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So What's good in METAL these days?

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Posted : Feb 25, 2009 02:13
find your answers @

much better feedback for your queries.           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
Cardinals Cartel
Black Machine

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Posted : Mar 1, 2009 18:13

On 2009-01-13 14:27, LSD-25 wrote:

gothic metal

'Paradise Lost' , just perfect band ! .

Recommended for all those who like this style ! .

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Posted : Mar 2, 2009 07:09
check out for band infor an important links to sites, labels and myspaces.

If you want something really tightly produced, professioanl and truly metal I'd go and get last years:

Vader - "XXV" a 2 cd album of all their big track re-recorded, also a version with a 3 disc/DVD.

For cold and truly dakrer sounds only one cd does this for me:

Immortal - "Sons of Northern Darkness"

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Posted : Mar 2, 2009 07:53
On the Vader front check their awesoem cover of Slayer - "Raining Blood"

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Posted : Mar 15, 2009 00:46
if you want to buy some metal I'd reccomend you do it now at as you can buy 1 relapse release and choose another for free.

So buy 6 cd's, get 6 for free.

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Posted : Mar 27, 2009 19:46
nice topic :o)
same than you, was full addicted of serious music from the early 80th till 92 - 93 (at that time i fall into psy electronic music and never find the way to cure me ;o)

i played years in metal, HxC, punks &industrial bands... my first band experience was with Vorph of Samael, and the second with Xi (Samael drummer)...
For sure SLAYER was the gods
i'm surprise that nobody mentioned:
the grand fathers : DISCHARGE & Motorhead !!!!
SOD (the storm trooper of Death ;o) ....
NEUROSIS (the full project with projection visual and performer was one of the best gigs i ever saw
Pitch Shifter (amayzing energy on stage !
Agnostic Front & MAdball : woaw woaw woawww ;o)
PEACE LOVE & PITTBUL, MINISTRY, GODFLESH, Atary Teenage Riot, Lords of Acid ... (in a more industrial direction) are quite serious bands to take time to discover if you don't know them ...

Meshuga got some really interresting structures,
as new band: Disfear (ex entombed) really kill on stage, ... but i agree most of new metal bands smell really "copy & paste ;o)
i saw recently Ocean (collective from Berlin) on stage : great

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Posted : Mar 28, 2009 05:43
Nothing is good in metal these days. Metal is either entirely uncreative, entirely homosexual IE Dragonforce, completely unpleasant IE black metal, or completely and totally commercial IE Slipknot. By the way Slayer is nothing near godly. There's nothing godly about a bunch of annoying speed metal songs =).
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Posted : Mar 30, 2009 07:37
Slayer aren’t godly, but they did punch out a few good tracks, and some of their “leaser” know albums, like their first two plus Season in the Abyss and South of Heaven have some really nice stuff in them. After that until last album it was pretty much lame speed metal.

I also would go as far as to say that the “Reign in Blood” album and some of their other earlier works helped pave the way for death metal. I think some of the Cannibal guys dropped them as influences for sure.

And yes whiles it is easy to point the finger and say metal is lame now-a-days, there are still some bands who whilst no that new, are pushing the limits fo what they do or they are still doing what they do very well.

A few of the more extreme bands to check out for sure:

Abysmal Dawn
Man Must Die

And if you just want some good extreme metal done very well but not new at all then definitely get the new Cannibal Corpse and Napalm Death albums that came out this year, both are really impressive, but you have to take them for what they are, masters just carving out another slab.

The new Heaven & Hell album also is looking nice for those who like it a Biltmore old school style and another band keeping it old school is the band Chrome Division from Norway who have put out two albums that are slabs of good hard rock/metal.

BTW for thos whosay Blac Metal is extremely unpleasant have obviously only checked out the top of the scene... and oh for some good 'core stuff check out the first Dagoba album, "What hell is about", there second album has an awesome cover but sounds a bit to Roadrunner Recors style

Agree on the Dragonforce tho, they may be able to shred well but yeah it all ends there...
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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 8, 2009 01:55
Orphaned Land - Mabool , awesome oriental metal
Therion - Gothic Kabbalah, great concept album
Amaseffer - Slaves for life (best album of 2008), also concept album...

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Posted : Apr 8, 2009 22:33
Good stuff these days?

I finally got to see them live recently and wow, goosebumps during the entire show. Absolutely brilliant!
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Posted : Apr 22, 2009 09:57
not just "these days" but my top metal for now and I say all is good:

Abysmal Dawn - "Programmed to Consume"

Arsis - "We are the nightmare"

Behemoth - "The apostosy"

Belphegor - "Bondage goat zombie"

Bloodbath - all albums

Cannabis Corpse - "Tubes of the resinated"

Cannibal corspe - all albums

Carcass - "Heartwork"

Dimmu Borgir - search to find what you like but all have their moments.

Edguy - "The Singles"

Fear Factory - "Demanufacture" and "Archetype"

Hammerfall - "Steel Meets Steel"

Iron Maiden - all albums

Lamb of God - "Wrath"

Machine Head - "Throguh the ashes of empires"

Napalm Death - all albums

Necrophobic - "Hrimthursum"

Nile - all albums

Obscura - "Cosmogenisis"

Opeth - all albums

Pantera - all albums

Sepultura - the best of is easiest

Slayer - "seasons in the abyss"

Soulfly - "S/T"

Suffocation - best of

Toxic Holocaust - "An overdose of death"

Vader - "XXV"
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2009 14:35
Not really into metal, but the Spawn soundtrack from 97 was the bomb!

They took one metal band and paired them up with another that used electronics... final outcome was pretty brilliant.

Prodigy vs. Tom Morello
Atari Teenage Riot vs. Slayer
Soul Coughing & Roni Size
Filter & The Crystal Method

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Posted : May 1, 2009 17:55
Protest the Hero
The Number 12 Looks Like You           Anakoluth A Pebble in Your Eardrum's Shoe since 2001!
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Posted : May 18, 2009 06:33
check the Dimmu Borgir Live DVD/CD pack The Invaluable Darkness out... plus the Emperor Live Inferno/Wacken DVD/CD box set... tell me metal is dead after those mo fo'z!           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
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Posted : May 20, 2009 06:14
must check

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