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Sunset/early night vibes?

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  12
Posts :  1659
Posted : Aug 3, 2010 22:48

I use SoundCloud as my radio nowadays. It's easy to search. It's easy to crawl through who follows whom. And you don’t have to endure MySpace’s super-artistic skins (which often make it impossible to read anything).

BTW, I found it interesting that you produce in Renoise.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  113
Posts :  1785
Posted : Aug 4, 2010 02:42
Yep, been using it about 7 years now, since I moved up from ModPlug. Ive used trackers since high school...

Another sort of shameless self bump (though its relevant to the thread! ), put up some tracks on sendspace cuz soundcloud is being janky right now I guess

My favorite early night/evening tracks are ones like Terminator, a few CPC's tracks, Dejan (and his VS wiht Shenz on Generator Operator Destroyer), Psykovsky, Hishiryo's track S.A.N, things like that, or if you're going for a more headbanging, melodic type of evening, South African stuff like Twisted System, Brethren, Zion Linguist, Frozen Ghost, and stuff like Scorb, Error Corrective, Organic Hybrid, that stuff rocks for early evening. Personally I usually go with the first style I mentioned, as my own favorite for the evening, I like it trippier than the more fullon stuff, but smooth, building up to the crazy evening.

Conversely a lot of prog and techtrance goes great as evening builders, stuff like POTS, Cujorius One, Sensient, Minimal Criminal, Nuclear Ramjet, Perfect Stranger, Tegma, Ticon...

Pretty much anything that isn't high energy blasters works to start the evening, the only reason the higher energy stuff doesnt work so well, is, well people will get too tired to quick! By the time its 5am and the sun starts to come up everyone's drooping.           .
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Sunset/early night vibes?
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