Some truths about TPE records , and mr Yoshida his owner...
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Posted : Dec 4, 2007 08:39
Hi to all,
I feel really sorry to post such a the way it's the only way that I have to make some reactions...
I will try to tell the story shortly : I've been playing in TPE festival this summer :
altom live, a djset , and ocean my progressive project, I was used to play there since a few years.
Back to Tokyo , the morning of the flight back to Europe, someone calls us, saying yoshida (the organiser) stayed at the festival location ,
and that we have to go to the airport now, by bus !!!
I didn't want to leave without my money , but I had a visa to catch for brasil , so I couldn't postpone my way back , and I left without the paiement.
When I arrived at home, I called him, and he said to me he will pay the next week, and since I never had problems with him, I trusted him and waited ...
After one week , again I had to wait more...
Then, at the end of august, he tried something very nice :he told me (like very friendly) he paid allready , and asked me some music ;
I said yes, no problem, but I wasn't too much stupid , so I did'nt send before looking if it was true...and it wasn't !!!
End of september , he told me he will pay next month , at start of the October...
Since then, he doesn't answer the phone, the emails, the msn... a kiddish situation !!
Since then also, he did a very successfull party in differ , and now he's making another one for new year (when I was supposed to play a few times ago).
so it means, he had money to pay tickets etc...So , my question is , why ?? at least I would like to understand !
Another nice one, is that we (altom) did a compilation for tpe records this year, but didn't get any copy of it, not even for us, not even to send to the artists ...
So, to conclude, I want to warn ALL djs that are invited to play for them , to ask 100 % of the money before, or not going.
I will continue to post and denonce this untill I got paid for my work. sorry yoshida, but you are a liar , and a shame for Japan
Now it's starting to be a BIG problem, so pay as early possible and I will forget this story : I did my work, never did nothing wrong with tpe.
also I worked so hard to live like I live today , that when I'm telling this story, I have kind of a giant "injustice" feeling ...
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle
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Posted : Dec 4, 2007 12:12
u are right my friend
u work and u deserve to get what agreed
more and more stories like this from partiies (all around the world , usualy not japan at all) and realeses (with weird begginers labels) teach artists and dj's not to come or give music without all expences and fee sorted.
hope it will end nice for you |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Dec 4, 2007 23:13
Hello Thomas,
Iam feel very sad about this storie,
I just hope that the organizer realize his big mistake and make fast action for make you happy, and recover his reputation if he want make partys again like new year.
We still think that he can take the good way.. Is your chance
payThomas! send to artists CD copie of the compilation...
please..and respect
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IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 5, 2007 22:21
well these parties are very successful indeed, their parties are very full of people, so much in fact that major fights break out almost every my memory it was after one they made with a huge fight that one of the best venues in tokyo stopped booking trance events...a shame. anyway u r right there shoudnt be any reason for you not to get what you earned.....
anyway i hope you get paid, good luck mate.
  We Do This Every Day |
Fernanda Micky
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Posted : Dec 6, 2007 01:00
Is very sad this to happen with a big name how the TPE and in a country where don't have problem with money .
Why don't to pay, why to lie ?
Are man's or ...i don't know.Is sad, this to passed with a person that i know how a great producer from trance.
Is better to pay and get the honesty and honor that did lost. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Dec 6, 2007 02:56
sorry to hear this. I've not been paid by loads of label managers over the years for adverts in revolve magazine and one big festival organiser who made a fortune with his festival but still hasn't paid for his advert.
It's such a pity that with so many amazing people involved in our scene expecially going to parties, that there are some real crooks in our scene.
Good luck with your bookings in the future. |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 8, 2007 07:31
I'm sorry to hear this.
I hope you get your money from TPE. They have huge numbers of young kids going to their parties so they should have the money to pay you.
And I hope people don't think all Japanese organizers are like this.
  The music was like new black polished chrome
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alaska vibes
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Posted : Dec 9, 2007 15:36
Good luck!
Digital Syndicate
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Posted : Dec 12, 2007 15:46
hmm I feel very sorry for seeing this kind of post here at Isratrance.
Been looking at the same type of warning post occured at many places but not here in Japanese section since I first stepped in and signed up here.
It is nothing but shame. As being Japanese, our society does not screw ppl like this and maybe much more capable of paying your fee if compared to the other countries. I do not know Mr.Yoshida personally, so no personal offence but if he is a Japanese, he should be able to pay you easily, very Japanesish standpoint but I know many agrees with me. Japan is economically very well and indeed TPE made good money to cover all costs as I see all those posts too. I just cannot believe he cannot pay you what you earned and did the best for them.
Shed |
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Posted : Dec 17, 2007 17:22
Hi there. To this guy i can only say shame.. After what Ive seen Tomas do for that record label its shame how they treat him.
Not to even send cds from their releases?
Sounds like milennium records..
they still ahvent given me the cds from some of my releases but I had to buy them on psyshop hehe incredible...
and this guy dont seem to be an exception..
shame shame... building the bad name in the scene with these stories..
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Alternative Control
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Posted : Dec 17, 2007 19:42
This is really not ok , not just becuase of the money , but becuase Tom brought such a killer tracks and artists for this label to release on the compil , and this is how they say ..thnk you ...
If TPE doesnt pay ,artists that works now with TPE should stop cooperation and demand justice for Tom.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 18, 2007 02:33
Sorry for this story. But, IMHO, perhaps you did something PERSONAL that Mr Yoshida didn´t like. Just my opinion. And there´s no other people colder to foreigners than the Japanese. Ok, when they think you´re a good gaijin they will treat you well. But if you do something wrong (even if it´s completely right or usual in your country), they can stonewall you in such way that there´s no way back.
PL. |
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Posted : Dec 18, 2007 15:49
But, IMHO, perhaps you did something PERSONAL that Mr Yoshida didn´t like. Just my opinion. |
Well, if you think this, it means that you really don't know me...(and maybee that you didn't read really well the post) : I never did nothing wrong, never acted like a superstar, always helped them as much as i could and been discrete...(you can ask to everybody) also I was really thinking we (yoshida and me) were friends, as he was treating me like one. So understand the shock and injustice I felt...after 4 years of collaboration.
But anyway, the point is nothing about "our relation" , it's all about basic business : I did my work, I want to be paid.
NOTHING justify not to be paid ...
Digital Syndicate
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Posted : Dec 18, 2007 16:17
I do hope some ppl here knows Mr.Yoshida and deliver this topic in his face immediately.
Shed |
Miss Tick
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 18, 2007 17:31