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STOP IT!!!! New Trance Is Techno!!!

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 3, 2009 23:16
If you want real psytrance to keep getting released, make some yourself.

Produce or gtfo.  - Midwest based psytrance group
Remy [POF]
Principles Of Flight

Started Topics :  48
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Posted : Aug 3, 2009 23:59
+1           On 2011-03-08 23:13, moki wrote:
listening only to free music is like having the free possibility to satisfy yourself with thousends of different free sexual acts.
Horrordelic Records

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Posted : Aug 4, 2009 05:34
Alot is good, smart to check who is playing before going.. Its not as "easy" as before, psychedelic trance have gone many ways ...            3o~ kriz aka krize 3o~ ....Horrordelic Records....
- Think for yourself -

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Posted : Aug 4, 2009 06:24
Dont worry, its just a fashion, this new kind of techno, more acid, slowly, becomes so popular, in my country people turns of psytrance to minimal techno, they thinks slowly music is more artistic or something, and they use this id, not for the music, its for the appeareance, but dont worry its just a fashion, just wait some years and keep loving real music, dont worry if youre best local dj plays techno, or if gms or dimitri dkn plays techno, if someday simon posford plays techno...starts to worry about....
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 4, 2009 10:12
I will keep saying to the end, psytrance as it was onthe nineties has more in coommon with minimal or stuff like stephan bodzin, max cooper, brejcha or danton empron that with anyone form the line up of the OP.           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 5, 2009 18:10
Is this considered as a bad techno track that doesn't fit in a psy trance party or much better a festival??

Remy [POF]
Principles Of Flight

Started Topics :  48
Posts :  509
Posted : Aug 5, 2009 18:55

          On 2011-03-08 23:13, moki wrote:
listening only to free music is like having the free possibility to satisfy yourself with thousends of different free sexual acts.

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Posted : Aug 6, 2009 23:10


Psy is all and more.

Or was all and more.

Only in our memories..............................................................

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Aug 6, 2009 23:19
one word:

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 15, 2009 07:20

On 2009-08-03 06:17, Shiranui wrote:
On the other hand, the "trance" genre (which should not be confused with psytrance as it is only SLIGHTLY related), has much more of its influence in house than techno, and is only just now starting to take techno influence. Within that there has traditionally been the "acid trance" style:

The "hard trance" style, which of recently most people have given up on except for some british artists making cheesy shit. It is hard for me to find a good example of hard trance because I am not that familiar, but it sounds pretty much like this, albeit a bit slower:

And the "progressive trance" style which around 2000 pushed the other two styles out of the spotlight and became the new definition of "trance". Progressive trance and progressive house have since pretty much merged and now sound a lot like minimal/tech house. For comparison:

Old progressive trance

New progressive trance/house (most just say "progressive")

Of course why would any of you care, obviously any music which is not psytrance is crap!

THANK YOU for those awesome posts! I agree, it seems like all the other forms of trance and electronica are forgotten around here... for little reason.

I was a huge fan of euro style Trance and Techno for years before I ever discovered psytrance. Truth be told, I really only got into Psytrance post 2003 when euro trance became more housey, while the Psytrance became more Full-On. I was always a fan of the "harder forms" of Trance, such as Paul Van Dyk (who produced up around 140bpm originally), Darude (yes he is a good producer despite the cliche), Sash!, Sasha, and others. As Full-On trance has modernized, I have really found this to be the PERFECT music to my ears. To me it feels like the old trance producers left the stylistic qualities that I liked originally, but now all the Full-On producers are picking up where they left off. I mean I've listened to goa trance for sure, but I've never considered myself a real "FAN" of the music. Psytrance became my favorite form of music with the more modern styles like Full-On, and some of the newer night stuff... also I love all the modern progressive psy that sounds a lot like tech house/electro (Iboga recs stuff).

The only real "correction" I might make to your "guide" would be to the "hard trance" label. To my ears that sounds more like oldschool "hard techno" before it became faster.

Hard Trance would be more like:

BTW, I love that track you posted Xpander, by Sasha. That was one of the first Trance tracks that really grabbed me away from the rock/alternative music that I so foolishly listened to back then hehehe. I still own that album today.

BTW, I love a lot of the producers listed in the original post that other people are hating on. I don't like all of their tracks, but they are all great producers, and have at least several tracks each that I enjoy. 220volts especially is a very talented up and coming producer. Some of his stuff I wouldn't play myself (I'm a DJ/producer), but he does have a lot of good tracks. Azax, Switch, and Dror I am also familiar with. Their tracks are good, not all of them, but they are mostly skilled producers with at least a few tracks each that I enjoy.

So in short, people should get over themselves and their own music tastes. For each person who says they hate something, there's somebody who loves it.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 15, 2009 07:31

On 2009-08-03 23:16, Ascension wrote:
If you want real psytrance to keep getting released, make some yourself.

Produce or gtfo.

and dont release after than - then tha chance you will stay happy with your favourite sound without being called a fascist for protecting your visions, is 100 percent.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 16, 2009 04:33
I'm pretty sure sandstorm along with darude's other productions from that time period are progressive trance.

Actual hard trance was never really that popular on the radio or in clubs--it was mostly a rave genre. The only hard trance track I can think of that was a big hit would be "Time To Burn" by Storm and maybe "Blood is Pumping" by voodoo and serano but that could also be hard house depending on who you ask.
dj atatri
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 17, 2009 21:01

On 2009-08-02 22:31, Inner Demon wrote:

On 2009-08-02 21:11, dj atatri wrote:
Techno and Trance..who can actually sit back and distinguish between the same.

Bottom line is u didnt u said that you were comin back to the scene after few years of the gap...just wish to bring to ur attention during these few years trance has evovled big time and so has the softwares...

I can compare you to a man who was born in early 50's and he slept for 30 years and he just woke up and nw he is saying i dont like ABS.

You're not seriously trying to tell us that the ultra choppy, breaksy, even cheesy sound of 220V / Switch / Azax (new stuff) is representative of how trance has evolved?

There are excellent acts of any style around you just have to look.

No offense to these artists - this is just my taste - but they do not represent the trance scene of 2009 at large...just a particular style which obviously the party organizer was aware of (and liked).

If you knw azax used to sound vry diff, so if he has changd over the years den it is evolving, whether that is good or bad is individual choice and perception, i only explained hw sounds, pc's, hardware software has changed our offense to ny1...           Dj Atatri
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 17, 2009 23:16
Some trance producers bet on the rythm 'cause they knows that will be more easy to make 1000 people dance with a strong 4/4 drum pattern rather than a fascinating evolving melody.

...for pre-classics there is another thread:


Started Topics :  2
Posts :  220
Posted : Aug 17, 2009 23:45

On 2009-08-05 18:55, Remy [POF] wrote:

fuck yeah ! O__O
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - STOP IT!!!! New Trance Is Techno!!!
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