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Somatica Music, Art & Culture Gathering 2010 - TEXAS FAGGOTT live (Finland)


Started Topics :  9
Posts :  40
Posted : Mar 1, 2010 12:37:26
Somatica Music, Art & Culture Gathering - Easter Long Weekend 2-5 April 2010. Victoria Australia.

Somatica returns for it’s 5th Easter Gathering, once again providing a long weekend of multi sensory, world class music, arts, entertainment & top shelf production in the great outdoors. This year will see the gathering expand to run over 3 nights, beginning on Friday evening and concluding early Monday morning with the highlight of the event for many; an excursion into the absurd with the return of the 'WTF' interactive cinema... expect the unexpected...

Somatica prides itself on providing an environmentally and socially conscious event. From permitted locations to the use of bio diesel power, composting toilets and recycled waste plus reclaimed art and décor installations and more.


*TEXAS FAGGOTT* - LIVE IN 3D - FINLAND (Exogenic Records)

The musical journey of Tim Thick and Pentti Slayer as Texas Faggott started in the early days of 1990`s. The main reason for most Finnish trancebands to exist is an Indian guy named Alan who lives in Goa. As Tim Thick recalls, this guy heard his music and sent greetings to Tim with the Finnish travellers requesting more sound to be played at the parties. So Tim made tracks and sent them to the mysterious Alan, and when Finnish people came back in the end of each season to their homeland, they always had the same message for Tim: more music please! It was only after many years, in 1997 when Tim had the opportunity to meet this muse of his, who had so many years inspired Tim and others to continue in producing music.

In the earlier half of the 90´s there was also a legendary Sörkkä Sonic studio at the suburbia of Helsinki, Sörnäinen, where most of the early day Suomisound artists gained their vision of making music. It was there, where Pentti Slayer and Tim Thick made their first tracks together, along with the original third member of the group, Francoice Faggott.

In those days it was common for the Finnish Goa trance producers to have a different artist name for almost every track they made. So Pentti Slayer and Tim Thick have involved in such projects as Flying Scorpions, Mandalawandalz, Shiwa 2000 and many others. The name Texas Faggott originally came up as they saw an old movie by Clint Eastwood in which a hooker called Clint a Texas faggot when he wasn´t willing to share the joys of bed with her. “You Texas faggot!” –sample can be heard also in one of the early tracks by the group. Tim and Pentti has also met an authentic Texas faggot, of course in Texas, USA, when they were on tour there.
Around the year 2000 Texas Faggott started their way to the awareness of the audiences outside Finland and Goa. The madness of the hillbilly trance masters have conquered the hearts of dancing crowds in all over the world, especially in Japan, Israel, Australia and Eastern Europe.

Most musical influences for Texas Faggott come from the ex-president Bill Clinton, especially from his years of youth when he played saxophone and didn´t inhale that joint. As Tim Thick states, the musical line Texas Faggott has always followed is pure easy listening sound, towards which they have always worked on, sometimes succeeding but still mostly failing as the horses they are holding usually escape far beyond the reasonably boundaries. Result is the original ballyhooing sound of Texas Faggott, which has it´s roots in Goa trance, but which still escapes the strict genre categories.

The first Texas Faggott release, Kössi Kuittaa, came out in 1998 on Nephilim Records. After that, in 1999, they produced an album, Texas Faggott, which was released on Australian based Psy-Harmonics. In the year 2000 Back To Mad EP saw a daylight on Exogenic Records and in the next year came out the long play Petoman´s Peflett. As a delicious snack between albums they released Paramoncler EP in the year 2003 and the main course followed in 2004 in the form of Pilluminati Cunt Roll. Their latest album Kininigin, was released in 2008 on Exogenic Records. And there´s more to come of this madness, so stay tuned for the spring surprises!

*HIRED GOONZ*- LIVE - Back in the day set ( Gi'iwa Productions)The part-time bastard lovechild of Freeform Human and Neuron Compost are back to dust off the laptop and see if it boots up. Eclipsing even John Farnham in comeback specials, the shanti-bogan pioneers of alcoholic trance are set to deliver the next installment in their last ever farewell tour.

Born of the genre-mashing experimentalism of now defunkt Gi'iwa Productions, the Goonz herald back to a time before Killah, a time before Minimal, before Dubstep. Back when people started taking their pants off, back when it was OK to have a transcendent dancefloor experience, back when those hippy utility belts were brand spanking new technology, a time when people partied to a type of music called Full-On.

Of course, the Goonz music isn't actually Full-On. A more succinct description would be putting some guru blessed rose petals into a blender with a bottle of José Cuervo, some acid, and a whole tub of Metamucil. Pour the resulting Power Cleanser into an oversized novelty glass with one of those little umbrellas, and jam it straight through a bass bin. That's what Hired Goonz sound like.

Where are they now? one trailer park trash exploring the outback, and the other an unemployed dumpster diver, the Goonz will be serving up steamy bowls of reheated Fun with a special K, and giving away random shit to the best dancers on the floor. Come get your Goon on, put the Ohm back in Hohmo, and get ready to party like its 2005... again.



*LYSDEXIC* - (Church of Unholy Bass)

*RIBERY* - Brisbane (Disconekta)


*DEEJITAL* - Cairns

*MUSTAPHAA* - Alice Springs


*MEAT AXE* - LIVE - (Zenon Records)

*CIRCUIT BENT* - LIVE - (Diskonectar)

*IAN WOODSMAN* - Cairns (Open Records)

*SENSIENT* - DJ set (Zenon Records)

*PAUL ABAD* - Brisbane (Open records)

*GROUCH* - LIVE - New Zealand (Cosmic Conspiracy / Zenon)

*THE MOLLUSK* - LIVE - (Omelette Records)

*SKETI* - Brisbane (MoistLab)

*ANNA CEE* (Somatica)




Sunday night WTF interactive psychedelic cinema - taken to the extreme!

Décor and installations by PiXiE LoU, Amanda Coote, LivingSpiritDesigns, Local Produce, Lazy Cat, Ravi, Junkwaffle, 3Dinflatables
Funktion 1 sound by Ishtar
Shade and structures by Shady Dimensions
Projections by Silent Disco

Jaw dropping performances
Saturday workshops & discussions, Food by Psybus, market stalls

Permited event. First Aid & Security on site. Composting toilets, bio diesel power, waste recycling system, recycled printing.
Respect the Mother Earth by car pooling, use the bins, bin your butts & LEAVE NO TRACE. Bring your own WATER. No Dogs, Fires, Glass or anti-social behaviour.

Full event details and location from
Online only limited discount tickets available now from

Full price tickets in stores soon..

$5 from every ticket sold will be donated to charity

Trance Forum » » Forum  Australia & New Zealand - Somatica Music, Art & Culture Gathering 2010 - TEXAS FAGGOTT live (Finland)
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