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sound and production and money

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  54
Posts :  187
Posted : Apr 21, 2012 01:51:30
is euro trance has a better sound production than psytrance ?

than main question is if the money factor plays a big role in the electronic music?
the people who have lots of money have the best tech and studios.?

im sure its like that in the movie industry but is it the same in the electronic music industry?
Wizack Twizack
Wizack Twizack

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Posted : Apr 21, 2012 09:47
depends on wich artists in the genres you compare obviously.

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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 21, 2012 13:14
Demoniac Insomniac vs ummmm let's say Marco V           Cuntus Maximus.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 21, 2012 15:55
with more money you can buy more high quality equipment, it can t hurt your production quality but it s more than this,experience,talent,ears , matter a lot.

some style are also more sample based than psytrance ,it s easier to get great production it will depends mostly of the quality of the sample you use , these will be already processed with great equipment.
Master Margherita

Started Topics :  156
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Posted : Apr 21, 2012 16:07
- with more money you can pay a guy/girl to produce the music you need for been trendy ..

and then
with more money you can addvertise this music massively and pretend to be a star

Martian Arts

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Posted : Apr 21, 2012 17:48
More cash = better studio which does not necessarily mean better production.

And you don't need to be wealthy to have some basic acoustic treatment and a good pair of monitors.

Then its all down to the experience and creativity of the person.

But you can't compared eurotrance to psy-trance.
Eurotrance is a lot less involving than psy-trance, imo.
When you make space in an arrangement for that one massive layered stab/rave line, it sounds huge.
Psy-trance (some) involves layers of sound design, with many little things that create a playground of rhythmic and melodic content, where you choose which one you are going to latch on for, or dance to the whole thing.


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Posted : Apr 21, 2012 21:06

On 2012-04-21 01:51:30, PSYDUDE wrote:

im sure its like that in the movie industry but is it the same in the electronic music industry?

Probably is the same but can be diffrent. It is always like you thing its something but sudenly it is something else. Ask your heart!
Grapes Of Wrath

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  454
Posted : Apr 25, 2012 16:35
The best studio in the world is still useless if a monkey sits at the helm.

For pro´s better tools means time saved doing the same job essentially, meaning more money earned in the same span of time.

Money really means nothing in terms of creativity and skill. Easily verified by listening to eurotrance (sigh)           Mastering available here:
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 25, 2012 17:46
Not at all, look for example at Younger brother last album, to my ears it sounds as good as any other album by a rock band.
          "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - sound and production and money
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