IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 19, 2011 13:41:59
Sundial Aeon - Mimesis
Impact Studio Records, 2011
1. Secret Glory
(Introduction Into The Riese Complex)
2. Wolfsberg
(Lower Silesia Mountains Nostalgia)
3. The Vortex Incident
(The Race Against Time)
4. Iced-Melancholy Spectacle (Kadasarva Remix)
(Moving Frozen Voices)
5. Profundity Of Imagination
(Waking Up Memories)
6. Stuck On You (Album Version)
(Spiritual Energies)
7. Our Eternity
(The Eternal Monument Of Our Venture)
8. The Universe
(The New Age Directions)
9. Chronos
(The Experiences From Far Away From Here)
10. Reflection Of The Past
(Outro - Same Questions From The Past...)
Poles also have their very own chillout music. After the "Metabasis" and "Apotheosis" albums, the time has come for "Mimesis" (I like a certain consistency of the people behind Sundial Aeon in the naming of their albums). The cover, the tracks' subtitles, the album's dedication - all of these details make up the greater and thought-out whole, because the theme (that's right!) revolves around the site, which had already managed to get covered with a thick layer of legends. The site's name is Riese: a secret military complex located close to Wałbrzych in the Owl Mountains, which was the main inspiration when creating the material for the album. One must admit that it is quite unusual, yet interesting at the same time. Therefore, the release shows that you can squeeze something interesting from the topic of conceptual albums. This project also reinforces my belief that electronic music continues to stand for something more than just serving releases with plain 8-9 tracks. Here the task was not only to throw in few calm tracks on the disc and that's all folks, but to give the whole thing a coherent whole form, marketed by the slogan: "Those who know do not speak, those who speak do not know..."
Having already had a good few years in this business, four crew members (Revisq, Raiden, Dan & Scann-Tec) treat us with some fine music here. While listening to the album the good old magic comes back instantly. Sundial Aeon do not change their style - and why should they? They feel this style really well and continue certain traditions in an appropriate manner. Because the guys operate on patterns which are already very well known to us, one will encounter here many themes and elements which we have known already from their previous releases, either full albums or single tracks on various compilations. Fortunately, it is still good listening and in spite of everything the feeling of secondariness will be alien to us. Particularly because the disc is full of very diverse moods. Moreover, the albums creators showered it with samples recorded in places such as Struga, Szczawno-Zdrój, Wałbrzych, Walim, Głuszyca, Rzeczka and the Owl Mountains, which is in full harmony with the main concept behind the creation of the album. Despite the obvious chillout aspect of the disc, in large part this is a very dynamic album. The tracks "Wolfsberg", "The Incident Vortex", a remix of "Iced-Melancholy Spectacle", "Profundity Of Imagination," "Stuck On You," "The Universe" and "Chronos," thus so many as seven positions from the proposed dozen, constitute a paradise for those who want to bathe a chillout room in something more lively. The album gets to the listener from the very first track. And that is what it is all about. "Secret Glory" captures with its mysterious atmosphere and monumentality. A good album opening only pays off with the following tracks. One of my top positions on the album, the "Wolfsberg" track, instantly strikes with its space and aural pathos. Allow ourselves to immerse in it to the top of our heads so that it is hard to emerge later. I think that in this tune lies the essence of this album - a secret from the past enchanted in electronic sounds, which is enhanced by the solemnity of incredible execution and ethereal atmosphere. It is worth noting that the past associated with Aural Planet is not a stranger to this track, taking into account the fact that the sample used at the end was recorded by Jacek Dojwa a.k.a. Falcon, one of the members of this group. "The Vortex Incident" is known by anyone who has had previous contact with the "Panta Deus" compilation, where it existed under the name "Haunebu". It is more of an upbeat track that does not lack a UFO aftertaste and fits like a glove to the entire concept, especially when you consider its original title (I recommend to search for the name in Google). At number four we have a breakbeatish remix of "Iced-Melancholy Spectacle", a neat nod to the previous album called "Apotheosis". Also the trancey "Stuck On You" track managed to be presented in a new version. Supporters of the rehashed old ideas theory should know that bringing these two tracks again into the light and putting new clothes on them only enriched the album and helped to show the older tunes, with which we associate Sundial Aeon, from a different perspective. Particularly well presented in this case is the remix made by Alex Volkova (Kadasarva), whose work is for me one of the stronger competitors here. At times it smells of Shpongle at its best. "Profundity Of Imagination" relatively quickly reveals its dancing potential and a fairly positive attitude, which curiously coincides with a similarly paced "Our Eternity" and the more aggressive "The Universe" track. "Chronos" is another decent chunk of Sundial meat and it fits perfectly into the reflective releases straight from Ultimae Records. The album ends with the moody "Reflection Of The Past", which in a toned manner perfectly sums up the disc's content, at times reminding us of the great soundtracks like the one from the cult computer game called "Unreal".
Although this is the third album already, and it would seem that the entrance of routine is almost certain, Sundial Aeon still maintain a high level. It is essential to appreciate the album's concept (let's add: an unconventional one) and that, despite the absence of changes in the group's sonic menu and strict continuing of their recognizable, somewhat schematic style, the music is still interesting. Although there are strongly rooted patterns that are more the hallmarks of this project, rather than signs of clichés, the material on the album is addictive and well executed, and after all this is the most important thing. How "Mimesis" will be accepted among the listeners? I think it will be appreciated quite well, just like the previous albums. The group's fans do not need any special recommendation to reach for this album. The album is not only a good complement to the world of sounds under the banner of Raiden and the crew, but also a decent start of Impact Records Studio, which I have high hopes for. Add to this an interesting and intriguing concept of the album and we are dealing with a release not only worth getting acquainted with, but which is also a must-have.
Templar / http://www.psytrance.pl / http://www.facebook.com/psytrancePL
  www.ektoplazm.com/2011/panta-deus - download for free Psytrance.pl's 10th anniversary compilation featuring 100% Polish psy-music (goa, prog, dark, full-on, chillout): Artha, Sundial Aeon and many more
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