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Support the Mexican artists!!


Started Topics :  68
Posts :  397
Posted : May 16, 2006 17:28
I'm writing this post because as all of us know, something that happens in Mexico a lot is that mexican artists don't get the respect they deserve compared with artists that come from other places.

as Hoffman stated in a previous post Mexican artists get a fraction of what an international artist gets, a lot of promoters don't pay what they agreed and they always want to pay nothing or almost nothing.

The most unfair about this is that outside Mexico, there are a lot of Lives and Dj's that are very well received and respected why can't it be like this in our own country?? we are one of the few countries that discriminate our own talent instead of being proud of it.

To start changing this, we have to stand together and start demanding things, the parties and the scene rocks in other countries because they do this, people demands quality, and they also demand their favorite national lives at their festivals.

it is good to have that massive affluence of good international artists in our country, but we need a balance and we have the talent to do it.

it's time that we start believe in ourselves, Mexico has some of the most amazing projects but we need your support!!

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  98
Posted : May 16, 2006 17:45
Yes it´s true and really sad... When u go to party promoters, they just focous on int. line up and give little respect to mexican talent, they see it as not important. Just to make time for the international line up.
I think we as an audience do:
a) First of all attend to parties were there´s only mexican dj´s and pay attention to them, listen, respect.
b) Pay the tickets, when it´s a party of mexican dj´s it´s not that expensive, but that doesnt mean its not good.
c) Ask for parties of mexican dj´s
d) Buy original cd´s!!
If we all make an effort things will start to get better, and the most important thing... RESPECT           *Mita*

B&A Management

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Posted : May 16, 2006 18:39

The promoters maybe dont pay the same to national artists because they are not going to atract a big amount of ppl, so at the end is just one more spend, maybe if the artists work on promoting them harder so the ppl start to understand that is worth to go to an only national artist party, also there are soooooo many pseudo artists here that the real ones have to work harder to make a diference between the quality artists and the pseudo ones.

Started Topics :  68
Posts :  397
Posted : May 16, 2006 19:51

On 2006-05-16 18:39, chillumination wrote:

The promoters maybe dont pay the same to national artists because they are not going to atract a big amount of ppl

This is a myth! top national artists attract a significant amount of people to the parties a lot more than what they get paid.
There have been amazing parties with national talent,and there is support and respect for them among the crowd who's been partying for a long time but what is lacking is the support from promoters. This is where a change of attitude is needed

if more parties were produced with focus on national artists the demand would grow higher, besides paying cheaper prices and the savings for flights and acommodation would allow to have better deco, sound system, etc.

maybe if the artists work on promoting them harder so the ppl start to understand that is worth to go to an only national artist party

but we do work hard!! we make parties, release tracks collaborate at magazines and many other things the proof of this is that outside Mexico many artists are well known and respected and they we just have these problems in our own country.

also there are soooooo many pseudo artists here that the real ones have to work harder to make a diference between the quality artists and the pseudo ones.

This one is true, like mita_sabina said, RESPECT is the key here, the audience also deserves it so it is an entire lack of respect to hire a bad quality project just because it is cheap or because he's my friend or relative.

This is exactly why we have this space in Isratrance, so that everybody who is involved in trance, loves trance, lives trance and wants a really good scene, worlwide can express and exchange ideas.

The scene gets better everytime people do this.

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  514
Posted : May 17, 2006 20:01

Hello there to all!!!

I been reading all this and mr Forza thanx for bringing this to the forum, mexican artist's are always here in 2nd place in our own country!! I know people here are starting to make some really good things but it's not fair that people who really spend lot's of ours in the studio making tunes and experimenting doesnt have a place to show their work or thei have to go thru a jesus kinda like way to play on a party and if u make it , most of the time people threat u like shit or doesnt give u the right attention there, i know these cause i have gone that a few times, i hope people really start to love what people do here in mexico and supourt the mexican music.

For the time now i want to make a invitation to all the people who make music to send a demo to us, we are opening a Label "BioMechanix Records" to be exactly, but this is not gonna be a crew, this is a label oriented to bring the mexican music of the shadows so to all the people interested please email me , in a few months we are gonna releaase our first compilation.

