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Solar Eclipse 05 - TUNISIA - Sept.29-Oct.6

The Kaa
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  53
Posts :  604
Posted : Aug 24, 2005 21:12
Bravo to all the wannabee artists who are paying there own plane tickets to support this festival, I don't know if these actions are very positive for the scene.
As far as I'm concerned I would never pay to play, I dunno if bank employees has to pay to go to work at the bank. I'm really affraid to see more and more of these actions in the scene.           Out Now >> V.A "1001 Flights" (Air Snare recs)

Tribal Vision rec. | Air Snare rec.
Dvj | Producer | Label manager | |
Dot Kite
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 25, 2005 11:00
It looks excellent!

Specially the package ticket a great support...

I will try to take some more short holidays to join the Solar Eclipse....


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Posted : Sep 3, 2005 21:51

Festival Duration:

The festival camp will be open from 29.09 to 05.10.2005

Global Trance Music from Friday evening till Tuesday.


The venue is simply out of this world. See for yourself Photos on our website.
The festival location Tamerza, is an Oasis in the atlas mountains of south-west Tunisia.
Tunisia is on average only a 2 hour flight from Europe, and yet you are in the warmth of North Africa.

Ways to come to Tunisia:

- By plane:
Enjoy the special festival flight prices of TUNISAIR

You can get your flight ticket at every TUNISAIR agency.

- By ferry:
At the following ports you can take the ferry to Tunisia (TUNIS)
From France: Nice, Marseille, Toulon
From Italy: Genoa, La Spezia, Naples, Salerno, Trapani
For Ferry and booking infos look at the website

Ways to come to the festival areal:

- By car:
Route to follow 550km: TUNIS-Hammamet-Sousse-Kairouan-Gafsa-Metlaoui-TAMERZA

- By public bus:
Ideal for travellers, the bus starts in TUNIS at Bab Aliua bus Station and go to TAMERZA.
Two Departures a day. The 1st start 10h30 and arrives at 19h00. The 2nd start 19h00 and arrives at 04h00. The travel cost 20€.

- By train:
Ideal for travellers, the train Starts in TUNIS at the main station at 21h00 and arrive at METLAOUI the terminal train station at 7h00.
This little town is 40km far from TAMERZA. You can take there public bus or taxi. This trip cost you 20€.

SHUTTLE FROM DJERBA and TOZEUR to the festival in TAMERZA (Organised by TUNISIRAMA):

Departure dates 29, 30 September and 1st of October, return on 4th, 5th or 6th of October. The departures time will be around 15h00.
Prices: from DJERBA 45€ (depart at Hotel Sangho 10 min by taxi from the aerport)
From TOZEUR 35€ (depart at Hotel Besma 10 min by taxi from the aerport)

Inland Package:

Shuttle bus + assistance at the aerport + 5 days / 4 nights accommodation in (Hotel or Berber camp) + Breakfast + festival entrance = 185€
20€ for each supplementary accommodated day.

Festival Tickets:

The festival ticket cost 70€ in presale.
On the gate the ticket cost 90€.


You can register to buy your ticket or apply to an inland package sending an email to
Infoline: Switzerland: +41 78 857 09 11
Tunisia: +216 95 492 261

More infos on our website
Or send an email:

Online presale on:



N.A.S.A. (iboga rec. / crotus rec. / DK)
Digicult (USTA rec. / BE)
Spliff Richard (altitude rec./ boom rec. / SE-TN)
Star Nation (temple of is / gnosis rec. / UK)
Shanti Project (bitNix / P)


Pan Papason (etnicanet / Ibiza)
Lelf (turbotrance rec. / FR)
Slater (tribal vision rec. / CZ)
Martin (labyrinth / CH)
massivan (pmusica / E)
müstik (shiva space technology / CH)
Skunkbeat (Chaishop / GU)
Frontal (magic~lounge / CH)
Liese ( mushroom mag.)
Arash Atman ( Electronic Soundscapes / GR )
Will Gnosis (star nation / temple of is / gnosis rec.)
Liquid Ross (liquid rec. / UK)
Luna (mondmilch / CH)
bitNix / P
Antagon ( Psy T.F. / DE)
Pangaea ( Psy T.F. / DE)
Dalle (gerningstedet rec. / DK )
Kore (plastik park / MX)
Apache & HAT (kommek rec. / TN)
Upavas (evolving-arts / Hawai)
Sky (artech rec. / CH)
Psyhigh (bionics / CH)
Apex (Xvibes / UK)
B.e.n. ( datura project rec. / MK )
Wonderlantic ( datura project rec. / MK )
oudja (sens ubik - psychofuel / FR)
Greamush Foose / BE
Ramses ( Madhatter / BE)
Meko (Sonica2005-Gaiatech/ ITA)
Missing Frequency (omnisense / omnifestival / UK)
moon (jbillettes prod. / rhythms of peace) morocco
DonZiggy (stardust creations /AS)
Nemesis (transient rec. / USTA rec. / BE)
n-o-m-a-d CH/TN

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  55
Posts :  370
Posted : Sep 17, 2005 19:39
just over 10 days to go, the plane tickets have been taken care of and the weather is becoming shit here in Belgium... so we're all set, ready and looking forward to travel to Tunisia and enjoy this festival!!
I'm sure it will be a unique experience!

would this be the first time ever for a psytrance festival / party to take place in Tunisia?

