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Spiritual Scandals Rock India

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Mar 4, 2010 15:15:47
well in the last 4 days there have been 2 major spiritual sex scandals
the first one
Nityananda- well not surprised at fact I mentioned in the Kundalini yoga thread about this scumbag and i am fortunate that i got to know of this guys scam the very first time i saw him

the second one
Shiv Murti Dwivedi alias Sant Swami Bhimanand Ji Maharaj Chitrakoot Wale
well basically this was a pimp who ran a sex business across India. A self styled god man who basically hypnotized women especially the foreign (mostly Caucasian or the fair skinned) and got them to prostitute for his agency. during the day he would be in his sage robe but at night he would wander around in jeans and t-shirts.

what can i say tantra is very powerful and it is possible to get make more money with Tantric knowledge than it is with university degree...the advantage of tantric is that you get more action than you can possibly imagine , the pit fall is that people trust their wives, daughters and sisters with you...moral of the story- if you have developed these capabilities keep them to yourself and dont go around looking for followers, because once they come they rightfully expect you to be above the Stula (physical) level of being as well as higher being that follows the truth and does not manipulate...
For those venturing into the spiritual journey---you dont need a guru or a guide , you dont need anybody to answer your questions---if you have doubts and are looking for answers be safe and use Google.
Also if you find a guru or guide you trust do a Background check before you check into the ashram--some ashrams are just ASS&RUM
and dont be carried away by the number of followers...on twitter i have 100 followers and nearly 700 friends on facebook, i can start cult but i'd rather sell Jimmy Choo shoes

          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive

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Posted : Mar 4, 2010 16:42
There are Masters in our culture. They will find you if you are ready.

Tip 1: they don't do it for money or reputation.
Tip 2: they will radiate with warm, positive energy. You will feel at peace when around them. Your mind will be still and your body comfortable. If you are ready, then you will feel those vibrations.
Tip 3: they won't look or sound like sages. Expect unexpected.

Based on true story.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 5, 2010 09:23

what kind of world will our children be living in??

scared shitless every time i come across stuff like this.

mankind seems to be the primary contender in the race for it's own destruction.

Thanx for sharing and making these fakers known!!

i don't think Shiva can keep 'the eye' closed for too much longer!!

B'om Shankara!!           "... b'om ..."
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Mar 8, 2010 11:10
dont worry about our children...they always choose the parents wisely...though these "gurus" and spiritual stalwarts from one perspective maybe ill-willed or bad...from another perspective they have immense capability to do good. its just that we as humans expect them not to have human tendencies--after reading more about hinduism it occured to me that what these guys did is not immoral but just an act of lust...though the western religions may consider lust as one of the 7 sins, in hinduism lust is not a too is a form of meditation just like dancing and there is no taboo on it...consent and morals are man-made barriers and are just as fake as plastic. the true animal nature of humans has been suppressed to such an extremity that today getting angry or attacking someone is considered "bad"...well it maybe bad but at least its vented out...humans are suffering not because the world is an evil place but because the society has placed so many restrictions on humanity---you cant do this, you cant do that , you must obey...if we look at the animals they teach us a lot...when they get angry, frustated or horny they act their will and thus carry no baggage...they do not supress their inhibitions and thus they carry no ill-will..unlike the humans who carry ill-will which then is transformed into manipulation, which is the cause of everything have dick or a vagina that has to be used, just like the brain or any other part of your body..if you have the strength and willingness to do something do it..whats the point of suppressing something you like? the creator never suppressed his/her/their will, so why should we?

          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 8, 2010 12:55
sorry mate and absolutely no offense whatsoever - but i beg to differ .....

the message i'm getting from your above comments is (as an example) : ..... it's ok for a priest to screw a 7 year old kid ...... 'cos he's horny.

Sages become sages by choice and abstain from sex (for example) 'by choice' since it would be in the doctrine of their way of life. if they still feel the UNCONTROLLABLE need maybe they are on the wrong road - cos it surely won't get them anywhere, and all those blokes dandling behind them are just gonna fall flat on top of them.

great minds, thinkers, leaders, prophets, gods .. whatever you like to call them have always imparted 'gyaan' (knowledge) with the underlying theme of 'responsibility' - to not just god, but fellow mankind, nature etc. as well - and that's what distinguishes us from wild animals who supposedly act on urges and instinct.

