IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jan 4, 2014 01:21:16
!, ! and !!!!!!!!!
It falls under the umbrella of the records i want to binge listening to, definitely.
The production, technical wise is almost perfect, there is a great set of arrangements here as well as wise use of synth arpeggios, uplifters and sweeps, and a quite remarkable level of engineering and use of atmospheric effects such as reverbs and delays witch contributes a lot in the 3d imaging of the sound.
The resulting sensation as a listener is that this record has a big uplifting and cheerful mood; being rather psychedelic and modern while avoiding the most common production clichés of these days and using a wide span of trance inducing rhythms and sound combos.
Regarding 528hz tuning the overall opinion is that is quite a great choice for this kind of release.
Coming from an extremely skeptic background as far as new age teories about tuning is concerned, maybe because i never felt this great diversity while listening 432hz tuned material., This time turns out as a very audible difference even while not a-b-ing with 440hz material.
It seems to give and overall sense of "altered distances in between the tones" " not totally eastern, very outer-space and alien friendly " especially over the top of arpeggios and sweeps togheter, on the other hand there are some noticeable weird intervals witch often fall into place nicely, particularly prominent on the overall atmosphere of tune ˜5 and on the guitars of tune ˜7.