Tetragrammatrance v4.0: Tale of the Ouroboros Sat. July 8th Atlanta GA
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Posted : Jul 11, 2006 14:57
I just wanted to thank everyone that made it out and contributed their energy to this GREAT party!!! I had a wonderful night and the group hug at the end was a wonderful addition to the closing ceremony. Mubali and Wichdokta both brought the sickness. These guys really have great energy and it was an utmost honor and pleasure having them at our event. Touch Samadhi did a great job spacing everyone out in the chill room and I have to thank you guys here for all of your help and support. I hope everyone else had a good night and I'm looking forward to seeing you all again at all or one of the upcoming deerfield trifecta parties.
In divine friendship,
  :idea: “Sometimes you have to lose your mind before you can come to your senses.” – Peaceful Warrior :idea: |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 12, 2006 22:01
m-it brown
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Posted : Jul 15, 2006 00:45
i'm soooo glad i finally got to check out the atl scene. and what a scene indeed! moksa, you and those people are beautiful. thanks! you guys created a nifty little time bubble nestled right downtown. that tickles me. can't wait to see you all again soon.
  If there's one thing I know, it's not to mess with mother nature, motha-love, and motherf^@%ing psytrance! |