Terranoise - Cross - Dimensional Feedback (Urban Antitode Rec)
Demoniac Insomniac
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Posted : Sep 6, 2009 21:47:37
Terranoise - Cross - Dimensional Feedback (Urban Antitode Rec)
This is my first review for a release, so im not much of a profesional and i will review this album in my own way.
1.Long rations
This great album start with this massive intro track...
Evacuate this area immediately, the aliens are here, new sounds technology is going to break our bones on dancing to this album.
This track is a dancefloor killer, 150 bpm and so much energy in it.Terranoise has put a lot of melodic parts in this album,very emotional and unique, the track takes you up in the air, but its not some cheesy stuff its rough and euphoric like all terranoise releases.A lot of unespected moments, breaks, time changes, this is a master piece track, one of my favourite!
The album continue with the second track, again a melodic intro that takes u in the track from the begining, very good structure of rhytm and breaks - longer ones than usual for terranoise, i like the first 3 minutes very much, and from the 4th minutes is the climax and it continues with this energy till the end of the track.
3.Room od answers
The track starts with a mysterious melody, there are a lot of questions to ask, but terranoise choose scientific music for answers, the track is full with hidden answers, time changes, there is some story behind this track, numbers are changing, the track and the whole album start to change, its a psychedelic mind blowing dancefloor killer.
it makes you wonder what next? It's a journey between the micro and macro cosmos.
For sure terranoise has more to say in the next parts of this album.
4.Strange blue crystal
The previous tracks were very light, but this start with a very dark intro...
Massive leads are destroying everything, fire is burning inside when dancing on this one, very tribal also, a lot of good percusions that keeps u dancing for a long time.
This is for sure night track, not too much long breaks like the previous tracks, also not melodic, a lot of unpredictable tracks in this album.
5.Terra Imperium
Machines are starting to communicate, some process is hapening, and its progressing more and more, its start to become complicated, and then the dance begins...
Bombs of information are throwing inside our brain while we dance to this track, also very powerfull, with dark atmospheres, hard core technoogy music.
A little apocaliptic sounds at the end, but not too much paranoid, just enough to makes us wonder, what next.
6.Dream Analysis
This track start again with a melody but very hypnotic, not like the previous ones, It's a journey with our body, we go to a diffrent multi dimensional places, our whole body system is responding to the frequincies, and its becoming more and more rough, and the climax ends at the begining of the 4th minute and you go yo another place, bigger then this, but somethings goes wrong, you feel very apocaliptic, and you hear some voices in your head.
Nothing serious, just some annoying creature, you proceed to dance with no problem
But where do i go now, this track takes too much time to finish, i am part from some process, this track takes me with a passion to the end.
7.Quantom digits
tinu ninu, very psychedelic start, it takes your body completly, and the beat goes on, you wait and wait and wait, but nothing really happens..
Ups wrong you are getting away again in some place at the end of 2 min, weird technology again for sure, you are not on earth for sure this time, but don't worry, there is no reason to be scared.
not too much changes in this track, you are on a secured trip, atleast you are feeling like this, it's like a video game of life...
Stage one - Complete, Stage two - Complete, Stage three - Complete, Hey you won!
8.Phase of matter
where the f**k am i now, some machines are working, and i'm completely alone, sounds are coming from everywhere, they make me paranoid, hey some voice is talking, what the ??? Very Fogadelic my friends....
A new game? Not againnn! Sharp hypnotic leads till the end of the track, very mysteriouns and strange also.
F**k Intro, this starts directly with kick and bass,what a ride, 160 bpm in this track is enough to wake up your spirit in your body, i can fly like a bird in the skyyy, this track takes me too, its crazy, fast, cyberdelic, just like my taste, jumping with my body, very happy track
We are almost finished
But don't be sad terranoise starts this song with a childish song, 170 bpm and the fastest track on this album, buratiiinooo
It takes your last braincell to dance on this track, and the break at 4th minute is awesome.
What an album!
11.5th countdown (Original by electrypnose)
This is the last track on the album,very good one, very psychedelic, i dont know the original to judge for this one, but all in all it sounds cool
All in all very good album from Terranoise, my rate for this album is 8/10 In my taste!
Very good production, ideas, good for the dancefloor, i would like to be more rough in my taste, but maybe then it will loose its magic.
This album will brake your bones from dancing on the dancefloor, i've check it playing in home, i was listening terranoise live at psycrowdelica, and im playing it on my dj sets.
The artwork is not very complex like the classic trance covers, but it represents the music perfectly and its original, max points for the artwork from the album.
