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Synergic - Liquid Depth


Started Topics :  2
Posts :  10
Posted : Nov 13, 2011 20:01:55
Artists: Synergic
Album: Liquid Depth
Label: Space Baby Records

Welcome to this review,
I love to really dive deep into the huge sea of psychedelic trance and to see what’s out there. More and more releases are being released and Good Music is like Bad Music,they both enter my world in swarms. When I’m searching into the depths of records stores, social networking oases and digital reefs I’m sometimes hugely disappointed and on other times utterly surprised by magnificent works. Such a day started when I somehow stumbled upon Synergic with their 5 track containing release ‘One Mystery Left’. I was pretty amazed by this release.... This music was fresh! And recently these guys released the first album for this project: Liquid Depth.

There’s a few kinds of excellent producers. One kind makes technically advanced and well balanced music, but they just follow what’s hot right now. Sometimes these producers make truly beautiful music, but many times I’m hugely disappointed by this lack of effort to express themselves in original ways.
There’s also another kind of producers, who seek to make their own way into the musical bush bush. When this music get’s to a certain level and when it fits my taste I get really excited, because this is what makes music truly beautiful. This is what makes me go wild! (actually there are of course many more kinds of producers ;-)

Let’s start where it starts. Never judge a book by it’s cover, but this is a physical CD so let’s take a look at the cover. There’s some strange tentacle like stripes which somehow suggests something mysterious. And there’s also a jellyfish. It’s nothing special and the printing quality isn’t really good. I’m happy I don’t have to judge this book by the cover.

Liquid Depth is an underwater story containing 9 tracks. As a whole this piece of music gives me the feeling of waves floating gently in and out of reality. As it goes with waves some reach higher and some reach deeper, but all reach into your mind.

01 - Liquid Depth (7:49)
02 - Ich mag das (7:32)
03 - Delusion Red (7:11)
04 - Nice Interfering Noise (6:34)
05 - Ujulala (6:19)
06 - There is Nothing Wrong (8:48)
07 - The Secret (7:35)
08 - The Other Side (6:55)
09 - It Is All One (8:52)

The first track ‘Liquid Depth’ set’s the mark. This is psychedelic all over. These German producers don’t hide their intentions under the bench or the kitchen table. Accompanied by digitalized seagull skrieks stirring lifeforms move across the surface in harmonious patterns of sound. This first track already brings me in a pretty comfortable daydreaming state. It’s like a good hypnotic induction that takes you ‘down under’ even before you know it. This track is top class and has a fresh flavour to it. -01-

The second track ‘Ich mag das’ moves on and the basslines and soundscapes accompanying it deliver a slightly more energetic experience. These bass-lines are pretty original, as in many tracks of Synergic. But don’t be fooled by it’s appearance, this one is a mastertrancer. With atmospheres drifting just below the surface my attention drifts away into unexplored depths. I like this one. Makes me feel pretty good. -02-

‘Delusion Red’ Track number three enters with some nice water drums. Reminds me of an old Union Jack chillout track. But then a huge wave of energy drenches the room soaken wet. Again these playful basslines and joyfull soundscapes totally do the job. This one is a more melodic one and brings an unique atmosphere that makes me comfortably insane. Definitely the best track on this album and I really like the positive emotions vibrating from around the corner -03-

Then the tide turns. However, starting pretty jumpy and fumbling, this fourth track takes down the energy level. There’s even some little signs of repetition I become aware off. The first few times I listened this one I sensed a faint sign of boredom when it was halfway. But after hearing it a few more times I’m starting to like it way more. ‘Nice Interfering Noise’. As the first three tracks are just perfect as they are, this one is still good, but a bit less interesting. -04-

Ujulala is a trancer, again, but this time one that just doesn’t stand out in my humble opinion. This track just isn’t of the same level as the first three. Nowhere near. It isn’t bad either, but after hearing these gorgeous tracks at the beginning and some of the tracks later on, this one could be done better. But as it is in liquid depths, the underwatercurrents move on and they bring us to the next track. -05-

We’re getting into deeper waters with ‘There Is Nothing Wrong’. This one has some funky tune like elements jumping around very dreamy atmospheres. Nice glitches and noises decorate the experience. Did I already mention these guys know how to do the storytelling thing very very well. -06-

Then there’s a little bit more aggressive tune,’The Secret’. Not aggressive, but yes, more aggressive. It’s again the bassline that set’s the atmosphere very strongly. As I do really love the power in this bassline, this track could be moved to even an higher level if there’s just a little bit of X added. Whatever X may be can the Synergic guys decide best. This track also expresses a gentle melancholic feeling. These gentle trance waves and gliding atmospheres are a trademark for this album and they knit the story together without making it boring. -07-

Let’s move on to ‘The Other Side’. This track brings me back to the feeling of track 4 ‘Nice interfering Noise’. The same kinds of sounds are moving around in a slightly different way. A nice track, but this one just doesn’t hit the ‘special’ spot. -08-

This dreamy underwater experience finishes with ‘It Is All One’. This track brings a slower feeling of movement. Beautiful melodies splash carefully arranged on the coast, the whole thingis covered again in ‘that damn good dreamy atmosphere’. Sounds fade. The story is over. -09-

This album offers a pretty interesting and unique story. It fits in my reference for psychedelic quite nice... The sound quality is good, but it’s not top notch. Everything sounds well enough and it gracefully delivers this ‘peaceful mind altering intent’ that’s radiating through every sound and every track. The albums starts with 3 awesome tracks and after that the awesomeness isn’t that consistent. My personal favourite is ‘Delusion Red’ which stands out in energy, emotion and intensity. After the very great start some tracks are a bit less interesting in contrast to the first three. A slight touch of variation and a little extra piece of X (whatever that may be) would transform this album from good to wonderful.

I like this piece of art and I’ll rate it a 7.5 out of 10. The guys behind Synergic did a marvelous job with ‘Liquid Depth’ and I’m already curious what surprise they’ll bring us next.

** This is the first review I've ever written and when you’ve got some feedback related to spelling, grammars, writing style, information depth and more, I’ll be glad to hear it **

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Started Topics :  2
Posts :  14
Posted : May 23, 2012 12:17
Hi Helixir

we say thank you for this nice review, hope that some other people like it too and you will get some feedback.

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