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Spiritual Congestion

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 9, 2009 16:04:12
Do you notice that there suddenly is a sudden rise in spiritual congestion that is too many spiritualists too many views...spirituality has become a fad...the funny thing unlike other fads this fad will actually hurt the economy. if people get reach satisfaction that will mean that there will be no need to consume. if consumption stops that means unemployment and that would mean no more trance festivals as people are already satisfied and uplifted....imagine this as hypothetical situation and tell me how would you live in such a situation where you still need money to u agree that reality tv is one of the best solution to deal with this problem of increased consciousness?
people if everyone becomes spiritually content and is able to reach nirvana...we will have a war between faiths in this physical many from alternative faiths will use the method prescribed by competing religions..religious wars will break out in order to take control of your your mind will be used like a football and every time there's a foul a flag will be raised and for 90 minutes you will be brainwashed again into believing and then reliving your life based on the number of sporting events you see vs the number of books you read...its crazy if you are aware you just are but if you are not you are a commodity to be consumed by priests, priestesses , god men and god women etc...           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 9, 2009 19:39
Xolvexs you are a great pleasure to read! Never know what twist and turn comes out of each sentence. Love it.

I was going to reply seriously to this, but I don't know if it's asking for a reply or not

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 9, 2009 19:58

Xolvexs - What a great mindread 
Inactive User

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Posted : Oct 9, 2009 21:49
another gem from the master
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 10, 2009 00:57
"we will have a war between faiths in this physical many from alternative faiths will use the method prescribed by competing religions..religious wars will break out in order to take control of your mind."

This might just be the truth!
So kill them all!! moohaha
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 10, 2009 11:46
i think i am ready to do some ramblings and random stuff that comes in my mind with some eerie ambient sort of like Terence McKenna...get me drunk and high and i will give u a performance..           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
RaDioAcTiVe AcIdHeAd

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Posted : Oct 11, 2009 04:26
hehe... good one... but, u know thats not the idea...           ?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 13, 2009 00:11
Where do you live Xolvexs? (jeez, I've learned how to spell that already)

Why don't you record yourself over something and see how it sounds? Do you have an accent? nasal voice? I know my voice sounds like shit when recorded. (But screaming in punk rocks bands is ok.)
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 13, 2009 12:36
i have a baritone like voice and depending on how much i smoke it gets husky and there are times when i go into a deep treble nasalish voice...           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive

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Posted : Oct 13, 2009 19:24

On 2009-10-09 16:04:12, Xolvexs wrote:
Do you notice that there suddenly is a sudden rise in spiritual congestion that is too many spiritualists too many views...spirituality has become a fad...the funny thing unlike other fads this fad will actually hurt the economy. if people get reach satisfaction that will mean that there will be no need to consume. if consumption stops that means unemployment and that would mean no more trance festivals as people are already satisfied and uplifted....imagine this as hypothetical situation and tell me how would you live in such a situation where you still need money to u agree that reality tv is one of the best solution to deal with this problem of increased consciousness?

Isn't it a good thing people are becoming spiritual?? In the end doesn't that mean more freedom & peace. If you visit any of the ashrams/places teaching spirituality/meditation properly you will feel the good vibes at that place.

Being satisfied does not mean you don't need food, clothing, shelter anymore. That is not spirituality. That is running away from life. So consumption will not stop. But unnecessary consumption & wastage of resources will reduce. Plus, other than the basic needs we will have other needs like entertainment to be fulfilled. So manufacturing and repairing of necessary electronics will also continue.

With rise in spirituality will be rise in awareness. With awareness people will destroy less nature and will try to conserve it. Population and pollution control will enter their minds.

Who knows maybe with rise in individual spirituality psychedelic trance culture will be more accepted?? People would be at peace with themselves and would be more open to psychedelics, meditation, music & sex as a part of their life. People will be more open to art and will be creative in areas of life. Instead of using the resources on earth to find life on other planets they will use it to enjoy the life that already exists here.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 14, 2009 11:09
change is difficult for we have to move out of our comfort zones..its like you are making $1 million a month and the next month it is worth nothing...or you had a spiritual monopoly which you no longer will have since more and more are choosing a path and all paths competition for Deepak Chopra, Uri Geller, etc...once everyone is enlightened do we really need the sun? or whom do we show the light to? it is a good thing no doubt but tranquility and peace after a while get really we would again indulge in spiritual Olympics of sort...whereby people will again feel emptyness and again go for the search...i mean people get bored of music so quickly so imagine how quickly will they get bored of enlightenment?
at the maximum total enlightenment is like a total eclipse it lasts momentarily and then before you take your spiritual path have a back up plan...whatever you like and sacrifice for your spiritual journey, make sure at a later stage you are able to go back to it without any regret.
Once you reach enlightenment say using the Buddhist path, then make a note of it, after that try to reach enlightenment using another path say Christianity or Judaism or maybe Islam...then take another religious trip..for religious trips are full of mysteries and doubt which in turn make your mind turn inside out...loose your faith only after you have understood it until then keep on are better of understanding what you have been raised as rather than jumping ship to another one...the whole thingy about half understood and half experienced religion is that you at some point feel that you should have at least tried...           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 14, 2009 19:25
I mentioned in another topic that I practice something called the latihan kedjiwa'an.

