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Tai Chi / Paneurhythmy / Spiritual Dance Groups

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Jan 30, 2011 23:26:56
hi there,
i am wondering how many of you practise some kind of spiritual dancing/movements in groups and what is generally the level of acceptance in the trance scene.

i started with tai chi some time ago and was immediately fascinated by this kind of spiritual practice, because it has an extremely good therapeutic value for a stressed physical and mental body. and it feels good if it is done in a group , in a circle, in synchronisation with lots of was a totally new experience for me, because i was really used to ( or even addicted to) dancing on trance, chaotically, individually, like a small frequency in the symphony of life, that cannot synchronise to all others and starts to follow only a trip on its own. tai chi taught me to be careful about every movement i make ,and to move very slowly and consciously . and mostly how to move with a group. still learning the dynamics.

An Explanation of the Spiritual and Martial in Tai Chi:

The spiritual is the essence, the martial is the application. Spiritual development in the realm of martial arts is applied through the ching (metabolic energy), ch'i (breath energy) and shen (spiritual energy) - the practise of physical culture. When the martial is matched with the spiritual and it is experienced in the body and mind, this then is the practise of martial arts. With the spiritual and martial we must speak of "firing time," for their development unfolds according to the proper sequence. This is the root of physical culture. Therefore, the practise of the martial arts in a spiritual way is soft-style exercise, the sinew power of ching, ch'i and shen. When the martial arts are practical in an exclusively martial way, this is hard style, or simply brute force. The spiritual without martial training is essence without application; the martial without spiritual accompaniment is application without essence. A lone pole cannot stand, a single palm cannot clap. This is not only true of physical culture and martial arts, but all things are subject to this principle. The spiritual is internal principle; the martial is external skill. External skill without internal principle is simply physical ferocity. This is a far cry from the original nature of the art, and by bullying an opponent one eventually invites disaster. To understand the internal principles without the external skill is simply an armchair art. Without knowing the applications, one will be lost in an actual confrontation. When it comes to applying this art, one cannot afford to ignore the significance of the two words: spiritual and martial.

now, i was wondering, do others do this as well or is it still kind of not "in" at trance parties for you?

another method of a circle dance coming from europe is the paneurhythmy which i am also practicing with a group. i am generally giving a lot of effort on the idea that everyone should firstly use the spiritual practies of his own ancestors and that is why paneurhythmy has a big archetypal influence on my mind.

i am wondering how adaptable would it be to trance music.
whereever i go, i still miss trance in my daily life, after i decided that i quit going to parties. may be a middle way is possible.

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  65
Posts :  1707
Posted : Feb 11, 2011 16:58
A few years back I practiced Qigong, which I found more deeper than Tai Chi, specially the traditional form (seven lottos or something like that) which was very good for a "moving meditation".

Since I enjoyed it more while at complete silence I coouldnt think of my self dancing that at a party.

Some times at home I put some trance music, close my eyes and dance till I sweat and loose time perception, I have intended that at parties but must music played at parties doesnt work for it.           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  24
Posts :  283
Posted : Feb 20, 2011 19:05
The other day was contemplating starting Dance-Chi...

This is based on a few ideas:

Its possible to check Chi level, by placing hands together and feeling the energy between the fingers. Then by moving the hands apart and feeling the energy, it brings the Chi into a way to observe it externally. This is used in energy healing and by training this, it focuses the Chi within a person.

Tai Chi is the art of moving in a way that can use the Chi, as a force and by circulating it around the body, we readjust our alignment. Many people do the motions, yet not the energy, which is capable of striking objects without touching them.

My mum mentioned dance therapy; where its like people readjusting there chakras when dancing, by moving the spine in a way that promotes alignment.

There are certain dance moves that seem like Shiva's dance, where some wield energy on the dance floor. This energy can be manifested within parties; where some people are aware and can even manipulate others, by adjusting the energy field of the party.

So what if dance moves were taught in the correct fashion, where energy is passed around the body, like Tai Chi; yet in dance form, thus encouraging people to do so in any environment. 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Jun 11, 2011 12:43
first of all thanks for reply, and sorry for not responding so long. i had completely forgotten about the topic i opened.

in the meanwhile i am getting more and more obsessed by the idea that every mystical tradition on earth had some kind of particularly defined rhythmic cosmic dance, which was taught by the elders to the younger in order to connect to the conscious nature through movement.

dance is both science and art, and a spiritual practise with the deepest complexity, which helps us unite with the conscious surrounding nature. dance is like a systematic science of how to move in order to achieve a particular effect, the more conscious it is done, the more it helps us to control and focus the energy within our body.

i left tai chi, because i somehow felt like a warrior in an army with the time, but may be i should do another try with another teacher. i am not that easy with teachers. also it was very much like a mechanically done exercise without conscious sound or at least words and without an idea of what is done exactly , except a war and a defense within our ownself. and it was not revitalizing me, but it can be also just because of this very small chinese teacher who was getting moniroty complex in front of my height:). anyway it bored me with the time, because we moved on too slowly with the learning in the group.

but paneurhythmy is very interesting to me, because there is so much philosophy behind it to read and to comprehend, before you begin with the excercises....and every movement is like a step by step towards transcending the polarity of mind. it is still my way to practise dance since i stopped going to trance festivals for a while, which turned to a whole eternity. i feel very materialistic if i go to a trance party to have a sacred dance ( to revitalize body and mind). why, because i am starred at, am seen as three dimensions of physical matrix coordinates. i am stuck into my body more than ever. so i dont do it. but i still miss it and hope to soon have the possibility to go out again.

yes, i am sure there are practices taught at the festivals, at least festivals like boom and the bigger ones. i have seen photos, but i havent done any, because i would feel even more stared at, and secondly , i have other priorities in life about my financial needs than to give so much money to travel there and pay for three days of dance course. i believe sacred dance is one of the things that should be taught for free to those who have the initiative to move on spiritually. generally i think any spiritual practise should be taught for free to anyone, as far as this anyone is ready. but not the money should be the entrance barrier.

on sundays i am going to greet the sun very early in the morning, in one of the few green places in the big metropolitan, and then there is dance ( i am still learning, but it gives me the feeling to at least move on and evolve, rather than stomp on the same place like on trance festivals). then there is a talk about philosophy. i like these meetings because they are some of the few things that give me the feeling to belong to a community of people interested in spiritual evolution. on trance i dont feel that way any more.

but to be honest. i have had some bad karma because of my attempts to be friend with the dark forces. another too long topic to go into detail. i need to "make it up" with the forces of light so this white brotherhood thing is exactly what i need right now on that level.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Spirituality - Tai Chi / Paneurhythmy / Spiritual Dance Groups
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