Talamasca - Back to Bach EP - Mind Control Records
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jan 4, 2011 11:02:39
1. Back to Bach
2. Epic Transition
3. Back to the Future Remix (vs. Spacecat)
If one looks at Talamasca`s output over the years one thing immediately becomes clear: The man has never met a riff in his life that was too big, never seen a hook that was too outrageous and certainly never encountered a melody that was too over-the-top for him. From the uplifting power of "Time Simulation", to the Buttrock Goa of "Aries" and finally to the cooperation with He Who Must Not Be Named "Imaginary Friend", they are all evidence to the fact that if Talamasca were born 15 years earlier, he would have played in a hair metal band and looked something like that blond guy second on the left:
And now, he has managed to outdo himself and has delivered his ultimate statement in the field of hair-goa: Back to Bach!
(Warning: If you are too cool for school, go away and tell someone else how cheesy and commercial Back to Bach is and how another one of old-timers has sold out and how you are so cool that if you fart, the person behind you gets pneumonia and bla bla bla...)
If I should describe Back to Bach in a short mathematical formula it would problably look like this:
Your Grandpa`s old Bach records + 10 hits of extasy + a rolling bassline + no sense of decency and good taste whatsoever = The best hands in the air melodic piece of music I have heard in a very long time
And why does it work? Because Talamasca actually does a great job arranging the complex melodic structure for psytrance purposes and beautifully builds the entire track towards the final explosive peak. Now, I`m certainly no expert at music theory, but the way the melody and harmonies evolve are unlike anything I have ever heard in trance music, and that is exactly why Back to Bach gets away with its ridiculous over-the-topness and never falls into the cheesy trap, at least in my ears. (Ok, I lied, it is cheesy, BUT I LIKE IT!)
The other tracks are not as good IMHO, particularly because I usually don`t listen to full-on and fast psytrance at all. However, Epic Transition certainly has its charms in an, you guessed it, epic kind of way, but the winner on here certainly is Back to Bach.
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Posted : Jan 5, 2011 01:17
all the best
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Posted : Jan 5, 2011 06:12
Only heard Back to Bach yet and it is indeed a musical masterpiece. Genres aside everyone should admit that. A bit 'cheesy' maybe? Yes, but people tend to forget that trance was born out of 'cheese' and people like Talamasca. And up to this day, and i've been to parties for more than 15 years, i do not see the same happiness and positive energy as in the days of Goa. And Back to Bach, while not exactly a pure goa song, is a fine example of shiny-happy trance music that reminds me of goa days.
Congratulations Talamasca! Watched your live 2 weeks ago in my hometown Porto and Back to Bach was the climax no doubt where me and my friends were smiling and dancing and that sir, is unforgetable.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 5, 2011 08:59
hehehe... good review. will check it. Though its probably over the top for me.
i like the bold guy in the video- vibrating
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jan 5, 2011 22:02
ill be the first to say i absolutely despise this kind of trance, but i must say that this track (video posted above) in its timing was pretty much incredible when it was played - i actually danced my ass off to this track when the heavy rain over the ozora dancefloor had stopped, and this track was the last of his set and it was pure ecstasy and a feeling of victory, that we had overcome the heavy rain and everything is gonna be happy joyful and shiny
i guess that listening to this track in any other day on any other setting would make me simply puke, but at the time it was played, it was nothing short of genius
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Jan 6, 2011 03:26
The people at the party seem to be happy. The question is: would they be happy if any other good/better track was played?
No doubt Cedric is a legend within his style, being one of the artists that were copied and pasted all over the full on scene, particularly after the success of Musica Divinorum (Spiral Trax) and the countless hits and collaborations that followed.
However, I'd play Time Simulation over this track any day in the week, and as a matter of fact I still play it in my sets every now and then.
But still, this is only my personal preference, and today's dance floors are crazy to predict. He is over there playing, he is supposed to know what's expected from him, and it looks like in this case he delivered it.
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell...
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Posted : Jan 8, 2011 01:56
File under: Guilty Pleasure. I'd never listen to this more seriously than I listen to my Judas Priest records.
The strength of Talamasca's music, however, lies in the fact that he does not seem to want to make his music sound more than what it actually is. In contrary to most cheesy Full-On out there, this tune is honestly cheesy in a nonchalant way, without pretending to be ultra-deep and mind-bending. Just like Hair Metal indeed.
Anakoluth A Pebble in Your Eardrum's Shoe since 2001!
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Mike A
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Posted : Jan 9, 2011 00:57
On 2011-01-04 11:02:39, aje wrote:
and finally to the cooperation with He Who Must Not Be Named "Imaginary Friend"
Actually that track is my favorite Talamasca ever
Fat Data
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Posted : Jan 9, 2011 14:02
That vid sounds fluffier than army of lovers.
Peace, Love, Death metal
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Posted : Jan 10, 2011 19:20
Going to check this one after seeing Talamasca live again in Porto a couple of weeks ago.
I'm a great fan of early Talamasca, being "Time Simulation" for me one of the greatest trance tracks ever made (chills right now imagining the main melody).
I'm not so keen on his last works, but I can sure put always a smile in my face Sérgio Xamanist
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Feb 1, 2011 14:20
Addictive Elements
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 5, 2011 16:42
Def not on par nd nowhere near good....cheese is good.....but ders no excuse for low quality cheese....
----- Hippies...they wanna save the earth....but all they ever do is smoke pot ----
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod
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Posted : Feb 5, 2011 21:27
On 2011-02-01 14:20, aden wrote:
I can't wait to hear his treatment of...Webern