"Spirit Clan" - a mix of Shaman Folk, Indian, Drums
Potere Infinito
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 10, 2015 17:36:38
Here you'll find the mix "Spirit Clan"
Tags: Native American, Indians, Shaman Folk, Drums, Pan-Flute
1. Oliver Shanti & Friends- Red Indian's Right To Live 4:35
2. Mary Youngblood - Wind Whispers 3:20
3. Tito La Rosa - El Munay (Power of Love) 4:10
4. Marina Raye– Journey Home 7:15
5. Little Wolf Band – Spirit Clan 5:05
6. Michael Stearns & Ron Sunsinger - The Ringing Desert 4:05
7. Kimba Arem- Turtle Wind 5:30
8. Terry Oldfield- The Americans 7:20
9. David & Steve Gordon - North Wind Renewal 15:25
10. Ulali - Grammah Easter's Lullaby 1:55
Mix: https://www.mixcloud.com/potereinfinito/spirit-clan-episode-34/
Please enjoy)
  Music-mixes of ambient, ethnic fusion, piano: www.mixcloud.com/potereinfinito/ |