Support the Mexican artists!!
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Posted : Jun 2, 2006 18:41
I have to make a special mention of Monky from PsyCun , who has been one of the party organizers that has suported the mexican artists the most, ive known him for a while and ive always seen he always takes to hes parties mexican talent, and does them an amazing publicity, monky, ur doing an exellent job, thanks for alll.
  -Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the MUSIC- |
Shove/Teen Sluts
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Posted : Jun 3, 2006 02:02
thats the actitud people... and now.... we have to strike back and make our scene better each moment... been profesionals, and put the best efford on it..... and of course all the heart, spirit and mind 2
yuuhuuuuuu! |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 9, 2006 21:23
Im not used to post a lot here but about this subject i consider mexico has really great producers and musicians. As u say, everywhere there is a way to understand the music and obviously, a way to create it. I consider Mexico as a very rich place in that way. I've heard enough to notice it, and hope to hear moree! Keep on working hard, as I know mexicans do and you'll get to your top!
Regards from Barcelona friends! Maldek good luck with your projects, and Shovesssssss hope to see u soon again! Boom!
hashattack - |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 30, 2008 21:47
On 2006-05-16 17:28, Forza wrote:
I'm writing this post because as all of us know, something that happens in Mexico a lot is that mexican artists don't get the respect they deserve compared with artists that come from other places.
as Hoffman stated in a previous post Mexican artists get a fraction of what an international artist gets, a lot of promoters don't pay what they agreed and they always want to pay nothing or almost nothing.
The most unfair about this is that outside Mexico, there are a lot of Lives and Dj's that are very well received and respected why can't it be like this in our own country?? we are one of the few countries that discriminate our own talent instead of being proud of it.
To start changing this, we have to stand together and start demanding things, the parties and the scene rocks in other countries because they do this, people demands quality, and they also demand their favorite national lives at their festivals.
it is good to have that massive affluence of good international artists in our country, but we need a balance and we have the talent to do it.
it's time that we start believe in ourselves, Mexico has some of the most amazing projects but we need your support!!
Shadai / Devil's Rejects
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Posted : Oct 31, 2008 07:23
Angel Ai
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 2, 2008 02:35
nowadays many people have lost the love for music and creativity.
many organizers just see this scene as a way to make money regardless of anything for the spirit of organizer has and must comply with the terms that have been previously filed with the artists.
there must be no differences at all.
talent in mexico is huge, it has his own style and his sound is unique.
today many projects are recognized abroad and receive the respect they deserve.
to name some names are ecliptic, Barak, D-tek and many others as well as the senor forza in brazil and fractal sound on the east coast.
lets support us in our own scene, forgetting egos and differences.
will see that if we, the people of mexico, we work together, we can grow and improve our scene.
the talent and the roots are on the table ........
  .'.'.'.=the samething but different='.'.'. |