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Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Software - Switching phrase length/time signature within a single project, ableton or ANY daw?
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Switching phrase length/time signature within a single project, ableton or ANY daw?

IsraTrance Full Member
Started Topics :  116
Posts :  1219
Posted : Apr 18, 2011 16:37:21
Does ableton or any other daw for that matter support having a project which starts out in 4/4 and switches to 3/4 or 5/4 for a bit and then back?

Or, for example, having one phrase be 7 bars instead of 8, but the phrase markers still line up?
Demoniac Insomniac

Started Topics :  85
Posts :  1281
Posted : Apr 18, 2011 16:58
cubase has           VA - Spiritual Science out now!
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  93
Posts :  2822
Posted : Apr 18, 2011 18:37
yes, it is very very easy to switch time signatures in ableton. All you have to do is right click on the top in arrangement view (where the markers are) and select "insert time signature change"            If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

Started Topics :  75
Posts :  1848
Posted : Apr 19, 2011 03:15
In Cubase, press Ctrl + T and automate tempo and time signature there.

In Ableton, follow the above advice... but what also works is to type in your desired tempo/time signature into a session view scene, and every time you trigger that scene, the master tempo and time sig will adjust to match. (alternatively, in arrangement view, you can have the bottommost clip in the view do this by setting the clip to be the "master" in its settings.)

Personally, I left Cubase for Ableton after 6 years because 1.) the tempo/time manipulation described above, and 2.) the hands-on controller-friendly interface of Ableton. 3.) It makes more sense to produce in the same program that I perform live in.
Fat Data

Started Topics :  154
Posts :  3918
Posted : Apr 19, 2011 03:33
in flstudio is even easier... you just cant do that! 

Started Topics :  82
Posts :  3087
Posted : Apr 19, 2011 14:13
orange, lol  
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  113
Posts :  1785
Posted : Apr 22, 2011 21:25
with Renoise its as easy as either entering numbers or clicking to add or subtract lines. The way Renoise lays out patterns is in X lines, with X lines/beat (I usually have it 256 lines at 8 lpb which makes an 8 bar pattern with 32nd note resolution). While I myself have only barely touched on other time signatures I know the Renoise forum has more info on that. I usually stick to 4/4 with occasional extra lines and now and then triplet breakish segments.

As for other DAWs I havent the foggiest, Renoise has been my main DAW for a long while and satisfies greatly so its notation is what I know, Reaper is my stem-mixing console and Live is my live/digimixing console. I would assume with Live it ought to be as easy as changing the time-sig notation at the top with the BPM and transport and all that. And since I just checked, and ran the metronome for a sec or 2, yeah. Easy as entering the numbers. For pattern length tho idk, and actually now that I think of it Id like to know too in case i decide to have longer or shorter stuff in the live...

Also @ Axis Mundi its funny you mention going Live from Cubase, cuz I recently converted a guy I know getting back into production, FROM Live to Renoise, which he (after some coaching) is much happier using, mainly, as he says, because it lets him write his work faster, doesnt rely on mouse (its got everything tracker users loved back in the FT2 days still there for those who prefer that, its all about choices)... Not that I really want anyone to change what works for them best, just putting that out there.

semi-offtopic section-----
[It may seem daunting compared to other DAWs, but its really not, and once the hotkeys are learned it adds a degree of efficiency any mouse-based interface can't even touch. (transposition and position-in-pattern-by-1/4 are the ones particularly that I wish all DAWs had) I think of it as Excel for music. One last thing and Ill stfu about Renoise- Ive used it for about 7 yrs so if anyone is trying it out and has questions Ill be happy to help. ]

OK sorry for semiofftopic and.... carry on...
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Software - Switching phrase length/time signature within a single project, ableton or ANY daw?
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