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Trance Forum » » Forum  Israel - SONIC DRAGON records special on HYPNOZA 106fm (TLV) Sunday 22/6 @ 20:00
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SONIC DRAGON records special on HYPNOZA 106fm (TLV) Sunday 22/6 @ 20:00

IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  441
Posts :  406
Posted : Jun 19, 2008 16:07:25
Captains log 22062008 supplemental,

This week we will take our space ship to the mighty Dragon and it's many faces. Sonic Dragon is a unique label that emphasises the Electronic sides of different genres. It is divided to sub labels which are dedicated to the spectrum of the psychedelic experiences a human creature flies through: Dark, Madness, Relaxation, Technoid, Electro and all those magical sounds that the machine creates to make us closer to ourselves, our conciousness and of course - the rest of the living creatures! (except those yukky cockroaches they should all die in slow and painful death!)

We shall focus on the 2 sub labels which attracts our Hypnotic tendencies -

Faerie Dragon - The wacky, sunny, blurry squeaky, funny, flippy side of the Dragon, this wonderful sub label has shared with us a few of the most talented artists who come straight from the Finnish (ok and some of The Israeli and Swedish ones as well realms of insanity - Salakavala, Luomuhappo, James Reipas, Exuus, Tamlin, Outolintu, Eraser VS Yojalka and some mind blowing compilations which have scratched us for life time!

Manic Dragon - The darkish, night, creapy, frightning, shivering side of the Dragon, this awesome sub label has shared with us some of the most disturbed artists in the Psy hood - C.P.C, Baphomet Engine, Jocid, Fractal Cowboys, The Many Faces, Procs and the amazing compilation series of our favourite human phenomena - V/A - Multiple Personalities 1,2,3!!!

The other Dragon sub genres are - Celestial Dragon, Elektrik Dragon, Mechanical Dragon.

Prepare All your personalities for this amusment park of the wildest trip in town!

Hypnoza goes Sonic Dragon!

This Sunday 22/6 @ 20:00 Israeli Time on 106fm Tel Aviv Kol Hacampus,
Tune in on
and also TV Channels - Hot (Cables) - 321
YES (Sattelite) - 71
          "Hypnoza" 106fm (TLV) - Sunday's @ 20:00
Delusional Trippy voyage to space madness

"HAFIROT" 106fm (TLV) wednesday's @ 13:00
Trance Forum » » Forum  Israel - SONIC DRAGON records special on HYPNOZA 106fm (TLV) Sunday 22/6 @ 20:00
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