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Trance Forum » » Forum  North America - Stop the New RAVE ACT coming from SF of all places...
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Stop the New RAVE ACT coming from SF of all places...

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 23, 2011 07:30:36
Californians this is too close to home and too recent to ignore. everyone else in the world if it passes here it potentially ripples out to you real quick like. stop the infection at its source before it spreads like the plague

completely ridiculousness, their new approach from 2002 is replacing the word "electronic" with "prerecorded"

please sign the petition at the link provided (takes like 2 seconds) and if you want to do even more send a letter to the Congressman, all links are included in the link above.

Spread the word to all your friends! if you've been in the bay area in the last year you know this is no joke!
          --PSYOWA AND BEYOND--


IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 23, 2011 15:25

If it passes, might have to call the entrance fee to the party a membership fee, so you can say it's a private event .  - Midwest based psytrance group

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Posted : Feb 23, 2011 18:28

however, there ARE portals in every rule..i mean loop hole...something.            WARNING: The Reality Master General has determined that Mr. Vomit may significantly alter your reality. Usage of the knowledge provided by Mr. Vomit may be perceived as dangerous and subversive by those in authority.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 23, 2011 18:56
Yeah, even though they break a few things down, the use of the word "public" leaves a lot of wiggle room. It doesn't seem to be defined outside of it being differentiated from bars/clubs.

It seems like if you did an rsvp event it wouldn't be covered by this law. Probably just another attempt to get something on the books for police to try to extort those who don't know the law.  - Midwest based psytrance group
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Feb 23, 2011 20:18
I already posted a thread about this months ago. The bill WILL NOT pass in its current form.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 23, 2011 20:39
There is always ways to get around stuff like this. It is however an annoying thing to come across. The rave act in Texas is [pretty much ignored now days but the psychedelic communities never really had an issue with it in the first place. They were after the megarave promoters due to people dying at these events and the government not getting their cut of lOTS of money..

BTW why is this coming up now? Is it because of the HUGE raves that are happening in southern California? I heard about some deaths and edc i think. I also heard about some big lawsuits with the city going on.           Jessica

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Posted : Feb 23, 2011 21:51
Probably due to the deaths/od's at kiddy raves at the cow palace?


On 2011-02-23 20:39, ~Jessica~ wrote:
There is always ways to get around stuff like this. It is however an annoying thing to come across. The rave act in Texas is [pretty much ignored now days but the psychedelic communities never really had an issue with it in the first place. They were after the megarave promoters due to people dying at these events and the government not getting their cut of lOTS of money..

BTW why is this coming up now? Is it because of the HUGE raves that are happening in southern California? I heard about some deaths and edc i think. I also heard about some big lawsuits with the city going on.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 24, 2011 00:23
it may have something to do with the Cow Palace, but i think the murky waters fall much deeper than that. they have been trying to shut down any event that isn't paying the government a big cut. after being in california ive learned one thing about the police and the laws here. They really dont care about anyone or their safety, its STRICTLY about money. if you call 911, itll take half hour for them to get there even if they show up.. but if there is a ticket to be given they will be there in a heartbeat. it has nothing to do with protecting/saving anyone, it is SOLELY about money and the mob is wondering where their cut is...

This is threatening to any kind of music promoters/attendees that are not in cahoots with the government and police. there are ways to get around it yes, by forking over thousands and thousands of dollars to get your "license" and the council and police giving you the ok because you paid them and they can decide if its something they like or not

it has nothing to do with drugs, it never has. it has to do with control. and ruining any kind of entrepenuer entertainers about. you have to go through the mob first, we should all know that right? even if its your own private property? friggin lol. whats next? Undercovers showing up at the Cow Palace to distribute bad drugs so the police can sabotage these events to get their lean from the public? after the first two audacious actions, who really knows what they will pull next or already have? some scariness is brewin folks. Protect yourselves          --PSYOWA AND BEYOND--


IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 24, 2011 02:08
haha im not a conspirarist (sp?) i promise. my intention with the last post is to paint the picture of the devil's advocate like a political cartoon does. it may sound ridiculous and may be, but if you ask me the whole situation is ridiculous in the first place, but its arrived yet once again for the unteenth time in america's history... and is about to be defeated for the unteenth time in america's history. but the quicker the better this time so the us government will think twice next time before trying to falsely exploit and damage individual's beliefs/interests, liberties and freedoms..

and yes it is primarily about the megaraves here in california i assume, however in 2002 when it passed in the few instances it was used was not at a megarave. it was used at a norml convention at billings montana, Racine WI at an event of 400, and at Utah were well, i think most of you know what happened *shakes head* a law is a law, and a one as broad as that could be used for anything...          --PSYOWA AND BEYOND--



