IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 17, 2009 15:48
spirit of the plants - in the words of the late terminator zolod RIP.
why u think is so called ? he wasnt no dumb person.
and that album also incidently turned out to be insanely wickawicka ------------------------------------
enter the time of CounterCulture !
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Jan 17, 2009 19:20
so like this one time, i read Terrance's book - Food of Gods
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jan 19, 2009 08:22
Terrance is a graeat researcher,after alot of experiences he had with ayahusasca in th ejungle with shamans,where Yaje have roots there on the ground,he saw visions that helped him to discover some important secrets about the mayan calendar and 2012.
Thew jungle is sacred,all beings a diferent spieces of life ,who live up on this earth and born naturally from the belly of the earth,Pachamama the Cosmic Mother,are sacred.
This thing that is not sacred is profanity,and profanity is a child of the human mindthis smart enouph like a fox demonic thought.Pure Cannabis is sacred,skank is not sacred because is not borned naturally the human hand of matteriality profane it,and if u smoke much of this crap u get sick.Sacred things makes us good and do positive effect used by the right natural way,otherwise if we use a sacred thing by the wrong left way it becomes profane,and gives a negative effect.Like the symbol of the cross that Jesus Christ crusiffied for humanity,it is sacred,but if u turn the upside down it becomes profane,like the crusaders who used this cross to kill.
I am sacred because my soul belongs to god,and I have a prt that it is imortal and this part is god on me,and it is possible to atcivate somehow this point....
RESPECT is a key word,and I feel sad when I reed some disrespectfull words,because if we dont respect and LOVE our brodas and sistas,we cannot respect nature,we cannot respect our own selves.To be healthy means that I respect and love this body that god gave me to live,so I respect god,I respect and love other beings around because my good health, helps the health of others around to be better,because we are all connected ,and our health effects automatically the cosmic health of all nature,all universe,becaus we all breath the same prana...if u dont respect the vehicle that karma gave u to liberate on a higher plane of existance,then u profane it by leting ur ego born and reborn and reborn again and again...
These are the first two key words for spiritual healing,and the 3rd is CONCISOUSNES,awakening conciousnes by observing each moment on real time and spece,,present time.with all of ur sensetions and mind focused there.
Respect the plant when u use it,means ask permision from the elemental being that lives in the plant and feel thankfull for the cure,pray for the soul of plant to liberate the soul,on a higher spiritual state of existance,because the purpose of the plant is to heal us,and if we respect that and give our love to this being then the plant help us to liberate also our own spirit higher,and receive the 100% of the conciousnes of the plant,and the healing becomes deeper and stronger,becaus u dont use only just the subconcious part of it.And at last when u use a herb be conscious and awaken,if u have strong concentration on the feeling of the heart connected with plant, and the vision on the mind as u meditate,without ego,and be honest pure and faithfull,then ur inner being is possible to get u in a closer contact with the elemental being of the plant,and communicate through channeling system,deeper...this medium works by telepathy and trance..
This is spiritual healing by the shamanic way...
My friend Kin beat is smart enouph like a fox to tell me that" I look like got out from the jail" hahaha very funny indeed,and yes maybe u are right it a point my friend,becasue I was like escape from the jail of the city,the "jungle" of athens,escape one month from the town prison to be with with god and purify in nature..I was lucky enouph to have this experince and see deeper the way out to escape matrix..
But I felt sad when I read about my friends u said kin,because in my memory flashed some friends of me,some who died from drugs,someother who stil takin and get more mad destroyng their selves,someother who are in the jail,prison u know why?
Why am I writing now?what is that force that pusses the buttons..
U asked also about what to do with the demons?
The demons is the egos,and to seeing ego needs psychological work ,be awaken all time,and observe ,or chant holy names top attract more sacred spirits around,create an atmosphare with symbols of mysticsm,or statues with gods n godeses,yantras mandallas...when u have an alter to worship the divine,u create a strong magnetic field full of fresh prana and divine energy,as u pray every day and offer something ,a flower may be or a cup of water to keep fresh vittality and spirtual energy there,or if u prefare offer something from ur inner self to the alter,if u like to obey the alter,do it and think u obey ur higher self,the god inside u...symbolic typical moves we do,that gives strong protection around ,positive vibrations that purifies the atmosphaire.Even ur dreams become more lightfull ,and attract angelic higher beings on the astral field,giving personal guidances,but the problem is the memory wich is weak from chemicals that burned cells,and I need to drink GINKO BILOBA herb,it is very good to strengthen memory and heal headaches,do some more spiritual healing...natural plants heal everything naturally and deep,on a holistic plane!
As fro dmt is I have experienced once,I smoke it and saw them all...it was too much strong,and personally dont use ayahuasca by this way,the brew makes deeper healing.
Peyote is something that I havent touch yet,maybe if i find any connection with it is possible.
After the End,a new Begining startS..
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 19, 2009 17:33
Very intersting and enlighting informations!!
Well done @Gopendragon!
kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jan 20, 2009 00:24
@ Gopendragon
hey man you know we dont know each other or anything, but , think that example about the jail that I wrote was out of context so sorry for that even if we all do actually have friends in jail.
think we both share that bummer!
I know we all struggle and have internal affairs that we must deal with, and believe me I m....
You´re right about the fact that plants cures everything and if used properly can become the way to reach within...
Inactive User
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Posted : Jan 20, 2009 18:53
dmt very nice , galactic travel things
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jan 21, 2009 20:57
@kin beat
I want to visit mexico one day...I want much to footstep on the sacred land that Quatzecoatl,where the Christ of the Aztecs lived...very interesting!!!