You should buy this album if you like music for dancing, its not very dark or horor, and its not too cheesy.
Congratulations to Urban Antitode Records!
For more info:
You can buy the cd here:
  VA - Spiritual Science out now! |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 7, 2009 02:02
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Posted : Sep 9, 2009 22:48
i agree one of the best of 09. Thnx terranoise for bring us a bottle of water in this desert of creativity thnx!!
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Posted : Sep 13, 2009 00:13
Artist: Terranoise
Album: Cross-Dimensional Feedback
Label: Urban Antidote Records
Release date: May 2009
01. Long Ratios
02. Antares
03. Room Of Answers
04. Strange Blue Crystal
05. Terra Imperium
06. Dream Analysis
07. Quantum Digits
08. Phase Of Matter
09. Brainiac
10. Buratino
11. Electrypnose - 5th Countdown (Terranoise Rmx)
I can't really recall how it happened I got interested in this release (must have been one of those "People who bought this, also liked..." advices at, anyway it turned to be one of the most positive surprises so far this year for me.
In my experience I always find that the music that appeals to me the most is the one that combines ingredients of two or more completely opposite or at least not usually connected with each other styles, or flavors. In psychedelic goa trance this has always been the mixture of uplifting melody with hard, full of effects electronic background, for ambient this is a winning combination of real instruments over synthetic soundscapes created in digital world of virtual synthesis. Maxim Galinov, an artists hiding behind the Terranoise moniker, with this 2009 release made another step in that area.
To put it short, majority of the tracks on "Cross-Dimensional Feedback" at first glance sounds awful lot like latest Kindzadza or Arithmetix works: the foundation for all the tracks here is a fast, more or less typical rolling bassline at the speed of 150-170BPM, peppered with hard, grinding array of piercing synth sounds drilling your skull wide open in that measured, highly technical, mathematical geeky style. But luckily Terranoise does not stop there - on top of this already pretty mad stuff he puts an ambient or melodic layers, reminiscent of the epic, cinematic backgrounds we all loved in Talpa's or Principles of Flight's music: we get opera singers, we get real orchestra instruments, we get movie score samples and we get a fair share of electronic sounds, all treated with sonic wizardry of filters, flangers, delays, reverbs and whole range of unimaginable glitchy effects. On paper it might seem that it has already been done by Psykovsky on his last, quite marvelous, album; but this is different - whereas "Da Budet" could be to some extent described as peaceful, this one should definitely be labeled as violent, hard-hitting and furious, although the ambience parts will give you few seconds of rest on the dancefloor. What I really liked about it is that all those elements are combined in such an effortless, natural way - you never have the impression that something is forced or misplaced; it all flows so seamlessly like it was always meant to be that way. You've got to hear tracks like "Antares", "Quantum Digits", "Buratino" (which is named after and samples a theme song from Soviet Union's response to capitalist Pinokio!) or remix to Electrypnose's "5th Countdown" to find out how powerful this style can be. Of course there are average tracks, which rely more or purely on that Kindzadza / Arithmetix style; sometimes heavy repetition of short sequence of sounds can be really grating and I still can't wrap my head around inclusion of - luckily, heavily manipulated - singing in "Brainiac" (apparently nicked from a song by Temptations). But there's no bad track in sight.
The production is adequate: very clear, dynamic and detailed although maybe a bit sterile and plastic because in that particular style I would have loved to hear more dirt or lo-fi sounds to even more underline the contrasting layers. But then that's just me. The digipak's artwork is nice, though probably more suitable to proggy or even downtempo release, but that's again just a very minor gripe.
All in all a very good release, trying succesfuly some new things that should appeal to both full-on and darkpsy crowds.
4/5 |
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Posted : Sep 13, 2009 21:48
Amazing album! ! !
Each track a different color than the other. Writing very beautiful with lots of power and emotion ... Moments very interesting and new to
The dark music !
Have a lot of
Good luck with this album (:
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Posted : Sep 22, 2009 21:17
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Posted : Dec 16, 2009 10:47
just gave this album a listen after realising tht terranoise is comin to london for new years
the only track i heard b4 of his was the one with ankur on extra terrestrial comics which is one of my fave tracks as well.......
this album is perfect i think in terms of dancefloor energy...... nice ups n downs with good squelch repitition to fizz ur brains out....
i like this, looking 4wd to the london installment!!!!!!! |
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Posted : Feb 18, 2010 14:46
Brava terranoise !!!!))))
your productions and live sets are really good with full energy and you're for sure part of the best skilled artists around !!!
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Posted : Aug 20, 2013 11:58