No dogma, teachings, spiritual guides, music, psychotropics or anything external.

It comes from your own inner vibration.

Practice it a lifetime and it is like a wave that continually reforms, changes shape, taking you on a ride that brings you more and more in tune with your inner or higher self.

RaDioAcTiVe AcIdHeAd

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Posts :  443
Posted : Oct 15, 2009 04:50
oh u bet Xolvexs... humans get bored of things so very fast... i guesss thats the whole reason we r always workin so freakin hard, to, just find somethin new to amuse ourselves so too often...

But a change is inevitable i guess considering the current state of the humans and the whole planet... i guess even this change is for a short time coz they say after this dark age now, is followed by 1000 yrs of peacefull golden age... i guess by the end of 1000 yrs we wud have gotten bored of that scene also n will be tryin to find somethin new..., just to amuse ourselves

But still i feel a change is inevitable... coz the current situation is pretty bad... humans need a different perspective... a better way of living and seeing things... But i guess a peacefull golden spiritual age doesnt mean that all the things we have now is discarded... u will have all the good things u have now plus more things of the next dimension/era i guess.. its not like u have to give up everything... only thing is humans will respect each other and nature much more than wat they do now and learn to live peacefully... and also humans will evolve into more higher beings which will give u more capabaities....

Or lets look at this way... after this change occurs and we enter the universal consciousness... maybe there are more different things to do then... instead of concentrating only opn earthly things and humans we might have to look at the whole univers and different beings then,,.. Maybe we get more busy than we r now Maybe more entertainment also... who knows...           ?
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 15, 2009 10:11
some facts
nearly 30% of the world is directly or indirectly employed by the military. In age of peace when military expenditure drops, the nations suffer. I mean what will happen to all those companies which are in defense manufacturing. Peace is not an objective its a negotiation. There may be external peace but there will be internal panic....Peace is not an end it is an outcome. If there is too much violence then peace prevails. If there is too much peace authority prevails.
For one thing the present day legal system , criminal legal system to be more specific, is designed to punish. The total criminal population of the world excluding terrorist or even if include them is less than 5% of the total world population. To punish them the peace of 95% is taken away. In golden age of peace what would happen is that if anyone disrupts peace, in form of protest, resentment etc would be thrown in jail. Peace is stillness and still waters run deep..Peace is not as good as it sounds. True peace is within you not outside of you. As long as you can calm yourself totally it serves you...but if you yourself loose temper and get angry, so do the other 6-7 billion the quantum effect of that results in destabilization of peace...Peace is achieved and it is never forced...any form of force is violence..and fears are man-made. Force and Fear result in Panic and when you panic you "need" peace and to get peace you will sacrifice your life...peace is not the answer its just another political trap. At the end of the negotiation starts a new conflict, called punishing those who committed the atrocities. When that happens peace is gone and again we are sucked into the the cycle of Fear Force Panic Peace- 2F2P...and again we look for solutions of Peace...There is no solution there is only Negotiation and more Negotiation then there is Deliberation and Debates. You may loose you cool during this and every time you loose you cool 50 people are massacred...thats just the basic structure under which peace operates.
If everyone is at peace, the world will stand still and a standstill world is a post- apocalyptic vision...Peace is scarry.
Let me leave you with a quote
"That which starts sweet ends bitter
That which starts bitter ends sweet"
          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
RaDioAcTiVe AcIdHeAd

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  443
Posted : Oct 20, 2009 04:42
if u r worried abt the military, then they can have much better things to do other than fighting wars... they don need to be phased out but can be put to a much better use... or prolly u need the military to defend from external invasions from different galactic beings... n all the defense manufacturing and research can be used to research and manufacturing better things... there is no limit to do/find new things...
And like u say, peace maybe a political scheme again... still its better than the current war mongering situation thats prevailing... Well if u don like peace, then u gotta live with wats happening now... or do u have any other better suggestion?
Just peace is a very vague and broader term... it can be internal external or collective etc etc... and yeah i agree internal peace affectes external n vice versa... maybe we might find a way to balance things...
and in future, to punish ppl who disrupt they might find a whole new approach other than the conventional one...
So basically wat im tryin to say is we definitely need a new system coz the current one sucks big time... and we need a change ASAP
And also the big change is promising some pretty cool things... as in human evolution into higher dimensions and the fruits of it... Coz if u see the humans are realizing that we have a lot of potential in us than wat we thought earlier and we can do much more things in a better, faster and a different way than we've been doing... Both mind and physical aspects r evolving... we need a better body too... current physical state overall sucks...
So why not the change, until someone comes up with a much better stuff to do...           ?
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