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Talpa - When the somberness becomes a game -=- Sundance Records

IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Nov 4, 2008 07:16:35
My review:

Talpa - When the somberness becomes a game
Sundance Records

Track list:
1 - Moronic evil rmx – 144 bpm
2 - When the somberness becomes a game – 144 bpm
3 - Awakening – 144 bpm
4 - I feel nothing – 144 bpm
5 - The world without me – 144 bpm
6 - No choice – 146 bpm
7 - Little pink elephants – 144 bpm
8 - Good city – 138 bpm
9 - Still dreaming – 101 bpm
10 - Lullaby for Ms Ivon
11 - Frock – 144 bpm

Goran Juric needs no introduction to our scene, since 2002 when his two first tracks were released the reviewers were already convinced that on his home label, Sundance Records, had discovered a new talent. Two years later, the release of his world famous debut album “The Art of Being Non” just confirmed what everyone else already known, and the 10+ pages long reviews here on Isratrance corroborate that his debut is a classic. Now this Serbian is back with one of the most anticipated albums in the last few years, and it seems it was worth waiting.

In this second album Talpa presents diversified, original and effective full on, which is exactly what the full on scene needed: someone who understands what he is doing, develops his own sounds and presents his new ideas to the world. For sure this is one of the best full on releases of 2008, the others being the U-Recken, Human Blue and OOOD albums. Unfortunately, there is also bad news, and it seems this is the last attempt of Talpa at this genre, he is now working on other styles, according to himself: freestyle/downtempo/ambient and electro/minimal/progg, more comercial stuff.

Most tracks here float around 144 bpm, and I dare to say that they’re very dance floor friendly. I’ll make a short sample by sample review, I’m sure a lot of reviews are coming this way...

The album kicks off with Moronic Evil rmx. The sample is from Salem's Lot:
"- What do you think ...
- The unholy spirit. Dull, mindless, moronic evil..."
Just crazy and very danceable! Exceptional starter.

When the somberness becomes a game (T2) is the track that named the album, and starts with samples from the movie The Ring:
“- We don't have enough time.
- Oh, honey, I know I've been working a lot and I'm sorry, but I promise you, I'm going to make it up to you.
- I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about time before we die.
- You have lots of time.
- So, you know when I'm going to die?
- No. No one does.”
It is crazy track that mix a groovy bass with melodic arpeggios and sometimes a mysterious atmosphere. Awesome.

Awakening (T3). Sample:
“There is no place like home.”
Awesome break around 5:00. Very good track!

I feel nothing (T4) makes me feel a lot of things, including a irresistible need to dance. Sample: "I feel nothing..."

The world without me (T5) is right now my favorite track. Hyper melodic and full of mind tricks, this track evolves in a surprising way, and presents a bassline I never expected from Talpa... Surprisingly impressive.
Ohh, almost forgot to mention that the samples are backwards, if you listen to it backwards you’ll hear in the beginning of the track the following dialog:
"- What's that? What do you know?
- I know that you’re about to have a heart attack."

No choice (T6) is one of the craziest here . Samples from the movie Immortel (ad vitam).
“- You believe in God?
- I don't even have that to fall back on.
- I suggest you believe in me.
- Do I have a choice?
- I'm afraid not.”

Little pink elephants (T7) starts with a maniac like melody, evolving in a happy way with voice like sounds, funky bass and uncanny atmospheres. It got even a break with guitars and handclaps before the bass comes back in a more pounding way. Of course, later it goes funkier again. Shockingly Splendid!

Good city (T8). Samples seem to be from a game named Caesar III.
“Things seem to be working well.
This is a good city, people like living here.”

Still dreaming (T9) is the low speed track here. After the beautiful, peaceful start we got a pounding beat. Very atmospheric and psychedelic, love the feeling this one brings to me.

Lullaby for Ms Ivon (T10) probably has a connection with the Miss Ivon track, released on the Fabula Records compilation Ultrapop 2, but I could not find it. Anyways, this beatless beauty is the perfect track to officially close the album.

Which leaves us with Frock, a bonus track with the taste of “real music”, while retaining the psychedelic feelings.