After the End,a new Begining startS..
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Posted : Feb 11, 2009 10:47
hi friends,
very nice threads with lot of insights about proper use of powerful plants.
i would like to add that all plants and everything that we ingest should be treated with utmost respect and spirituality and we can attain healing and enlightenment naturally this way.
I want to say that I dont take lsd anymore,acid,or any chemical substance to feel "cool" because I have taken of them almost the half of my life(15 years) at rave parties,and finnaly realised how much deep damage these crap things done to my physical body,my ethairial body, my vital body,my mental body e.t.c.
Lol, i realised this after using it 7 times between 3-4 years. True I've learned quite a lot from LSD. But the truth is repetitive use is unnecessary if you are using it for growth or spiritual purpose. Many people use all these substances way to often and get stuck in a cycle with all that Alien crap talk.
I want to say that I dont take lsd anymore,acid,or any chemical substance to feel "cool" because I have taken of them almost the half of my life(15 years) at rave parties,and finnaly realised how much deep damage these crap things done to my physical body,my ethairial body, my vital body,my mental body e.t.c.
Lol, i realised this after using it 7 times between 3-4 years. True I've learned quite a lot from LSD. But the truth is repetitive use is unnecessary if you are using it for growth or spiritual purpose. Many people use all these substances way to often and get stuck in a cycle with all that Alien crap talk.
Anything done too much is bad for anyone... u eat food more its bad, u sleep more its bad, u do too much D's its bad, u waste time too much its bad, u watch TV too much its bad, u drink too much its bad... etc etc... Everything shud be in moderation... everyone shud know where to draw the line... this doesnt mean u shud abstain urself from doin anythin... but be wise...
PS - they also say... too much love can kill u too (Also, Alien/ET = is defined as any life which does not originate from the physical 3D planet Earth (Earth only)... literally... so anyone thinks there are no aliens???!!!... )?
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 9, 2009 15:35
The Sacred Vine of the jungle Yage is an Elemental spirit that has many names and a great mission, it is known as the King of the Jungle and all Elemental plants of Nature,
it is called The Christ of the Jungle for its connection and teaching of the Cosmic Christ principles carrying within them the forces of all life and creation of God and Pachamama,
Yage is the spirit that is collecting the seed of humanity, purifying and preparing us, as well us connecting us with the Latin American continent where the race of the New Era will flourish after the purification of the planet and humanity.
The Spirit of the Yage has many allies in the plant kingdom that support and serve its mission like the sacred Coca, the Chondur, the Wayrasacha etc as well as in the animal kingdom, the sacred Wackamayo and the Jaguar. The spirits of these animals help the Yage and the Shamans that know how to invoke them, to fly or enter the depths of the jungle through them. A good Shaman i know, who shares his wisdom on this very list, once told us a story of how some indigenous say that for the Yage seed to take and become a plant in the jungle, is necessary that it passes through the Wackamayo's digestive system and in this way the Elemental propagates by seed or else any broken piece that falls on the ground, easily grows roots on the moist soil of the Amazon rainforest.
The Jaguar also is very strongly connected to this Elemental teacher giving it's strength and knowledge to the yagecero. This relationship between Plant Animal Human is something that benefits all. Here is a video of the Jaguar eating the Yage vine, a carnivorous animal that ingests a sacred shamanic plant, could it be only for purgative reasons..... ..?
The Elemental Spirits of nature are calling to us, the lost children, to think, analyse and investigate the reality of life and the state of the planet that we are responsible for.
May we open our hearts to their calling and awake
After the End,a new Begining startS..
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Posted : Oct 11, 2009 16:38
Crazy video!
But is it really possible? I mean, the jaguar tastes the "hallucinogenic effects of yage"?
Or as Gopendragon said, it could be only for purgative reasons
Maybe also some confusion about what they are calling "yage" (the final beverage, the brew or the plant?).
Probably not the ayahuasca beverage, since jaguars cant make tea, lol. The plant has dmt but its not active by oral use. The brew could give some hallucinations to the jaguar, but dont know if he likes brews.
I guess he would be more atracted by the plants since its really comom to see cats eating plants like that for purgative reasons as you mentioned.
But who knows? Maybe something works different for felines. Its a magical plant, i dont doubt jaguars can feel something
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 13, 2009 10:33
Animals have an innate knowledge about the plants,so when they feel sick the animals knows what kind of plant they need to eat and heal them selves,it is like the indigenous tribes of the jungle,from the day they born in life,they have innate knowledge about the plants and the spirts of nature,they are naturally born and connected to the earth,but we the most of humans who live in town prisons have lost this closer touch with nature,we have lost the connection with nature,our roots...
Animals also see through a different optical spectrum,their eyes may see differnt colors from us who are humans,for example the eye of a bee who is searching flowers to suck the nectar,they can see a yellow flower with a red color and not yellow as we humans see it,and that color is what attracts the bee to the plant,so we can imagine that when a jaguar see hallucinations,maybe for the animal is more deeper the vision,maybe with different colors,maybe the jaguar have stronger effect or not who knows...
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IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Nov 3, 2009 11:17
All u need to know about shamanism and sacred plants,I have visited this community in colombia and had great and deep experiences,really intersting gnosis to know ...for those who still spoil theirselves on the raves by seacrhing "spirituality" in pills...
After the End,a new Begining startS..