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Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - :: Temples of the Moon:: (24-25 June - La Marquesa)
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:: Temples of the Moon:: (24-25 June - La Marquesa)


Started Topics :  2
Posts :  12
Posted : Jun 23, 2006 10:01

:: Temples of the Moon :: [Outdoor Festivcal]

24,25 of June, 2006

_..Live Acts.._

RINKADINK (Alchemy Recs - ZA)
BURN IN NOISE (Vagalume Recs – BR)
DUAL BROHERS(Lithium/Natural – MX)


SHANE GOBI (Alchemy Recs - ZA)
SHOVE (Alchemy Recs - ZA)
MAUROM (Lithium - MX)
FARBO (Lithium - MX)
KEOR (Natural Minds - MX)
NEW DREAMS (Natural Minds - MX)
FARICK (Lithium - MX)

: DECO : by lithium
: VJ : Akira

beging @: 8:00 pm

-Audio by Qfactor powered by D7B Audio Technik
-Regional and Private Security
-Food zone
-Medic service
-Camping zone
-Show by Ismael Trejo



150 del 8 al 21 de mayo
180 del 22 de mayo a el a el 4 de junio
200 del 5 al 23 de junio
more info and map:

life is short...
break some rules

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  98
Posted : Jun 26, 2006 21:03
What happened to the live acts?
Shove/Teen Sluts

Started Topics :  10
Posts :  167
Posted : Jun 27, 2006 02:16
Hi mita! i can talk about the alchemy artist that didnt went to the party.... the situation was this one.. the 15 of june.. .shane gobi arrived to mexico city to take a flight to the states to go to festival.... he spend some days here chilling and partying without he took the flight to usa... and then everything got really wrong... on friday night rinkadink called me... that he didnt took the flight because the airline asked him for a visa for mexico city.... so iwas really surprised because the autorithies never asked for a visa to shane some days before... so thats why never knew about the new law changes for southafrican citizens ... the promotores tried to get a provisional permit to the artist to came... so when shane gobi got back from the states... the situation was the same... this time they migratory officers didnt let him get into the country because of the visa thing!.... so me and the promoters made as much as we could to get out shane from the airport to go to the party and vana to came here... but the tramits of the permit was really out of time... so, the situation was really complicated... because we never imagine that this will happen.. .and less... because shane entered to the country without any problem some days before... it was really really unfortunatly that this thing happened at the last minute... so the promoters are checking now with the autorities to get the visa to the artist and they can enter to mexico again without problems... so.. be patient and wait for the news that the promoters will give to the people... for me it was very sad to see how the autorithies treat the foreigner people in this cases... i never could talked with shane over there.. and didnt knew to much about his situation in the country... but thats new rules in mexico and we have to respect it... even if we dont like it . thats the only thing that i can say about it... the promoters are looking for the best answer for the people get what they deserve.

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  98
Posted : Jun 27, 2006 18:00
Thank you very much Shove, i was wondering what happened and why. Cause I know this producers always accomplish what they say.
So let´s wait for the artists to come again and things will sort out.
The good thing about communication.

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  12
Posted : Jul 23, 2006 15:27
yes the problem is comunication!

i played there and yes i know all about and shove is right thats sad because the place was an amazing place in "la marquesa" (very cold place by the way hehe)... i hope vana and shane can come soon
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  803
Posted : Aug 5, 2006 06:32
nice one shove!!!! grasias           -PaRtYcLeS aLL oVeR tHE WoOdS
Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - :: Temples of the Moon:: (24-25 June - La Marquesa)
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