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Terrafractyl - Electronic Evolution


Started Topics :  3
Posts :  10
Posted : Apr 10, 2012 08:08:59
Terrafractyl - Electronic Evolution

Vertigo Records presents:

Terrafractyl - Electronic Evolution

Previews online here:


Artist: Terrafractyl
Title: Electronic Evolution
Label:Vertigo records
Cat. №: VERTIGOCD026
Release Date: March 2012
Style: Morning/Melodic Psytrance
Cover Design: Lewis Smart
Mastering: Felix Greenlees @ Fractal Studio

Track list:

2.vs. Positive Thought - The Power of Your Mind
3.No Matter
4.Electronic Evolution
5.Free Standing Pickles  - The Dreamfields
6.A new level of Reality
7.Cab Calloway – The man from Harlem ( Terrafractyl RMX)
8.Our Eyes can Deceive Us
9.The Cluttered path
11.Inner Peace
12.Everything is Perfect Always

How does one follow up and improve upon perfection? That was the question I had asked myself about Terrafractyls 2nd album for the past few years, wondering just how the psychedelic maestro would warp my mind yet again. No easy task as 2009's "Chrysalis" was a groundbreaking melodic morning album that captured the true spirit and essence of psychedelia in one tidy package.

Was there really room for a positive evolution whilst still keeping that same signature Terrafractyl style?

It seems there most definitely was, as Electronic Evolution takes the original sound, refines it and spits it out in a bubbling, burbling, psychedelic masterpiece of a journey from start to finish.

Track 1 - Precognition

An understated introduction with hints of Chrysalis in its own intro, it takes on a rather precluding tone, hinting at things to come whilst remaining quiet throughout, gradually building as though preparing the mind for the journey at hand..Beautifully placed strings rise in character as a playful piano meanders its way through the mind.. You could call this the settling in track perhaps, or perhaps just the Precognition to something wonderful..

Track 2 - The Power Of Your Mind

This track, a collaboration vs Positive Thought kicks off in what I would call typical Terrafractyl style. An unmistakably funky bassline drives the track along as rhythmic percussive elements fly left and right, at 2:20 or so the piano work starts and things really take off. Absolutely golden melodies floating on top of sweeping psychedelic pads with an analogue tinge that squeezes out latent psychedelic juices. If you aren't grinning or dancing like an idiot by the end of this you aren't alive.

Track 3 - No Matter

Funked Out. That is one of the best ways to describe this track. Perfectly placed samples swirl as incredible atmospheres and melodies are layered on top of a dancefloor destroying bassline. Brain stretching squelches top things off and the great use of samples make this a superb track.

Track 04 - Electronic Evolution

The title track of my album and one of my favourites. Full of life and analogue sounds amidst a rocking baseline. The main melody and squelches at 2:50 or so have me grinning ear to ear the first time I heard it and every time since.. It has everything I love about a Terrafractyl track and even includes a masterfully used Terence McKenna sample. Only makes me love it all the more. An absolutely incredible track.

Track 05 - The Dreamfield

Wow. This track blew my mind when I first heard part of it long ago, but hearing the whole 7 minutes is absolutely incredible. It has an extremely psychedelic almost "Talpa'ish"vibe to it and the drop at 3:25 will surely send the dancefloor into a frenzy…Just..Wow.

Track 06 - A New Level of Reality

Just when you thought it couldn't possibly get any better, it does. This track epitomises everything I could want in an "Electronic Evolution". Absolutely stellar melodies with some of the most mind bendingly psychedelic leads you will ever hear. This is probably the track I have listened to the most and I still can't get enough of it.

Track 07 - The Man From Harlem (Terrafractyl Rmx)

A rather nice short little interlude remix to break up the journey. Wonderful production and suits the mood perfectly, a great little addition that is funky indeed.

Track 08 - Our Eyes Can Deceive Us

Launched back into a bouncy bassline Our Eyes can Deceive us is a solid track that flows along quite nicely until some epic string sections come in around 3:20. Not the most psychedelic or squelchy track on the album but nice all the same.

Track 09 - The Cluttered Path

An absolutely stellar track that spews forth psychedelic bubbles from every orifice. Acidic sounds and analogue styled leads blend with mesmerising orchestral pads to create an absolutely incredible atmosphere and one of the best tracks on the album.

Track 10 - Clarity

A brief musical interlude, perhaps to give you a breather before the last two and possibly best tracks. Talk about saving the best for last. Better catch your breathe fast!

Track 11 - Inner Peace

"What should I do, should I meditate? Should I get rid of all my possessions?" "Are you kiddin!? If anything you should get more possessions! You don't even have a compuuuuuuuuter…" Starting with one of the best and most fitting samples Inner Peace reminds me slightly of an older track Altered Planet in its various melodies and the way the track drives forward. A sudden key change at 3:32 sees a new direction and carries the track towards home while melody on top of melody builds into a wonderful psychedelic cacophony. Phenomenal.

Track 12 - Everything is Perfect Always

This… This track… This is how you do squelchy, funky, jazzy, atmospheric & melodic psytrance in 2012. The absolute best samples I have heard in a track for the longest time, combined with a pristine bassline and melodies that make me want to put it on for people who don't even like psytrance, but just good music in general.

This whole album is like that, sure there are some typical psytrance moments, but for anyone that likes good, inspired, creative and incredibly melodic music this album is a must. This is as far removed from generic non inspired "full on" as you can get, and for that I hope it gets the recognition it deserves. A masterpiece in every sense of the word.


Started Topics :  99
Posts :  958
Posted : Apr 12, 2012 12:09
Nice review and amazing album!
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  55
Posts :  2497
Posted : Dec 11, 2012 18:41
The music is different....nice album. Good melodic sound.           Mushrooms make you do crazy stuff. Look at Mario he jumps on animal heads and fights with dragons.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Terrafractyl - Electronic Evolution
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