The artwork designed by is also very impressive, spotting right on the album concept. Check it here:

Definitely recommended for all full on fans, and everyone else who need proof that this genre can be really psychedelic.
This instant classic is already delivering smiles and earthquakes in the dance floors all around the world. It was worth waiting 4 years, thanks for releasing such good music.

Listen to the samples and get it here:

...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell...
Vlip Psyde

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  87
Posted : Nov 4, 2008 14:28
Doh, I was writing a review but something went wrong and I lost most of the stuff.

But in conclusion I can say:

If you like goblins, goblin orchestras on speed, cyborg cats, twisting around in eerie dimensions, etc, and a wide variety of synths and melodies playing tricks on you, and some good percussion/drums and nice sound effects backing it up all the way, and then this album is for you!:D


Favorites: ALL! (except 2 maybe, that's my leat favorite track)
The Farting Parrot
Double R.E.L / R.E.L

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Posts :  183
Posted : Nov 4, 2008 14:45
brilliant stuff here !!!!!!!!!!
talpa always delivers us AMAZING music
trully enjoying this album as followed by his first one.

Great stuff keep this going on i find it hard to believe that i will get tired of it.
Adios !           R.E.L Space Case EP !
Double R.E.L ceREaL KiLLeRZ / U Name iT !
Rattamahata with fluoro-stick

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  342
Posted : Nov 4, 2008 15:10
brilliant album, reminds me kino oko and Luomohappu. Anyway, one more time brilliant stuff, keep up Goran            C20H25N3O

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Posts :  1406
Posted : Nov 5, 2008 11:02
this album is just a masterpiece!..Talpa is a BIG creator! all the tracks..especialy:The World Without Me(what a beautifull bassline),Still Dreaming(awesome melancholic melody)..Talpa we will miss u!

Started Topics :  58
Posts :  531
Posted : Nov 5, 2008 11:54
^^ same favourites here the world without me is just amazing with those crazy pianos and orchestral sounds... talpa rules 
Adapted Records
Adapted Records

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Posted : Nov 6, 2008 10:53
best psy cd of the year in my books!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 6, 2008 19:16
very good album,though i liked the 1st one alot more than this.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 7, 2008 14:09
this album is anything but good

1st big impression was ummm this sounds very much like 1st procs album (ideas, concepts, loony stuff and elements) and procs/luomuhappo/suomi in general only it has a different approach... (a cheap one)

i guess someone has been overinfluenced with scando/suomi this is to be influenced, but trying to copy it

another one bites the dust

Vlip Psyde

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  87
Posted : Nov 7, 2008 15:46
I don't think he was overinfluenced with suomi sounds and I certainly don't think that he tried to copy it.

I do hear still hear some old infected influences and some full-on influences too, even some wizzy noise influence in track 8 (reminds me of the sabotage track :-P). There's also some procs influences, but I despite all these influences I can clearly distinguish Talpa's own sound. The album is like his first; songs like Trust No Goblin and People Are Animals would fit onto this album. His style has not changed that much, and this first album was out in 2004.. Procs was out in 2005, Luomuhappo was out also in 2004.. So if you think he's trying to copy it, think again.. Don't get me wrong, I do agree his style has changed a bit and yes I do agree that there are some scando/suomi influences.

But IMO Talpa's melodies are very different, the sounds and synths used are also different, the sound in general is less techno-like, it's funkier, groovier, it's less abstract and more 'full-on' than most of the suomi stuff. It just sounds quite different to me. But that's just my opinion.

And I don't understand how you can call this a cheap approach? Apart from the distinguishable Talpa style, this sounds like it's much better produced and mastered (in terms of sounds) then the things you compare it with. Try playing it loud in your CD player
If you mean 'cheap' as in that you think he could have done a lot better and this is rubbish compared to other stuff.. Well, then point me towards some less-cheap stuff. I feel like most full-on coming out is rather 'cheap' in that sense, but this album isn't.

And apart from that, even if you feel he's trying to copy stuff... If you like the other stuff, how can you call this album 'anything but good?'..
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  17
Posts :  353
Posted : Nov 7, 2008 18:09

His style has not changed that much, and this first album was out in 2004.. Procs was out in 2005, Luomuhappo was out also in 2004.. So if you think he's trying to copy it, think again..

yeah but both Procs and Luomuhappo have releases prior to that so...

