Spiritual healing -herbs-sacred plants
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jan 13, 2009 19:48:56
HARI OHM for all..
Entheogenic plants are sacred,and thats because the mystical secrets of god are possible to be known through visions giving us wise knowledge,that we can use to find cures and heal our bodies,our soul.It is possible also to learn secrets for the future past and present,all we have to do is to follow some basic rules and connect with nature.
Recently after a visit I had on a shamanic ecololigal farms at Colombia,I experienced a lot of rituals with some entheogenic plants and done spiritual healing through meditation,yoga and trance...I was amazed to see how the elemental beings of the plants where able to give precious help by using the superior part of the mind,and dive deep in the sickness of my soul...
I want to say that I dont take lsd anymore,acid,or any chemical substance to feel "cool" because I have taken of them almost the half of my life(15 years) at rave parties,and finnaly realised how much deep damage these crap things done to my physical body,my ethairial body, my vital body,my mental body e.t.c.
We all know that our human bodies are just a microcosmic being living on the macrocosmic being of the universe,and all those elments that exists around nature and all entire universe on a macro state of existance and parallel dimensions,are all inside us but just in a micro state of existance,so by observing and studying and the elements of nature and all of the universe it is like studying our own self(kabbalistic tree of life),till the deepest root of our own existance as human beings, and like as souls who have lived hundreads or thousands or even milions of years, passing an evolutionary scale state by state as stones,plants,animals,and now humans...and this evolution can continue more higher if we liberate from the physical bondages of the flesh, and become spiritual beings with solar astral bodies.. if we realise our role in life.
We need to get closer to nature,becasue we are nature,we need to love and respect all the species of the plants,stones and animals,all humans,we need to connect our hearts with mother earth,the Divine Mother,because our Mother is ready to care for all of us and connect us like as one,it is the earth we live,and show our love and respect for all beings.
Ayahuasca the Christ of the jungle is that guru deva elemental being that have the gift to heal us,this is is the only one etheogenic plant that can cure even cancer and have no any toxic elements on it,and it is the only one that can do so deep detoxication than anything else,just by a a natural spiritual process.
Imagine that after years of psychedelic experinces on trance dance with or without chem substances ,we have done trips to the space around universe,but without real guidance,and it this is like diving in the deep ocean of the astral world without knowing how to swim,so think that some parts our soul are forgotten somhwere in a dark loop of the universe in space and time,and without these lost parts of our soul,it is impossible to liberate our souls from the physical existance,impossible to escape from matrix of the astral web in the inferior world,because the spiritual vehicle that we have inside us needs to be repair,by making shamanic trips searching those lost parts,to find and collect them back to rebuild again,and this process is called "soul retreive".
Ther are also some other sacred plants like san pedro wich very good to heal sadness,some different kinds of mushrooms,and mescaline that produse visions.
These plant if are used fro spiritual healing with shamanic guidance are precious,otherwise if we dont use them by the right way,it dangerous and possible to got crazy and lost...
If anyone else have any similar experiences with any other entheogenic plants,or ask anything,please share ur experinces,I would be glad to read
thats for now sorry for any mistakes on my writing.
After the End,a new Begining startS.. |
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Posted : Jan 14, 2009 04:52
another such detoxifying plant, although totally neglected, is ibogaine (or iboga), aboriginal to africa. used for thousands of years for spiritual guidance and as rite of passage by the africans. studies show ibogaine to be powerful enuff to even cure heroin addiction (or any other kind of extreme physical/mental addictions) and withdrawals, at times even without the whole cold turkey scene. but very dangerous unless used wisely in exact dosage and under supervision of knowledgable healers due to its extreme potency and duration of experience.
like most entheogens, the international laws in most countries has tabbed it under schedule 1 prohibition as a result of propaganda like any other psychedelics. prohibition of any substance has never stopped the ordinary people from obtaining it. but what it has stopped is legitimate research on those substances. same as l.s.d. 24 hours ~ full power ~ no shower |
Offtopic posts:
Posted: Jan 14, 2009
I liek pot
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Posted : Jan 14, 2009 06:28
well, maybe you won´t be too happy to read what i have to say about what you have written , but then i hope i don´t make you too sad either
you use alot of beautiful words and it seems like you have had some very nice and interesting experiences , but i don´t understand how you can be so disrespectful in your usage of religious beliefs , and just mix hindusim , shamanism , christianity ,judaism , spiritism , science and not care what they symbolize or their symbolic values when they are separated , and then mix it with the usage of what you call sacred plants
for as i understand it - to get high ( or maybe you go to the book shop to get medicine , instead of a doctor ?)
