Starwars & Jihad
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Sep 6, 2009 11:16:38
Well i was reading up some stuff on Jedi and Jihad...and through my reading today i found a lot of similarities between the concept of Jedi in Star Wars and Jihad in Islam.
1.Jedi are an ancient monastic peacekeeping organization, - Jihad in its true sense is conceptualized as peacekeeping method to keep one well integrated
2.Even the Jedis like the Jihadis are trained to fight the dark side.
3. The literal meaning of the term Al Qaeda is The Law. Which fits in well with the concept of Jedi.
4. Within Islamic belief, Muhammad is said to have regarded the inner struggle for faith the "greater jihad", prioritizing it over physical fighting in defense of the Ummah, or members of the global Islamic community.One famous hadith has the prophet saying: "We have returned from the lesser jihad (battle) to the greater jihad (jihad of the soul)."
Well if you see Stars Wars it is completely based on the concept of Greater Jihad.
Even the term Jedi and Jihad sound too similar...In the big picture of the universe the Jihadi and Jedis are on the same side but on the smaller picture that of the earth they are positioned against each other...this is if you believe in the Star Wars philosophy is an intentional strategy to prepare for the greater battle against the dark side.
I recommend you see any part of Stars Wars and Muhammad Messenger of God staring Anthony Quinn and see the will be amazed.
Does anyone else see this parallel?
Please note this is only an intellectual and theoretical discussion and I in no way support or favor the Al Qaeda. Its just a parallel I came across.
  When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 12, 2009 08:14
We have been deceived for too long now and big illusions have led to all these crazy things...
But the biggest factor of them all has been humans greed and desire!
Desire in terms of things that we dont really need! but we want anyway cause it gives us pleasure for the moment, but only for the moment, so we have to keep getting it to fill the emptiness that comes in between!
Here is where you meet the devil, while the devil always wants to you to do it again and again and again, god wants you to do nothing, only the things that makes you feel good and last long (philosophically you can feel good by doing bad things, but it wont last long and clearly something is wrong)
its interesting how humans puts a picture on everything and in the end gets deceived by it and take it for a physical thing when its just a mental picture...
Now for our spiritual journey we should do good things for our self and others, and there is a answer why! and i think most people know it, and most people know that its not a easy journey!
and we need to go through the dark side of our selfs to see the light,
this is what needs to be thought, we need to take care of eachother so people dont wander too deep into the darkness of them selfs!
Also the shortage of Self-discipline is a big problem!
We will learn, Soon we will learn, but then we will meet the problems that we created and how we shall solve them is going to be a difficult thing... but together we can do it! right now we are not united, we are so divided that we are closer to become united, too look at it from a positive view...
its not that humans will go through some mega change, we are humans and will stay that way, we are mirrors to each other and we react to them.
We all have a mission, but we judge each other wrongly, sadly... cause what we really should do is learn from each other... and be thankful for it!
And finally we need to forgive, not forget..
I hope this is starwars and Jihad related.. but really i dont want to get political because injustice is all over the world, but not everybody fight like its the end of the world for it... so i hope everybody involved get their act together soon! for their own sake!
Ill correct my self, everybody fights like its the end of the world.. haha
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 2, 2009 23:45
well there are a lot of similarities to the real world in movies!
just take matrix as an example - hehe
i totaly agree with freeflow! - great speach - |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 10, 2009 13:51
The force is an energy that doesn't require religion and is often quoted as being the opposite, where it is about not knowing the boundaries.
Where it is an energy we all have, and if anyone tries to control it to much, they become overwhelmed.
In terms of Jihad being seen as wielding the soul as a sword, this can be understood as the same, yet many people don't understand that as its meaning. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Dec 3, 2009 10:03
Yes I see a similarity...Star Wars and religion are both made up stories. |