On 2007-04-18 01:23, John wrote:
For anyone outside the UK, or under 30 come to that, one organisation that was pivitol in the underground dance scene pre-psy trance was Club Dog/Megadog.
This started in the 80s with lots of festival & space rock acts (like Ozrics, Here & Now, Astralasia) and as time progessed into the 90s gradually took on more & more techno elements (Eat Static & System7 were regular acts along with Loop Guru, TGU, Medicine Drum Banco De Gaia etc) and was one of essential links along with the free festival/party scene (in the Uk anyway) between space rock and dance.
Are there any dvds' or recordings of these events?
"Any act, if in accordance with the Will, is an act of Magick."
Cool! Look forward to seeing more on the megadog site! I was wondering if it was related to planet dog records and the question was answered! Thanks for the link!
Was listening to some Helios Creed today and thought of this thread...can't believe I forgot to mention 'em!
"Any act, if in accordance with the Will, is an act of Magick."
hehe lemmy didnt write anything on the space ritual,,,but anyways opinions are opinions
keep the suggestions cumming
also since this has become a psyrock topic try the best modern psyrock band
Helicon Sounds Music
On 2007-04-24 23:52, FaithNoMore wrote:
hehe lemmy didnt write anything on the space ritual,,,but anyways opinions are opinions
Most of the tracks on Space Ritual are extended jams are opposed to songs & both Dave Brock & Lemmy have talked many time about the unique partnership they had at this time - so the tracks (and HW) which would have sounded completly different had Lemmy not been in the band...
Sorry about being pedantic... I've been a HW geek since I was 13.. which was a LONG time ago!!
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 6, 2007 10:17
Space rock? Excellent album by Para Halu
Cosmic Oneness
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 16, 2008 13:49
Pink Floyd remains unsurpassed ... Genius' !
" All is One "
When we change the way we see things, the things we see begin to change ... In Lak'ech Ala K'in ...