TEXAS FAGGOT - "KININIGIN" partya on HYPNOZA 106fm (TLV) Sunday 18/5 @ 20:00
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