STRAYLIGHT PRODUCTIONS 10 year anniversary celebration!! ABOVE THE SKY 2010- central Cali- Oct 16
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 22, 2010 04:52
I do want to sincerely apologize to everyone who came and was turned away.
It is true that we did have problems with the rangers, and also that this was the 1st time in 10 years we have ever seen them show up.
The story goes that a new district ranger took over this year, and she heard about the event (the rangers obviously knew about us, post production over the years, but never pre event). Courtesy of Facebook, they learned of it and even brought in extra rangers as a result. (when at the ranger station they were actually having a BBQ to feed the extra guys working).
They required a permit, and us to truck in porto-potties for the event. No small task arranged on a saturday evening, past business hours in the middle of nowhere.
We did succeed, and I will give the rangers credit tho, they did let the event go on, when they could have very easily said "No way jose", even tho we did have to jump through some hoops.
For those that did make it to the show, It was pretty good. The music was superb, the vibe quite nice, and the weather held off and stayed decent until we turned off the sound.
I personally was a bit stressed and all considering the circumstances, but it did seem everyone that made it, did enjoy themselves, and in the end isn't that the goal
Logical Light Music - SF
Straylight Productions -SF
Sound/Mind - Denver
Xcience - Midwest
mixes for dl at :
"He who ha-ha's last, ha-ha's best" |
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Posted : Oct 22, 2010 15:18
I have already seen too many events going down because of that fackcrack shite. People like cattle are grouped in the barn and monitored easily and simultaneously. So what you have 500 people responding to the invite if 10 of them are undercover officers? Fuck facebook...and other social networks...
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 25, 2010 03:52
Now that authorities are all over facebook I think it might be time for any organizer that doesn't have 100% legal permission for a venue to keep things underground with map points and whatnot like everyone used to. It's not a sure way to prevent investigation but definitely a deterrent for any police too lazy to go undercover. |
the dog of tears
the dog of tears
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Posted : Oct 25, 2010 06:16
posting directions etc. on an isratrance thread is just as bad IMO... e-mail lists are probably a better idea. |
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Posted : Oct 25, 2010 10:00
I had a great time. Well worth quitting my job and making the trip out to California! Twisted in the wee hours and happy hopping in the early dawn. I really enjoyed meeting new people and getting to see many of the friends I have made in the last three years since I started going to the gatherings that I had not been able to see since I moved to Colorado, and also a few from Colorado too! This year the clouds broke in the morning as I was looking down at them and I got to see the shoreline and ocean. Yes, we were above the clouds and also below the clouds at the same time! Amazing how this can be. I had not realized how close the shore was! Being that high in altitude so close to the shore explains the steep and narrow roads that make going to this location the adventure that it is.
It made me sad that the cops/rangers/feds wouldn't let the people come up the rest of the way to dance or camp with those of us lucky enough to have made whatever cut-off the law enforcement officers decided to use. I am very greatful that the gathering was allowed to go on despite the authoirites being displeased about it happening at all.
Facebook!!! This year I have seen three gatherings that used Facebook for the first time to get out the word about a gathering that have come to grief over it. I really think that Facebook should not be used even for fully permitted sites, regardless of how convenient, helpful, or easy it is to use. I have not ever used checkpoints, but I have been to gatherings that had lists of people to let enter. As for directions to a gathering, I think directions should never be posted in public places on the sites. E-mail seems like a much more secure way of doing it, along with phone calls and word of mouth. I say this not just because of L.E.O.'s reading it, but also because of some individuals that are not wanted at a gathering because of trouble they make thinking it is some wild, anything goes party instead of what I have come to see as places where boundaries and limits of the self or group are explored and expanded through music and conversation while respecting the location it is held at. Or just to have fun dancing and camping with friends and family.
The authorities confuse me with their priorities at different locations. They will show up to stop a peaceful dance held in the middle of nowhere, but will leave alone those people out shooting guns at targets or driving four wheelers and motorcycles all over the place with a sometimes reckless abandon that I find amazing in risk taking and apparent lack of safety while not being very kind to the local enviroment. It must be that one's type of fun must be approved in advance?
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The Dawn Patrol leaves at dusk!
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Posted : Nov 19, 2010 23:18
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 22, 2010 14:42
no fun 4 joo crazy hippies!!!!111onezorzonesies
seriously im glad this was able to happen
lets hope the NEXT(hint hint nudge) one will be hitch-less
i'll be there this time too