But IMO Talpa's melodies are very different, the sounds and synths used are also different.

can't deny that, if it weren't ummmm would be a whole lot worse. thats what i mean't with a different approach..."his" sounds and synth the rest just to similar and heard to the stated above (therefore cheap)

this sounds like it's much better produced and mastered (in terms of sounds) then the things you compare it with.

its never a question of mastering and production quiality, more a question of what the actuall sound IS and feels like. music is an expression/form/emotion call it what u want, it not engineering and technicality...just an example take psykovsky - debut horrible mastering yet musically wonderfull

And apart from that, even if you feel he's trying to copy stuff... If you like the other stuff, how can you call this album 'anything but good?'..

because of it actually...tells me alot about the artist, and fells fake hearing it cause it's not what it is...or in this casae wants to be...this isn't the 1st release to have a similar situation
IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  279
Posts :  5475
Posted : Nov 7, 2008 20:10
I'm sorry Funky, but I've been listening to Procs and Luomuhappo for a long time and Talpa has a different approach, which IMO is also different from Suomi. Judging by your review of the last Procs album, it seems you like it a lot, and that you have enough criticism to speak your thoughts.

However, your considerations do not change the scenario IMHO, which is that this Talpa album is excellent when compared with other 2008 releases. Also IMO this album is very different than The Lonely Land Of Tada (which I really enjoy) and also than Procs debut, the greatest differences being the approach of the melodies, it sounds cleaner and the production seem to be better in my ears.

Of course, different people will have different opinions, but suggesting it is a copy is a step too far.
A final recommendation, play an original Talpa CD loud in a real sound system.
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell...
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  17
Posts :  353
Posted : Nov 7, 2008 20:52

On 2008-11-07 20:10, full_on wrote:
I'm sorry Funky, but I've been listening to Procs and Luomuhappo for a long time and Talpa has a different approach, which IMO is also different from Suomi. Judging by your review of the last Procs album, it seems you like it a lot, and that you have enough criticism to speak your thoughts.

i guess i had it coming more time, yes talpa HAS a different approach and thats the only thing that makes this album appealing to ppl i guess...btw i wasn't refering to The Lonely Land Of Tada, but Overtures From The Oven cause the similarity in the concept and certain approach to musical expression is alike. it's not about the melodies (they are the tapla touch in this album), but more about the flow, arrangement, timing of the sounds...being like that makes is bad/weak, "i guess someone has been overinfluenced with scando/suomi this is to be influenced, but trying to copy it "...anyway the point is that thoughts occur when u (I) listen to the album, and it's not just me a majority of ppl i know say the same thing. they may not react like me, but they hear the obvious.

Of course, different people will have different opinions, but suggesting it is a copy is a step too far.
A final recommendation, play an original Talpa CD loud in a real sound system.

a step im wiling to take ok say it's not a copy, then the least a wannabe...

anyway ill even take the recomendation, althou somehow i doubt it will be convincing, since the first impressions are crutial and well hardly wrong
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  315
Posts :  2709
Posted : Nov 8, 2008 00:11
not big fan of this style {this style remind me old psytrance albums of the 90's}

BUT the chill trax are amazing..
this guy has a talent for sure..

keep uP           ..."Be yourself, let your conscience guide you...
Follow your heart, not the people around you"

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  22
Posted : Nov 8, 2008 15:18
I've been a fan of Talpa ever since I heard his debut album. And finally his second album is here, and here is a track by track review by me.

