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Sonic Species – Machina Terra EP (Alchemy Records)

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  21
Posts :  30
Posted : Aug 20, 2010 23:12:24
Chart topping Psy label Alchemy are at it again with a new release from British Psy producers Sonic Species.

Sonic Species

Sonic Species are Joe Markendale (better known as his alias G-Nome) and Alex Story (better known as his alias Fromem Ory). Both are well experienced Psy-Trance producers from the UK and started the Sonic Species project in 2008. They have played some major festivals in the short period that the project has existed which notably included a stop this year at Brazil's famous Universo Parellelo festival.

Sonic Species – Machina Terra EP (Alchemy Records)

1. Machina Terra

The title track to the EP starts things off with a thick, juicy Progressive-Psy bassline which is very easy to picture being played in the middle of an open air festival. A track which will be remembered for its easy to dance to approach, there is nothing that is particularly special about Machina Terra that fans will remember in terms of melody but this is a track that Psy DJ's will love for its filler approach which can get a crowd moving without draining them out with massive melodies. Some will say that this is the lighter side of Full-on which can be argued, but for arguments sake I will say this is about as far as you can push the Progressive-Psy sound. There is a break around 4 minutes to let the crowd catch breath and then it jumps right back into where it left off.

2. Dust Rising

This track wastes no time getting into the energy its meant to get across. By the 90 sec mark, the song is already in full swing with acid lines, another thumping bassline and leads which are sure to be a hit with most listeners. Unlike Machina Terra, this track has a great melody introduced around 4 minutes with a very strong morning feel to it. There is no silence at any point while this melody comes out and it is accompanied by the pounding bassline. The aggressive (but not overly) acidlines come back into the frame to lead the track into a multi-layered outro which includes most parts of the song in a 2 minute span.

3. Infinity

A nice sample, possibly from Blade Runner, leads us into Infinity. The opening few minutes of the track give the impression that this is the least driving opening of the three tracks and takes a more funky, groovy approach. A lot of flirting is done with this track in the sense that some elements come and go quite quickly; a melody similar to the one in dust rising is present around 3:45, but it seems to dissolve itself once the bassline enters again. The vocal sample comes back at 6 minutes to start a huge break in the track. The song really takes shape in this last half and it starts to make sense why the rest of the track seemed to dissolve every time it appeared to be progressing. In fact the last 3rd makes the first 6 minutes seem like a massive build and when the vocal sample ends, the song really explodes.

Verdict: This EP is a great purchase for Psy DJ's playing during the outdoor festival season. It provides diversity which helps out in different parts of a set and ranges from groovy to melodic to straight pounding sounds. Dust Rising is one of the more majestic psychedelic tunes heard this year and it will surely be a pleasure to be on the dancefloor when this one is belting out of the speakers. Not to take anything away from the rest of the EP; this is a solid purchase all around and a great advertisement for Alchemy.

Tracks to not miss in order of preference: 2, 1, 3.

Written by Ben/Spaniard for

For track previews and download links, check out the post on

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Started Topics :  418
Posts :  3816
Posted : Aug 23, 2010 16:47
Great EP. These guys surely have a really bright future ahead of them           DJ pr0fane (Iboga Records) | Multiphase | |

Started Topics :  74
Posts :  498
Posted : Sep 2, 2010 22:44
yupp..2 thumbs up again!!! real nice ep..looking forward to play the tracks in my next set!! 

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  10
Posted : Feb 4, 2011 07:52
I especially like Dust Rising. Hope to hear more tracks like that from them.

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Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Sonic Species – Machina Terra EP (Alchemy Records)
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