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#-#-# Some Usefull Information and Tips!

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  73
Posts :  678
Posted : Dec 19, 2005 20:51
Dear IsraTrance Members,

I belive we all want to get the best results out of this section, in order to do it, all of us need to follow the rules and guidelines. I gathered everything you need to know in this thread, and added some personal tips, hope it would help.

This section is intended for exchange of information about active and non-active DJ's and Artists. Please don't use it for promotional intentions at all cause, for that, we have 2 diffrent sections, the Promotional section, and the New Tracks section, also please avoid from posting links to your web sites, those links can go straight to the Links section.
Please use our search system, since its very likely that most of the questions about artists have already been asked. Please notice that a question that have been asked already would be deleted.

InSearch Tips:
When using the InSearch system, it can be extremely easy to get the best results in the following way.
Lets say you want to know who is behind a certain project, for example Azax Syndrom.

a. Click on the InSearch link on the upper left menu.
b. Set Keyword: Azax Syndrom
c. Set Search: For All Of The Terms
d. Set Forum Name: DJs & Artists
e. Set Search In: Subject
f. Click on the InSearch link bellow.

Web Search Tips:
There are several ways to get the information you want on the web, here are 2 usefull methods I use, which I hope would help you aswell.

a. The most common search engine over the web is, which I'm sure everybody already knows. The following way is abit annoying though. Lets say you user XXX posted a certain question about a project, for example Abomination.

a.1. Enter
a.2. Set field: Abomination TrancePsytrance
a.3. Click Google Search

On a quick look on the page, you would probably figure what links could be most usefull to you.

b. Another way to search information on an artist, is to get directly to his label's webpage. Lets say you are looking for information about a certian project, for example Abomination. If you already know the lable the project is signed on, you can skip the following parts untill b.5.

b.1. Enter
b.2. Set field: Abomination <your-favorite-online-trance-shop>
b.3. Click Google Search
b.4. Now browse the results web-pages, it shouldnt be too hard to find the lable name on one of them.
b.5. Enter
b.6. Set field above as 'Labels' and set search field as Nexus Media.
b.7. If youre lucky, theres a url attached on the label's page, click it.
b.8. Usually when browsing a lable webpage, you would be able to find information about signed artists, see if there are any 'Artists' button on the menu, if not - search the site.

Now, that wasnt too hard was it?

If you have any tips or anything you would like to share, you can contact me in private, thanks in advance, and good luck!

          Peace & Love!

´·´*¨ ¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯ ¯¯
¸.·´* "Love.. Patiance.. Understanding.." / Trust In Trance"
Trance Forum » » Forum  DJs & Artists - #-#-# Some Usefull Information and Tips!
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