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Successful producers and other styles of psy

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  148
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Posted : Jul 7, 2014 09:02:08
So when I see these big festivals and it has like prog artists then dark/forest & full on do most of you enjoy all aspects of psy or just stick to the style you make?

And do the ppl making Neelix style stuff, can I just ask if you actually consider your music to contain psychedelic elements?           Cuntus Maximus.

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Posted : Jul 7, 2014 10:09
Define "psychedelic elements"...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posts :  1681
Posted : Jul 7, 2014 14:32
Ok to me psychedelic elements of music are sounds, not always music itself, that take you outside of what is the norm. It does not have to be a whole part but it needs to make you feel like you have stepped outside of the everyday realm of consciousness in to a new way of thinking & perceiving the reality you are living in.

I have seen Neelix live a number of times because for some reason he's popular here, and i just found his music was extremely repetitive which may be trance inducing but it di not alter my perception at all. Actually his tunes just sounded like all the other more mainstream popular EDM type artists and DJ's. I just don't understand how that style became a part of the psychedelic scene.

It's ok music, it make people dance, but it's just not psy enough for want of a better way to say it. At least to me. And the first time I saw him I was as high as the moon & it did not do anything for my erm trip.           Cuntus Maximus.

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Posts :  143
Posted : Jul 7, 2014 15:01
Horses for courses isn't it? One man's "psychedelic element" or perception altering quality may be another's horrible, irritating, trance-interrupting noise. That's how I feel about the stuff everyone says is truly psychedelic like Psykovsky or Cosmo, for example. I don't particularly care for Neelix either.

Whether this is relevant or not I don't know but...the other day I consumed something Aldous Huxley is famous for being a fan of, lay back on my sofa and listened to a 9 hour playlist I made for my iPod. It consisted of music by the likes of The Beatles, Talking Heads, Tom Tom Club, The Cure, New Order, Fleetwood Mac etc. and it was so much more enjoyable than listening to "psy" music in its myriad forms.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  148
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Posted : Jul 7, 2014 15:37
yes I feel exactly the same. I did the same years ago upon discovering my parents old vinyl collection. i spent a weekend with good psychonaut friends flying around. There were original Beatles vinylys, original Floyd etc. as well as some classical, country and we just kept going through them for about 72 hours.

The thing is i find psy trance is better when not exploring the psychedelic realms, whereas other forms of music are.

Classical music after enjoying a hearty organic mushroom stew has always taken me to much better realms.           Cuntus Maximus.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 7, 2014 15:41
actually i find psy trance fascinating from a technical perspective more than anything, the technical use of sound in magik as the old Order Odonata compilations said or Simon P called it just sonic manipulation.

the Psykovsky sound in particular intrigues me as i now delve in to the modular and experimental synthesis world, I look less for what many call music and more for what I call new ways to create pleasant and challenging noise.

I still enjoy the standard melodic goa etc. but much the exploration of what can be through synthesis intrigues me alot.

          Cuntus Maximus.
Mushroom Hunters

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Posted : Jul 7, 2014 17:13
psychedelic form of sound exist since the beginning of our human civilization. a rhythm, a hypnotic movement combined with elements that indicate our mind and soul. only you, yourself determine how psychedelic is something not a certain sound or structure. this is psychedelic to me as well:
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 8, 2014 08:39

On 2014-07-07 17:13, Carbuncle wrote:
a rhythm, a hypnotic movement combined with elements that indicate our mind and soul. only you, yourself determine how psychedelic is something not a certain sound or structure.

totally agree. In the eye of the beholder Britney Spears can be more psychedelic than cosmo, neelix, ace ventura or artist X.

The sounds and structures neelix uses are easier to the ear and mind than cosmo, so that might make it more accessible. 
IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  279
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Posted : Jul 8, 2014 09:01
Make sense... However... Uhmm, nevermind...
Respect!           .
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell...

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  199
Posted : Jul 9, 2014 09:35
Usually if it's a festival with a mix of stuff I party at night when they're playing dark/forest/hitech and sleep during the day when it's progtime because ~*FuCk ThAt SoN*~
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