Space rock
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 13, 2007 18:09
Thanks so much for that list mukti777, I'm always on the lookout for more psych-rock.
Here's my personal favs in the area :
Bardo Pond, Datura, Acid Mothers Temple, Emerald Cloud Cobra, Hash Jar Tempo, Jackie-O Motherfucker.
  Row row row your boats gently down the stream; merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream. |
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Posted : Apr 13, 2007 19:16
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 13, 2007 20:56
On 2007-04-12 21:29, mukti777 wrote:
No mention of Gong? Ash Ra Temple? Amon Duul 2(oh, thanks full_lotus), Guru Guru?
Yes, no denying Hawkwind, but (in my humble opion) only in the early days...
As far as modern space rock goes, I submit the likes of Spacemen 3(thus Spiritualized,Spectrum,E.A.R.), Jessimine, Magnog, Yume Bitsu, Dead Meadow,etc...
Invisible Machines aint bad...
I will suggest to Pavel, however, that without Syd, we might not have gotten the same Hawkwind we know and love...but who knows..Dave or Nik? uh, is that Gilmor or Mason ;-)
If you're going to mention Spacemen3, then Loop should get a mention as well
  Turn On, Tune In, Trance Out!!! |
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Posted : Apr 13, 2007 21:29
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Posted : Apr 14, 2007 05:37
On 2007-04-13 18:09, Nobita wrote:
Here's my personal favs in the area :
Bardo Pond, Datura, Acid Mothers Temple, Emerald Cloud Cobra, Hash Jar Tempo, Jackie-O Motherfucker.
I'm with you here, my friend! I'm big on Bardo Pond, Hash Jar and Acid Mother's too!(will check out the others you listed). Check out Flying Saucer Attack, Cosmic Couriers, and Space Explosion (the last two contain members of GuruGuru abd Cluster), Bowery Electric, Brainticket...
Yeah, any of the Kranky records family!
Geez...great topic..I could go on & on!
  "Any act, if in accordance with the Will, is an act of Magick." |
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Posted : Apr 14, 2007 05:55
| full_lotus,
Yeah, Loop is(were) great!! The album 'world in your eyes' holds many psychedelic memories for me!
  "Any act, if in accordance with the Will, is an act of Magick." |
CRX(HSS Records)
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 16, 2007 02:28
lemmy's real name is in fact Ian and from personal experience he's a very nice dude.
he's called lemmy because in his early hawkwind years he always asked for money and things and he said "lend me"
apart from the main theme "motorhead" he doesnt have so much contribution to hawkwinds music
hawkwind is the distorted sound coming out the bass amplifier.
they were so much wasted that they called it the hawkwind
their best tracks according to my taste are:
silver machine
master of the universe(every version available)
quark strangeness and charm
psychedelic warlords and
love in space(rare live version)
their spawns according to m taste also are
fu machu(especially the action is go era)
early monster magnet(until dopes to infinity without including it)
nightstaler(the best greek rock band ever)
mf sons of otis(fanstastic music)
porcupine tree
and in the woods
the project friend mukti mentioned are elite but not space rock
they r psyrock
space rock tell stories about space tribes and space rituals
  Helicon Sounds Music |
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Posted : Apr 16, 2007 09:43
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Posted : Apr 16, 2007 11:50
h a l l o ! ! !.....E L O Y... words... |
Horrordelic Records
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Posted : Apr 16, 2007 18:45
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 17, 2007 00:04
On 2007-04-16 02:28, FaithNoMore wrote:
lemmy's real name is in fact Ian and ...
apart from the main theme "motorhead" he doesnt have so much contribution to hawkwinds music
Have to disagree with you there - Lemmy's driving bass sound was integral to the "Space Ritual" era Hawkwind - and if there is anyone reading this who doesnt own a copy of this classic album - what are you waiting for - click on>>
dr. luv
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Posted : Apr 17, 2007 19:28
My all time favorite space music release isn't in rock I'm afraid, it's still X-Dream's Radio...that said:
I'll be following up on the excellent suggestions here, thanks everyone!
Hawkwind - Yeah, Lemmy...definitely a guy dancing to the beat of his own drum/singing in his own key. I mostly only know the awesome adrenaline rush of Silver Machine and In Search of Space to be honest, but John, I'm going to pick up Space Ritual solely on the strength of your impeccable taste on the Dub Recommendations thread over there in Ambient & Chillout. Pint o' real ale your way if it's any good.
And another shout out here for Spacemen 3/Spiritualized and Loop (rumours of back catalog re-issue...).
Speaking of Ash Ra Temple...unauthorized side project/supergroup Cosmic Jokers are well spacey, and good for chillout sets or long samples for bridges between two psy tracks that won't otherwise mix conveniently (or I should say, that I can't mix conveniently ). Interesting/funny little bio here:
Am I correct in assuming that Steve Hillage (ex-Gong) and Raja Ram are the two main, authentic connections between space rock and contemporary psychedelic trance/techno/ambient?
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 17, 2007 20:44
| but John, I'm going to pick up Space Ritual solely on the strength of your impeccable taste on the Dub Recommendations thread over there in Ambient & Chillout. Pint o' real ale your way if it's any good. |
I would warn you that it is anything but ambient!
| Am I correct in assuming that Steve Hillage (ex-Gong) and Raja Ram are the two main, authentic connections between space rock and contemporary psychedelic trance/techno/ambient? |
A very good question - I'll get thinking if there are any other good connections.
One very good UK space rock/free fetvial band of the 70s/80s (and still going) are Here & Now - they were always more of a live band than album band - and to be honest a lot of their studio stuff is very patchy - but there is some good stuff out there (if very difficult to find). Steffe from Here & Now did the excellent "Bubbled up On Dub" CD from a few years ago.
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Posted : Apr 17, 2007 22:21
to dr.luv...
i'll back your assumption about Steve Hillage & Raja...
though I would add Kluase Shultze, who not only being a part of Ash Ra Temple, was a pioneering figure in electronic music...period! In more recent history, he has collaborated with Bill Laswell and Pete Namlook on several of the FAX records ambient series. Of course, it was Gong who brought Bill Laswell to the scene on the 'New York Gong' sessions, where he was a studio musician. that brought him to much acclaim working with Lori Anderson!
...ahhh...the ties that bind!
Wonderful suggestions here! I can't wait to check out so much of what's been mentioned here!
And speaking of Ozric Tentacles....obviously Merv Pepler is essential to psytrance, but ozrics are closely tied to Gong, in the fact that they pay homage by playing the 'master builder' riff in many live performances...
  "Any act, if in accordance with the Will, is an act of Magick." |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 18, 2007 01:23
For anyone outside the UK, or under 30 come to that, one organisation that was pivitol in the underground dance scene pre-psy trance was Club Dog/Megadog.
This started in the 80s with lots of festival & space rock acts (like Ozrics, Here & Now, Astralasia) and as time progessed into the 90s gradually took on more & more techno elements (Eat Static & System7 were regular acts along with Loop Guru, TGU, Medicine Drum Banco De Gaia etc) and was one of essential links along with the free festival/party scene (in the Uk anyway) between space rock and dance. |