What we've got here is a form of the Dajjal (The Big Deceiver or Antichrist) in flesh and blood!!

If all children chose their parents wisely NONE of them would have to suffer and leave this world prematurely (and some in terribly horrid and loathsome fashion) ... please refer to the daily news where you will find many articles on these lines.
As parents we are responsible for them and their lives in this world until such age or time they are capable of independently conducting themselves.

it's not just about the children - but think of it such ....
trusting someone of the religious or spiritual garb sincerely and wholeheartedly is putting your full faith in that individual. Whatever he/she says, you more than often accept without deliberate questioning - thus becoming an innocent child yourself; vulnerable and unsuspecting to the real and probably very worldly motives.

Be safe!!



          "... b'om ..."
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
Posts :  2848
Posted : Mar 8, 2010 20:51
none taken...what i am saying is that we are suppressing ourselves out of existence..permission to do , permission to not do, request, consent, etc etc we humans give too much verbal security and base our life on words, "he said this she said that, how can he say something and do something else, i did not expect that" and so on...oh come on did the lion tell the zebra--dear zebra can i eat you? or do u go and ask the chicken or beef or even the vegetables --dear food i am going to skin you and then cut u up into tiny little pieces and throw you in a bowl of boiling water till you become soft then mash you up till you loose all your shape after that i will eat you then my digestive system will totally disintegrate you and shred you into microscopic pieces and then i will shit you out and flush you down the if you were the potato or tomato or the celery what would be going through your mind? Oh this vegetable garden is so pretty and i love being a vegetable..personally i prefer my veggies char-grilled, with lot of tabasco and i love to eat my fish raw.           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 9, 2010 13:54
In that case humans should have resorted to cannibalism - with prior consent of the intended food of course, post communication of intent, purely based on the fact that we are able to effectively communicate with each other.
We could also then fornicate freely with no inhibitions of population explosion or fear of eradication by disease (a strange balance), and the guys who invented contraception would go down in history as the biggest fools ever!

But come to think of it that would make us worse off than the other living beings in nature who also conduct themselves by some sort of a code.
This very code and the knowledge and understanding of it are the stepping stones to the correct and responsible spirituality ...... imho

Question sincerely and as often as you wish, without fear of the answers that you may find!!

I'm a freak for grilled food too but i prefer my fish cooked next to my veggies and inundated with generous portions of subcontinental seasoning!

b'om shankara!!           "... b'om ..."
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Mar 9, 2010 14:19
restrictions suppress the free will and ultimately restrictions become the tools for manipulation

          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
RaDioAcTiVe AcIdHeAd

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  443
Posted : Mar 9, 2010 21:33
@ Xolvexs & @ Psynaesthesian - You both are right... but the idea is to integrate both for something much better... somethin like get the best of both the worlds n leave the shit out... get my drift?
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
Posts :  2848
Posted : Mar 9, 2010 21:41

On 2010-03-09 21:33, RaDioAcTiVe AcIdHeAd wrote:
. somethin like get the best of both the worlds n leave the shit out... get my drift?

HEDONISM RULES- BUTT HURTS           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
RaDioAcTiVe AcIdHeAd

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  443
Posted : Mar 10, 2010 00:58
hmmm... not really, no.... its different...           ?

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  84
Posted : Mar 11, 2010 13:32
Xolvex, do you call degeneration an improvement? Then drop this whole spirituality and just fuck, eat and do plenty of drugs. Your life, your choices.
Inactive User

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Posted : Mar 11, 2010 18:44
lol , that video is awesome
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  30
Posts :  557
Posted : Mar 12, 2010 13:19
the right kind of restrictions serve to yield the right kind of results!!

wat say??

b'om b'om!!
          "... b'om ..."
Trance Forum » » Forum  Spirituality - Spiritual Scandals Rock India
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