even if it all could sound like new age-stuff , even in new age cultures it is the doctor , who handles the medicine ( sacred plants or whatever ) just like in shamanism , where the shaman / shamana is their doctor and for you to mix them all together so uncareful just doesn´t make any sense to me , at all
now , i may be alot older than you , but then if you really are 30 , i am not that much older , but then i never did take alot of drugs , as the nerd i am i studying all this separate issues ,for many , many years (except the bit about evolution , that i dropped pretty fast and wich i don´t belive in , at all)
you do write good , but i would want to recomend that you study what you write about , if you want to be taken seriously in the future , because to me , it all sounds like a confusing mess with influences of drug intake
"the geniality of the genius exist in the chaos of the psychosis"
anyway , happy new age
peace on earth*shiva-lee |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jan 14, 2009 17:23
Namaste my dears!!
It was really interesting to read about Ibogaine,tell u da truth dear infected vibe I dinnt knew anything about this plant,thank u very much for the info I will search for it
Actually Ayahuasca is used also fro heroin addicts,some countries have centers fro this reason,personnaly the spirit of Yaje was this being that help me to stop chemicals,yes this plant is a real angel!
About S hiva -lee I am happy to see that my thread initiated u on this forum and u had ur first post,yes!
Actually for a fisrt post I see that u going preetty good,but I ma sad to see how much disrepectfull for hindu religion is to have a nickname like this,because Shiva is a Lord my friend a Father of the universe and represents the priciple of destruction,and the first letter must be Written with CAPITAL letter,I mean the "S".
Who is disrepectfull me?
I inform that u must study more before u write,think that all religions are one,we live in the new age of aquaarious and we need to make a synthesys of all religions,is not a mixture,because on this era this is the only way to achieve liberation,study the synthesys my friend,and if u cannot accept it ,u need to open ur mind a lit bit more,and study and meditate,and practise ,and pray,and reach that spiritual state wich will give u the opportunity to understand better and deeper the mysterries of the world.
Shamanishm is basis of the root of all religions and traditions around the world,the first indigenous tribes that existed on the earth,and the jungles before thousands of years that started civilization was all shamanic,and Christ is not Only Jesus,it is a Cosmic principle...but it is is not the theme of this thread to speak about esoteric Christianity,here we speak about enteogenic plants and spiritual healing,if u wanna discuss about religions we can start another different topic,so we just need to follow the forum rules,and be on topic, and not be offtopic.
I suggest u to read the forum guidelines before u write again,because as I see u are "new" here.
thanks u write ,I enjoyed reading ur post,and I ll be happy to see u writing more posts ,if u wanna get u serious my friend
yes thats good,Cannabis is a sacred plant also,and if u use it with respect it is ok. ~~~~~~~namaskar~~~~~~~~~
After the End,a new Begining startS.. |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jan 14, 2009 20:55
I would like to share wit ya all,a special shamanic recipe of a mixture,made with 7 different healing herb plants ,straight from the amazon jungle,this is a brew that u drink every morning with empty stomach,all u need a small dose every day for a month.
The best and stronger healing herb for detoxication,for all those who need and want to purify their blood from all toxins and be healthy!!
This is called "depurativo" and contains:
plant names
1.ZARZAPARILLA-for blood cancer cure
2.GUALANDAY-leaf for blood parasites
3.AJENJO-leaf for blood parasites
4.SAUCO-(ELDER)leaf for blood parasites
6.QUINUA-malaria-bark for blood,
7.UNA DEGATO-vine for immune system blood,and cats claw
there also one very good blood purifying plant is called SELLODEORO-GOLDEN SEAL ,very good fOR immune system
u can search through internet for this,or ask people who have relation with healing herbs in ur country.If u cannot find it,feel free to pm on my israbox,I will be happy to give my assistance on that
I think that especially on this forum there are a looot of people who needs blood purification,too much acid,cocaine,ecstacy,mdma..e.t.c. hih u know what I mean,I am not a doctor or any kind of a healer,I am just the same with all of u who ,a burned head who cures my self,and passed from trancee ,and dance ,and trip with psychedelia and chemical substances,but at at least I decided at last(never too late)to start doing purification of blood to clean from the toxins of all those tons of chemicals I have taken in my half life ,thansk to god I am still alive after some comas,some near death experiences,some lost in space negative experiences(and positive offcourse ),some burn cells,some periods of complete mad crazyness,schizophrenia,nerve system damage,almost before the sanitarioum where insane people live happy..anyway I still count damages,thats why I do spiritual healing,and I strictly recoment ,for those who really need a cure...we have past the same,belive me,to be healthy and pure and clean it is the best choice of all,why we wanna suicide?
