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Sounds you wish people would stop using


Started Topics :  69
Posts :  581
Posted : Dec 18, 2009 16:44
Every sound coming out of a mobile phone next to you at the bus/plane/train etc!!! 
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posts :  1766
Posted : Dec 18, 2009 19:02

On 2009-12-18 16:44, Lauge wrote:
Every sound coming out of a mobile phone next to you at the bus/plane/train etc!!!

In that case, Hiphop is the absolute worst music to hear from someone else's phone
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posts :  2822
Posted : Dec 18, 2009 20:34

On 2009-12-18 16:44, Djones wrote:

Hiphop is the absolute worst music to hear

fixed that for you.

as for what sounds should stop being used...only thing that has really erked me lately is when I went to a psy-event and there was a old dude on bad drugs with a loud whistle and some shitty drums randomly belting out ear-destroying shrillness accompanied by (probably)meth-addled drum rolls that were offbeat from the actual music that would have been great had it not been for his bungling.

That, and anything referencing blood/gore/violence, matrix samples.

IDK why I even am trying, this thread was concluded pages ago when DH said duv's voice LOL
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 20, 2009 16:35
Laughter in the harder stuff
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Dec 22, 2009 06:21

On 2009-12-11 23:27, rich wrote:
I hope someone said up-siren.

Fuck yes. SUCH a cliche sound, it needs to die!!
Inactive User

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Posted : Dec 22, 2009 07:17
I wish that people would layer more sounds, instead of focussing on a single lead sound with some a low grade glitch or digital sound shite buzzing around... have been listening to my collection of old school goa the last few weeks and now can't listen to 99% of my post 2000 stuff LOL!           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
IsraTrance Full Member
Started Topics :  116
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Posted : Dec 22, 2009 11:37
I'd like to hear people get more creative with the percussion. 99% of psytrance tracks have a regular old hihat. Why not use a maraca, a jingle bell, wood block, or any other sound besides a regular hihat?
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  99
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Posted : Dec 28, 2009 10:48

On 2009-12-22 11:37, Shiranui wrote:
I'd like to hear people get more creative with the percussion. 99% of psytrance tracks have a regular old hihat. Why not use a maraca, a jingle bell, wood block, or any other sound besides a regular hihat?

Not sure if you like any Full-On, but going off of this you should definitely checkout newer stuff by Cosmonet and Bubble. 
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Sounds you wish people would stop using
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