Have fun!! Alwayss!!!!

Janue "BioMechanix Records"           If u are Something, Dont ask for nothing
If u are Nothing, Dont ask for something

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  180
Posted : May 17, 2006 22:26
Well its true...... the "national" parties are not important to the audence just for they dont want pay for an artist who looks like them, is really sad to say... one of my favorite artist is Digital Terrorist and he dont have a lot of people following him and just because hes mexican. Its like FORZA say "its time to belive in ourselves" and love our music !!!!!
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  13
Posts :  82
Posted : May 18, 2006 07:17
Nice, I'm 100% with this topic they're a lot mexicans artists with a lot quality and they didnt play very often also as Forza say the promoters dont paid what they deserve, so i think it's time to respect ourselves and apreciatte the music from mexican artists, keep in the good work guys

Started Topics :  68
Posts :  397
Posted : May 18, 2006 18:38
I got an idea!

Artists, Promoters, Trance Lovers, Everybody!!

I'd like to invite you to use your contacts and influences to reach promoters and convince them to support Mexican artists and give them credit, let's make a campaign to end discrimination. and stop things like




We should be proud of the hard work our artists have made all these years, that they play all around the world representing YOUR country OUR country.

If an artist's talent and name is equal to those who come and play he should be given the same credit it's only fairness!

Remember this is YOUR scene, we create it with our actions let's do something!
          Peace, Love, Light and Harmony

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  42
Posted : May 18, 2006 18:58
Hey Forza , im really proud of you , i would like to see more people like u , congratulations for tryiing to have a better scene

Started Topics :  68
Posts :  397
Posted : May 18, 2006 19:13
thanks man, but be proud of YOU too, of what you think and you do and you like, be proud of YOUR artists and YOUR scene. let's all work hard to have a reason to be proud of.

i would like to see more people like u

i'm just a person like you nothing special really, but remember it's up to YOU to all of YOU of US to start doing something and Isratrance is the perfect place to start
          Peace, Love, Light and Harmony

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Posts :  22
Posted : May 19, 2006 08:40
Such a great topic you've brought at hand Forza. Mexico has grown so much these past years and many new artists are coming into the light, we really should be proud of them. Support your scene!           Gormik - Cuernavaca/Vancouver
Trancing and Dancing Since 2001
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  78
Posts :  1703
Posted : May 19, 2006 11:30

On 2006-05-19 08:40, Gormik wrote:
and many new artists are coming into the light, we really should be proud of them.

indeed mexico have some nice new artys that will hit the world soon...

my best mexican act: delysid-wicked wires respect this duo 

Combat - New Generation
VA - Greekedelia
VA - Endangered Species
Psychotic Micro - Edge of Sanity
VA - League of Shadows
Delysid - Noize Infection
VA - Twilight Vision soon...

Started Topics :  16
Posts :  116
Posted : May 24, 2006 09:09
Hey Forza
Nice topic man, i agree totaly with you my friend, but this problem is not only in music , mexican people like more the things that are made not in mexico, its wierd man its like they dont like the country where they live because they dont show support

but im not speaking generally,, of course, there is a lot of people , that shows soo big support,
SO yea will be soo nice to have bigger support for all the mexicans artist in our own country..

take care man and hope to see ya soon here in taco land
DJ Hoffman
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  23
Posts :  104
Posted : May 24, 2006 10:07
this attitude is of ourselves as artists, of organizers, of party attenders..... of everybody, we need to show more respect to our fellow peers who spend hours and days and months to make thing really work out!!

I hope that really the people start requesting more mexican acts and showing the support and respect they deserve, and that organizers dont blackmail artists with lame excuses

is this too much asking ?
kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  62
Posts :  953
Posted : May 25, 2006 02:02
@ DJ Hoffman.
I have to Give you Kudos for what happend last sunday afternoon......
Astral Theorem RUles!!!!!
GDL is getting there!!!

Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - Support the Mexican artists!!

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