I was wondering this to my self why I am autocatastrofic?????
But it is not my being who wants this,it is my ego that loooves to see my self destroying..
Anyway dont take it as a preaching,I just want to share my experiences with all those brodas and sistas who need it
soon write more,I wait for more experiences to read ,come on dont be afraid to share,we are here to help eachother
After the End,a new Begining startS.. |
kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jan 15, 2009 01:24
On 2009-01-14 20:55, Gopendragon wrote:
I would like to share wit ya all,a special shamanic recipe of a mixture,made with 7 different healing herb plants ,straight from the amazon jungle,this is a brew that u drink every morning with empty stomach,all u need a small dose every day for a month.
The best and stronger healing herb for detoxication,for all those who need and want to purify their blood from all toxins and be healthy!!
This is called "depurativo" and contains:
plant names
1.ZARZAPARILLA-for blood cancer cure
2.GUALANDAY-leaf for blood parasites
3.AJENJO-leaf for blood parasites
4.SAUCO-(ELDER)leaf for blood parasites
6.QUINUA-malaria-bark for blood,
7.UNA DEGATO-vine for immune system blood,and cats claw
there also one very good blood purifying plant is called SELLODEORO-GOLDEN SEAL ,very good fOR immune system
u can search through internet for this,or ask people who have relation with healing herbs in ur country.If u cannot find it,feel free to pm on my israbox,I will be happy to give my assistance on that
I think that especially on this forum there are a looot of people who needs blood purification,too much acid,cocaine,ecstacy,mdma..e.t.c. hih u know what I mean,I am not a doctor or any kind of a healer,I am just the same with all of u who ,a burned head who cures my self,and passed from trancee ,and dance ,and trip with psychedelia and chemical substances,but at at least I decided at last(never too late)to start doing purification of blood to clean from the toxins of all those tons of chemicals I have taken in my half life ,thansk to god I am still alive after some comas,some near death experiences,some lost in space negative experiences(and positive offcourse ),some burn cells,some periods of complete mad crazyness,schizophrenia,nerve system damage,almost before the sanitarioum where insane people live happy..anyway I still count damages,thats why I do spiritual healing,and I strictly recoment ,for those who really need a cure...we have past the same,belive me,to be healthy and pure and clean it is the best choice of all,why we wanna suicide?
I was wondering this to my self why I am autocatastrofic?????
But it is not my being who wants this,it is my ego that loooves to see my self destroying..
Anyway dont take it as a preaching,I just want to share my experiences with all those brodas and sistas who need it
soon write more,I wait for more experiences to read ,come on dont be afraid to share,we are here to help eachother
dont get me wrong dude, but, why is it that you´re writtin as if you were just freed from jail and indeed were a hardcore druggie that as you said never knew how to tell his ego to be one with himself, but, lesson learned! now is a straight edge?
why is it that instead of going out and make some friends to talk about this, and, how you overcome your demons, which would be more interesting than you coming here, to a forum, to share an everyday´s life tale of a post-druggie that got enlighted with a trip to southamerica on which he was lucky enough to drink ayahuasca on the Amazon.
Not that I care, but now that you´re into it, wouldnt mind to read what you´d write if you come down to Mexico and I take you to Nogales Sonora to get some 5-methoxy-dimethyltryptamine from the toads or make it more interesting to Real De 14, in San Luis Potosi to have a Marakame guiding you in your own ¨deer chasing¨ on Peyote...... |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 15, 2009 02:14
dimethyltryptamine can be obtained from normal grass as well - in fact - can be extracted from pretty much any living organism.
is not a drug - but a medicine.
enter the time of CounterCulture ! |
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Jan 15, 2009 03:47
On 2009-01-14 05:24, mk47 wrote:
I liek pot
Aj liek it two
Can I ask a question about the bom, place chillum on third eye, smoking procedure? Of cource I noticed how Everyone in India did this. I also did it because it gave a nice feeling when done nice and everyone did it, so call it peer preassure When I returned to my home country I still Boomed but it faded out and today I hardly bom the chillum/joint except once here and there because it feels right.
Do you BoM! in Shiva's respect All the time? I was thinking about Gop's reply to your post: yes thats good,Cannabis is a sacred plant also,and if u use it with respect it is ok. , that it is somehow disrespect to not Boom shiva. hahaha sorry for lame question
peace & lighh with magic smoke
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Jan 15, 2009 14:17
If you isolate and transfer a gene or a set of genes that produce entheogenic molecules from a "sacred" plant like say San Pedro to let's say Solanum lycopersicum (tomato) does tomato plant become sacred as well? How about if you remove the gene(s) or inhibit their expression in San Pedro? Does it remain sacred even thou it doesn't produce entheogenic molecules any more?
