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spritual books for inner trance


Started Topics :  0
Posts :  2
Posted : Apr 25, 2008 12:26:17
To realise and to go byond we can get help of books it makes us to go within
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  84
Posts :  2082
Posted : Feb 18, 2010 01:10
sure, it can be helpful Why not share some good tips about some good books
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  48
Posts :  162
Posted : Jan 6, 2011 21:37

On 2008-04-25 12:26:17, addyelen wrote:
To realise and to go byond we can get help of books it makes us to go within

So I am reading this book called _Buddhist Goddesses of India_, by Miranda Shaw. It has a lot about esoteric yoga tantra practices. A visualization of the great goddess Tara is I find specially powerful. It is about visualizing various colors - light, gold, red, blue, green, and indigo - in shapes like vajras and arches, and involves various spells and protections as well as beneficence. Peace - Peace on Earth, Peace in Afghanistan. Mc
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  48
Posts :  162
Posted : Jan 6, 2011 22:25
I went and got the book, here's what it says.

'...The meditator emerges from the state of emptiness, appearing again in the form of ..Tara, effulgent with ..radiance. From the heart of meditator-as-[the Great Goddess]Tara, crystalline light rays go forth and form an encasing orb [like a vajra] of .. light. Next, golden rays stream forth and form a yellow orb about six feet beyond the white one. Continuing outward, the meditator envisions successively larger spheres of ruby red, sky blue, emerald green, and finally indigo or purple light. ..
Each hue is attributed with a different healing power. ... The meditator is thus ensconced within a pavilion of healing, all-accomplishing light.' pp335-6

Regarding Tantra, here is an explanation of some of the highest Tantric practice:

'In [the following] intricate visualization, one gathers all the energy of the environment, living beings, and his or her own consciousness into a luminous red [Great Goddess] Vajrayogini at the navel chakra. One merges into this miniature Vajrayogini and shares with her a strong wish to go to her Buddha-land, drawn by the sounds of drums, bells, and song emanating from that realm. Oneself-as-Vajrayogini then rises within the hollow core of the central channel, ascending from the navel to the heart chakra and then the crown of the head. From then, one projects one's consciousness to Khecara [the Buddha-realm] "like a tiny shooting star" and dissolves into that realm. This visualization purifies the subtle yogic body ... ' pp384-5

I love this BOOK this is AWESOME. Trust in trance & PEace on Earth, Mc


On 2011-01-06 21:37, Moonclear wrote:

On 2008-04-25 12:26:17, addyelen wrote:
To realise and to go byond we can get help of books it makes us to go within

So I am reading this book called _Buddhist Goddesses of India_, by Miranda Shaw. It has a lot about esoteric yoga tantra practices. A visualization of the great goddess Tara is I find specially powerful. It is about visualizing various colors - light, gold, red, blue, green, and indigo - in shapes like vajras and arches, and involves various spells and protections as well as beneficence. Peace - Peace on Earth, Peace in Afghanistan. Mc

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