Started Topics :  71
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Posted : Mar 3, 2011 18:40
There are some important things that need to be addressed about the whole situation. There are organizations that have the money to pull off these "megaraves" and their only concern is their "bottom line". Since they could actually afford to pay the city to use the Cow Palace and the Colliseum, it was supported by the local gov't. However, when dealing with something in that scale (50k ppl+), it's incredibly difficult to actually maintain a sense of order in something like that. I really feel that there is a serious issue here and that's the fact that there are people who have no real understanding of the electronic music culture, and are exploiting it by creating these giant events that have zero to do with supplementing the EDM community, but more to do with making a profit since that's what corporations do. And that's exactly what these Megarave organizers are, corporate entities that are creating unsafe environments to turn a profit. But even then, looking at the wording of Ma's bill, the only people that are gonna be screwed are the people who do underground events. Everyone else will just be able to afford the right permits or will just pay a club to host the event. This is different from the anti-rave act because it's targeting a specific type of music (pre-recorded music)

But there is some change that needs to happen. People who cannot legally be responsible for their own actions shouldn't be able to willingly put themselves in harms way, or at least if they do, their parents don't get the right to file a lawsuit against the city for their own lack of parenting skills. Organizations that have no regard for their patrons shouldn't be allowed to continually create situations that put the entire community at risk. And maybe I'll be the first one that has the balls to say it, but MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, 50k Minors shouldn't go to raves. The only people that attend these megaraves tend to be the ones that haven't been around long enough to understand what the spirit of the scene is, nor understand what the underground is either, let alone responsible consumption. All of these things I learned from watching others at smaller events, not at massives.           An Eagle may soar, but Weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

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Posted : Mar 3, 2011 18:41
dupe.          An Eagle may soar, but Weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Mar 4, 2011 07:47
<removed and sent in a PM instead>
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 5, 2011 06:12

On 2011-03-03 18:40, mubali wrote:
There are some important things that need to be addressed about the whole situation. There are organizations that have the money to pull off these "megaraves" and their only concern is their "bottom line". Since they could actually afford to pay the city to use the Cow Palace and the Colliseum, it was supported by the local gov't. However, when dealing with something in that scale (50k ppl+), it's incredibly difficult to actually maintain a sense of order in something like that. I really feel that there is a serious issue here and that's the fact that there are people who have no real understanding of the electronic music culture, and are exploiting it by creating these giant events that have zero to do with supplementing the EDM community, but more to do with making a profit since that's what corporations do. And that's exactly what these Megarave organizers are, corporate entities that are creating unsafe environments to turn a profit. But even then, looking at the wording of Ma's bill, the only people that are gonna be screwed are the people who do underground events. Everyone else will just be able to afford the right permits or will just pay a club to host the event. This is different from the anti-rave act because it's targeting a specific type of music (pre-recorded music)

But there is some change that needs to happen. People who cannot legally be responsible for their own actions shouldn't be able to willingly put themselves in harms way, or at least if they do, their parents don't get the right to file a lawsuit against the city for their own lack of parenting skills. Organizations that have no regard for their patrons shouldn't be allowed to continually create situations that put the entire community at risk. And maybe I'll be the first one that has the balls to say it, but MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, 50k Minors shouldn't go to raves. The only people that attend these megaraves tend to be the ones that haven't been around long enough to understand what the spirit of the scene is, nor understand what the underground is either, let alone responsible consumption. All of these things I learned from watching others at smaller events, not at massives.

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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 5, 2011 20:40
thanks for posting this Chris. I signed it a while ago, but I'm glad to see that more attention is being brought to it. Good idea posting the petition here.

Speaking of petitions... here is a long list of other petitions regarding important topics just in case anyone wants to check them out or sign them (e.g. 'Tell Your Congressmen to Cut Spending from Failed Drug War Programs Instead of from Helpful Humanitarian Aid Programs', etc.):

Take Action!:



Spreading Psytrance and Love in the Midwest USA

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Posted : Mar 7, 2011 03:33
There is a huge difference between an event that is thrown for profit within interstate trade, commerce, business, and industry (Better known as PUBLIC). and a private event organized in a private sector (Better known as a family reunion, members only, etc.)

I find all kinds of loop holes when I can look closely.

When a bill says any person or persons, it is private law and can only be enforced if consented too by contract. It doesn't apply to all of us.

I can in no way tell you what to do, but if I were to organize a family gathering per say; I would first have a membership for all members attending and then I would also have a nondisclosure of some sort so that anyone within the members that attended couldn't legally discuss anything from the reunion in court or anywhere else against me or my organization. HHHHMMMMM!!!

Just a Thought.

At first glance, I see about 4 loop holes for the person within the legal status of citizen of the United States Of America INC. and I can't even count the loop holes for the Sovereign State Citizen.

Even if it were to pass, IT'S BEATABLE! as is everything else in law with the right study guides.
Trance Forum » » Forum  North America - Stop the New RAVE ACT coming from SF of all places...
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