You know, everything is poisonous at big enough dosage. Not all substances are psychoactive, but for sure there must be thousands of plant species that produce substances that are. It's all about the dosage. If eating 20 kg of cauliflower makes you hallucinate, does cauliflower then qualify as a sacred plant too?
Been (maybe) done by the way. Some guy (allegedly) transferred THC-producing genes from Sativa to Citrus plant.
..just asking
"The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn't have a space program."
- Larry Niven |
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Posted : Jan 15, 2009 20:08
^^ i think what make them sacred is not the substance itself but a past, a tradition of use those plants/herbs/animals in magic-religion cerimonies, or for cure.
I dont know if the example of transfering molecules is good, because in the end you are manipulating substances, and "entheogens"/sacred plants are mainly about "natural" resources.
But anyway, its something interesting to think about.
great topic
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Posted : Jan 15, 2009 20:19
On 2009-01-15 14:17, traveller wrote:
How about if you remove the gene(s) or inhibit their expression in San Pedro? Does it remain sacred even thou it doesn't produce entheogenic molecules any more?
Interesting. I remeber to read about some tribes that used "Jurema" (mimosa hostilis)
and some of them lost the knowledge about IMAO
So they were not using anything to activate the dmt on jurema. The plant was sacred, used in rituals, but without the "effect"
Fria Tantrumm
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Posted : Jan 15, 2009 22:44
On 2009-01-15 03:47, spytooned psytones wrote:
On 2009-01-14 05:24, mk47 wrote:
I liek pot
Aj liek it two
Can I ask a question about the bom, place chillum on third eye, smoking procedure? Of cource I noticed how Everyone in India did this. I also did it because it gave a nice feeling when done nice and everyone did it, so call it peer preassure When I returned to my home country I still Boomed but it faded out and today I hardly bom the chillum/joint except once here and there because it feels right.
Do you BoM! in Shiva's respect All the time? I was thinking about Gop's reply to your post: yes thats good,Cannabis is a sacred plant also,and if u use it with respect it is ok. , that it is somehow disrespect to not Boom shiva. hahaha sorry for lame question
peace & lighh with magic smoke
| is not dis-respectfull to not Boom Shiva while smoking..don't worry, you ain't in the danger zone.
People in India Boom Shiva because this is tradition and part of the religion. The whole pot smoking story in Hinduism stems from SHiva...thus those who worship Shiva smoke pot and salute him before they indulge in it. Smoking pot is meant to take you closer to the consciousness of Shiva (this is the belief) and opens one's third eye. It indulges a state of higher consciousness to the transcendental and hinders the influence of the material world (which in Hinduism is believed to be just an illusion).
The process of smoking pot in India did not stem from the need to be stoned and douch out, but it was like a ritual to get you into a meditative state that aligns one wiht the Supreme. Thus Indians do the whole Boom SHiva procedure...many hippesss coming to India just incorporated this and it kind of became the trend..but if you don't Boom it's no worry
Fractal Cowboys : Post Singularity COMING SOON :)
Orestis : Recursice Consciousness OUT
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 15, 2009 23:06
Nice topic. I know some people are being hard on the author of this thread Gopendragon. I dont see why? Certain plants are scared and they do offer healing when used correctly. There are many many plants to heal and purify your body with. I really wish we would see more respect in our society for some of these sacred plants as well as more respect for the Earth in general. These plants have been used by human beings from the very beginning (peyote, san pedro, ayahuasca, ibogaine, etc.) But I believe the correct way to do them is with a Shaman and I dont think ill indulge in any without a shaman.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 16, 2009 20:48
On 2009-01-14 04:52, infected-vibe! wrote:
another such detoxifying plant, although totally neglected, is ibogaine (or iboga), aboriginal to africa. used for thousands of years for spiritual guidance and as rite of passage by the africans. studies show ibogaine to be powerful enuff to even cure heroin addiction (or any other kind of extreme physical/mental addictions) and withdrawals, at times even without the whole cold turkey scene. but very dangerous unless used wisely in exact dosage and under supervision of knowledgable healers due to its extreme potency and duration of experience.
like most entheogens, the international laws in most countries has tabbed it under schedule 1 prohibition as a result of propaganda like any other psychedelics. prohibition of any substance has never stopped the ordinary people from obtaining it. but what it has stopped is legitimate research on those substances. same as l.s.d.
interest site about:
it's already been used for some time for antiaddiction purposes (alcoholism, heroin addict etc)
to use your head you have to go out of your mind |