The Kaa
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  53
Posts :  604
Posted : Sep 17, 2005 22:53

On 2005-09-17 19:39, eskimo wrote:
just over 10 days to go, the plane tickets have been taken care of and the weather is becoming shit here in Belgium... so we're all set, ready and looking forward to travel to Tunisia and enjoy this festival!!
I'm sure it will be a unique experience!

would this be the first time ever for a psytrance festival / party to take place in Tunisia?

Yes it is the first time eskimo , hope you'll have a good time, because I'm doubting of the professionalism of the organisation. Anyways have a good time under the sun, as the winter is coming faster in Europe ourdays.           Out Now >> V.A "1001 Flights" (Air Snare recs)

Tribal Vision rec. | Air Snare rec.
Dvj | Producer | Label manager | |
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  131
Posts :  306
Posted : Sep 18, 2005 23:14
hmm, I don´t know the organizers personally but so far they did everything they promised, including the payment for the flight, standart booking contract etc., so hope everything will be fine....the location looks amazing...           Out now:
*V.A. - Vanguard vol. 3 compiled by Duca & DJ Slater
The Kaa
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  53
Posts :  604
Posted : Sep 19, 2005 13:49

On 2005-09-18 23:14, Slater wrote:
hmm, I don´t know the organizers personally but so far they did everything they promised, including the payment for the flight, standart booking contract etc., so hope everything will be fine....the location looks amazing...

Lucky you, they didn't do it to me, neither to Tegma, nice support of the arab artists, thanks.           Out Now >> V.A "1001 Flights" (Air Snare recs)

Tribal Vision rec. | Air Snare rec.
Dvj | Producer | Label manager | |
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  55
Posts :  370
Posted : Sep 20, 2005 17:05
yes no problems over here either, so far I'm very happy in dealing with this organisation... they seem to be honest about things at least and doing what they can

also since it is the first time that they will organise something like this in this coutry and in such an amazing location I think it is almost impossible for them to organise everything perfectly and proffesionally for this festival, but I'm sure they'll give it their best shot and everybody who goes will have a brilliant time!
so big respect already for that!

and I'm sure plenty of reviews will be posted on this website afterwards... and plenty of pictutes as well!!

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  171
Posted : Sep 21, 2005 14:09
Just spoke to the organiser and sounds like everything is going well The website is down at the mo because their server has crashed but hopefully should be sorted soon. Can't wait ... palm trees, waterfalls, an eclipse and a big rave  

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  124
Posted : Sep 23, 2005 23:46
Yeah, it's gonna be great! I'm REALLY looking foreward to this festival and I'm convinced that the organizers have all ready for us when we come down to Africa...
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  55
Posts :  370
Posted : Oct 6, 2005 18:14
pictures of the festival online at 

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Posts :  124
Posted : Oct 9, 2005 15:43
Well, what happened! The festival ended two days too early and nomad just ran off without giving people a proper explanation. Thats a bit crappy in my eyes...
I hope everything gets fixed within short time, cause I know that he still owes people some money for that inlandpackage that didnt really worked as it should have...

Anyways, the three days of party was great, thanks to all the REALLY great pêople there. I definately had a great time there, and pictures are coming as soon as I get home from africa in a few days.

Hope to see everyone again in Turkey next march!!!
The Kaa
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  53
Posts :  604
Posted : Oct 9, 2005 22:48

On 2005-10-09 15:43, the_real_noname wrote:
Well, what happened! The festival ended two days too early and nomad just ran off without giving people a proper explanation. Thats a bit crappy in my eyes...
I hope everything gets fixed within short time, cause I know that he still owes people some money for that inlandpackage that didnt really worked as it should have...

Anyways, the three days of party was great, thanks to all the REALLY great pêople there. I definately had a great time there, and pictures are coming as soon as I get home from africa in a few days.

Hope to see everyone again in Turkey next march!!!

Nice, how come I'm not surprised that the artists who paid their ticket didn't get paid back? What did I say just before in this thread!! Well don't say that you weren't informed from a lack of honesty by the organisers!
          Out Now >> V.A "1001 Flights" (Air Snare recs)

Tribal Vision rec. | Air Snare rec.
Dvj | Producer | Label manager | |

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Posts :  1
Posted : Oct 10, 2005 09:45
besause, it was my first 'big' trance party, I didn't really knew what to expect...But I didn't expect all the things that happened overthere...We can't speak of bad organisation, because there was none. Anyway I DID have a great time meeting nice people. Thanx to all of you!!!!

Hope to C ya soon

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  13
Posts :  171
Posted : Oct 22, 2005 17:36
Yep, there were quite a few problems but the people and the location were beautiful and I had a wicked time. Photos here:  
Trance Forum » » Forum  Party Promotions - Solar Eclipse 05 - TUNISIA - Sept.29-Oct.6
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