Artist: Talpa
Album: When Somberness Becomes A Game
Label: Sundance Records
Catalog: SUNDCD037
Release date: 31.10.2008
Format: CD


1. Moronic evil rmx
2. When the somberness becomes a game
3. Awakening
4. I feel nothing
5. The world without me
6. No choice
7. Little pink elephants
8. Good city
9. Still dreaming
10. Lullaby for ms ivon
11. Frock

1.Moronic evil remix- Starts out with alot of creepy and dreamy sound FX. Almost like being in a nightmare. This track is outstanding, the title describes the track pretty good. It's a evil feeling, but evil in the vein of halloween, bats, skelletons, zombies, vampires etc. Pretty childish, funky and fun. Awesome track. 5/5

2.When the somberness becomes a game- Wow! This track left me speechless. From the amazing intro to the jazzy piano driven madness that is this track! This track is so special, the one word that comes to mind is: innovation. It's original and unlike anything that I've ever heard. This is psytrance mixxed with funk, jazz and classical music. Absolutely stunning. 5/5

3. Awakening- Talpa really has some intriguing intro's. Like the previous tracks we get a fair share of weird vocal samples and details. Again, tell me any artist that sounds like this? Talpa really has created a new sound for himself. This track has alot of psychedelia, and it kinda reminds me of the feeling you get from old IM. But you can't compare Talpa to IM anymore, because they are in to different genres (Talpa= psytrance, Infected= trance rock). IM could never, and I mean never make a track like this anymore. This track should be in every lover of real psytrance top 10 of the year. 4.5/5

4. I feel nothing- Not my favourite on the album, but you got to give credits just to the sheer production talent thig guy has. It's not a song I would recomend if you go on a acid trip or mushroom trip, because it's downright scary! It's not like darkpsy (which I can't stand), but more like a horror movie. The bassline here is super phat, and the feeling is verry psychedelic. 4/ 5

5. The world without me- This track is so filled with emotion, and after I heard it I was stunned. To describe this track with words is really hard, you almost have to hear this for yourself. The melodies, programming, samples. I got shivers all over my body when I heard it. It's imaginative and downright beautifull. The production is handeled with great care. Lovely piano samples and bleeps swing through the track. Also here we get a great string segment and tight percussions. Fantastic! 5/5

6. No choice- Haha, what a lovely intro! Maybe the best intro on the album, even though it's short. Here we get to dance around with the devil. A funky, childish, and phat track. It's super kick ass song with alot of attitude. Also the synth work here is oustanding. 4.5/5

7. Little pink elephants- There are parts here I really like, and parts that I don't like as much. The funky parts here is really good, but IMO this is the weakest track on the album. Still good though. 3/ 5

8. Good city- This song is sheer fun. It's like being in a carnival or something. A nice break from the more uptempo songs. Verry unexpecting and refreshing track. Like the rest of the album this is funky stuff, with a kinky sort of vibe. Lovely strings at the end on this one. 4/5

9. Still dreaming- This track is a pure masterpiece. A slow tempo dreamy jewel, that has some influences of Simon Posford. Talpa, if you're reading this: YOU HAVE TO DO A DOWNTEMPO PROJECT! It's a guitar driven track, with a super carefull produced beat, great sound FX and dynamics. This is pure emotion and one of the best songs I've heard in a long time. It's melancholic, epic, detailed and polished. This is my second favourite on the album. Just close your eyes and let your imagination run wild with this one. 5/5

10. Lullaby for Ms. Ivon- Another dreamy slow tempo track. Talpa proves with this one and the previous song that he masters chillout tracks aswell as psytrance with a high BPM. This is fairytale music. There are no drums in the track, but that is not needed either. It's a lovely lullaby that should warm everyone. 5/5

11. Frock- Another jazzy, in your face song that closes the album in a great way. It's a summary of all the things we have heard in the album: jazz, funk, psytrance and classical. The piano work here reminds me of a old western saloon, swingy and super fun! I really like the reversed orchestra work in this track. As always the production skills is extraordinary. 4.5/5

Summary: This is one of the best albums I've hard in recent years. With music it's not often you witness true innovation. The last time I witnessed it was two years ago when Trentemøller released his debut. But this album is really something else.
It's animatic, scary, funky, funny, emotional and EXTREMELY well produced. Talpa must have used a shitload of time on each track, as you will hear for yourself. The album grabs you by the neck and takes you on a rollercoster music ride. In his first album (the art of being non) Talpa was critized of sounding like Infected Mushroom... Nobody can say that anymore. This album sounds totally unique, refreshing and is the best album of 2008 IMO!

Verdict: 4.5/ 5
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Talpa - When the somberness becomes a game -=- Sundance Records

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