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Trance Forum » » Forum  World Music - Sri Lankan pop
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Sri Lankan pop

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  61
Posts :  749
Posted : May 25, 2004 01:42
while visiting Sri Lanka....I was really turned on to the pop music in this country. It is starkly different than Indian and Nepali - so much sweeter. Most of the Hindi music I heard being blared in public, is what my surfer-cowboy friend KEvin Microgram called "time-to-put-in-your-earplugs-music".

Sri LAnka had a kind of reggae vibe. All the Singalese music I heard on the radio, and on buses - was incredible! Sugary sweet, harmonic spliffed out, melodious and echoy music that was definately very stoney if not "psychedelic".
I really loved this sound and vibe, but didn't collect any while I was there, unfortunately. was it me, or was it the musty Sri Lankan grass I was smoking..?

does anyknow know about, like, or have any spaced out Sri Lankan Singalese music?
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  44
Posts :  771
Posted : May 25, 2004 07:22
i've heard sri lankan songs when i was very younk(i'm from india) and like you say, they are definitely very different

Started Topics :  108
Posts :  2395
Posted : May 25, 2004 19:13
never had to joy to listen to any, unfortunately as it seems. i heard some really cool hindu pop tho, on cd's brought back here from india. i like oriental "cheese" (not meant in a bad way...just from my european way of view)
          Anakoluth A Pebble in Your Eardrum's Shoe since 2001!
Trance Forum » » Forum  World Music - Sri Lankan pop
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