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techno over trance

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 10, 2009 19:49:59
hello what do you think on how the psychedelic scene ein mexico move out to techno and house scene..

i think must of the crowd in mexico got bored of psytrance. minimal tech and tech house is the new wave, but i think the really cool music is from artists who used to produce progressive or psytrance and now are working on techno stuff.

what do you think ?           www.MYSPACE.COM/EARTHWAVES7

kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 10, 2009 20:26
To start with, when I started listening to any kind of electronic music it was all about techno and detroit techno (T-1000, Sven Vath, Plastikman) this along with chicago house and trance which were barely getting to town with names such as: Hipp-e & Halo Varga, D-Fuse, Tilt and Cass and Slide....

then working on a record shop at the age of 16 got my hands on an album named, TRANCEPORT mixed and compiled by Paul Oakenfold, it appealed to me as something revolutionary and innovative....
His name couldnt be forgotten, then it came to me, A Voyage into trance from Dragon Fly Recs, along with his Album from GU in OSLO and his Perfecto Flouro which already had names on it of what was called GOA trance...

so to think that everyone is going nuts for techno and its branches is not because they got tired of psychedelic trance but merely because is always good to look back and say, hey this is where I came from and will always be on me, not as a trend but as a lifestyle....

my 2 cents...

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 11, 2009 10:11
I think psytrance has bored many people mostly because promoters keep bringing the same acts over and over again.

And then the parties arent nice, a lot of people now realtes psytrance to a outdoor party full of chakas.

That being said I also hate everybody being so trendy in techno, specially in minimal which turns to be so boring at times.

I prefer all generes in one party.

          "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 11, 2009 18:59

On 2009-03-11 10:11, Login wrote:
I think psytrance has bored many people mostly because promoters keep bringing the same acts over and over again.

And then the parties arent nice, a lot of people now realtes psytrance to a outdoor party full of chakas.

here is the deal, a promoter wouldn´t spend his money bringing someone that would not profit off of him, that being said dont see the point of complaining about it anymore....

the answer is pretty obvious, dont you think?

as a matter of fact, we tried last year to do something different by hosting our own festival on which we include artists from all backgrounds and genres and we lost over 7000 dollars and we didn´t complaint, rather we learned our lesson, we did something to change what you dont like, we tried, we lost, didnt even bother to talk shit to the so call trancers that didn´t go to see, Headroom, Odiseo, In Lakech ect etc etc.....
they just didn´t know who they were/are....
had not even heard of them, hadn´t download a track from´em, we knew they´re top notch producers, but they didn´t... no I dont know??

we did it because we felt it was right and enjoyed it, having all kinds of music that we love from Dub Reggae and Dubstep going through minimal and progressive peaking to Psychedelic, we create the environment that we wanted to see, no CHAKAS, no inhalants, no bad vibes AT ALL....

that was worth the loss, absolutely..

so if someone would have told me, bring bizzare contact or skazi at least to break even with entrance, i would have decline it still, and, lost my money happily, as i stick to my guns and did what i feel is real...

now back on topic, trends fly by, dont trip or blame on every single choice that ain´t yours, or we would be seeying CHAKAS being beaten as emos on DF?
who knows?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 11, 2009 23:43
I understand you kin beat, but in Guadalajara is still more difficult than in DF, look at the line ups of Radiance, or the last parties by deliria, and they atracted enough people.

I think that at least here in DF you can mix one good psytrance artist with two progresive lives and stablished djs and some 3000 people wil go.

I dont know why in gdl is so closed, even Ticon cant atract more than 500.

I think that 80% of the public are mostly kids who havenot listen other stuff that full on, and old time trancers dont go to parties anymore in gdl.

And no we wont see chakas beaten, we already see chakas stealing and beating other attendants


          "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 12, 2009 03:30
in the psychedelic scene it WAS great the sense of unity respect,peace,love, etc etc. what i dont like of the techno scene is the glamour and the fake people who use drugs like cocaine , lots of alcohol and doesnt focus on the music. and now in psyscene theres a lot of chakas what a problem!.

it gets nice when the ideology of the psychedelic scence filters into the techno parties , dont you think?

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  339
Posted : Mar 12, 2009 07:04

On 2009-03-11 10:11, Login wrote:
I think psytrance has bored many people mostly because promoters keep bringing the same acts over and over again.

That it might be one of the reasons, other reason comes from the productions of the artists, many of them prefer to produce quantities over quality leads, nowadays it is very easy to enter the scene, due to the standardization of music, there are very few artists who stand out musically on others, minimal and techno offer more diversity of sounds and allow to the producer exteriorize more music paths and backgrounds.

I particularly remember to P-Woland or Digby & Oliver, at the 90's producing minimal with a pinch of psychedelic, it was great music, nowadays that doesn't exist anymore, now there is only Zenon Records I guess... also if you have 8 years or so you and your music tastes grown up, maybe you become more sharp or selective, trying to find new things or horizons and that is what happened with a lot of artists that belongs to the psytrance scene producing actually minimal or techno music.

There is a lot to dig into the minimal and techno scene....
          Michael Jackson "Some people prefer to take life as it is without complications, some others we like to take life from the cornice of the wildest jungle"
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 12, 2009 08:39

On 2009-03-12 03:30, jorge wrote:
in the psychedelic scene it WAS great the sense of unity respect,peace,love, etc etc. what i dont like of the techno scene is the glamour and the fake people who use drugs like cocaine , lots of alcohol and doesnt focus on the music. and now in psyscene theres a lot of chakas what a problem!.

it gets nice when the ideology of the psychedelic scence filters into the techno parties , dont you think?

agreee on that, techno lacks the vibe of psy best days.

          "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  271
Posted : Mar 13, 2009 04:42
fake psytrancers turns in minimal techno people, that means, people in Mexico dont want unity respect or focus in music, they want a space to socialize, meet girls, be recognized by other people
Brain Hacked
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 13, 2009 17:47
I thin its ok to diversify, as humans we keep evolving or moving, u cannot be on the same place all ur life.

I dont undestand why people wants to compare psytrance with other genres, of course techno lacks the psytrance vibe...its another genre!!!! like house is. I agree some people may take it as a fashion or that nowadays its cool to listen to tech house or minimal, but again these kind of people comes and goes.

From the production point of view i find myself a lot of freedom with other genres or lower bpm's than with psytrance, with psytrance i felt like if i was stucked with a formula, bass sounds are the same, leads are the same etc...but this is my personal feeling.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  18
Posts :  50
Posted : Mar 13, 2009 22:41

On 2009-03-13 04:42, lord_bhairava wrote:
fake psytrancers turns in minimal techno people, that means, people in Mexico dont want unity respect or focus in music, they want a space to socialize, meet girls, be recognized by other people



Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - techno over trance
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