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So... psytrance in bangkok then? ; - )


Started Topics :  2
Posts :  20
Posted : Mar 10, 2010 11:37:32
seeing as i skipped vietnam and im now in bangkok, whats the crack? any good parties that people can tell me about?

im off out this weekend to a club called demo, warehouse style, techno hopefully!

still gagging for some psy tho!

answers on the back of a postcard please!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 10, 2010 12:02
don't waste your time in bangkok. go to phangan, you'll find all sorts of parties overthere ...


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Posted : Mar 10, 2010 12:13

On 2010-03-10 12:02, n.t.t wrote:
don't waste your time in bangkok. go to phangan, you'll find all sorts of parties overthere ...

got a job here at the moment, but hopefully only till i can get my own cash sorted out, then off to phangan i guess!

nice one

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Posts :  20
Posted : Mar 10, 2010 12:23
ah, didnt realise you meant koh phangan... (first time in thailand for me..)

i just had a look on youtube and looks pretty much what i was trying to get away from in bali tbh, but with psy music instead of cheesy pop.

also got told that koh phangan is so full of tourist and the partys are pretty much full of westerners getting pissed, or fucked up to extremes. not really what i want, although i really do want some psy. i may be being judgemental tho as not been yet...

i just want a good party with people from all over and locals as well, people there for the music and the friendly faces and atmosphere and the spirit of free party etc rather than just to get mashed and to say they've been to a full moon party. starting to realise that maybe europe has the best pasty scene...

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Posts :  20
Posted : Mar 10, 2010 12:23

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Posted : Mar 10, 2010 12:29
so maybe i was jumping the gun, just looked at another video on youtube and the party actually looks pretty decent... anybody been before, got any good exp/bad expierences...?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 10, 2010 12:30
very well maybe ooze bar near khoasan road (bkk) can offer something ... i donn know what are they doin' right now, but you can try it

have fun

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  14
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Posted : Mar 10, 2010 12:35
i don't know about others but every time i went there, it was just great & full of fun ...
honestly if you want to party in thailand there is nowhere better than koh phangan


Started Topics :  4
Posts :  117
Posted : Mar 10, 2010 13:14
The Ooze Bar is a nice hangout and they're playing psytrance every evening/night. Don't expect a club with a dancefloor, it's just a stall right on the street with some benches. It's great for having a drink and getting in touch with others. The ooze bar crew also organizes parties in the Kanchanaburi district. They can also help you with the occasional parties in Bangkok clubs. The ooze bar is right next to the Kao San on Soi Rambutri.
Overall Bangkok is not the best place for psytrance, like n.t.t. said you better try Koh Phangan for outdoor parties in the forest or on the beach, but it's also like you wrote full of drunk backpackers and they're not playing much underground stuff.


Started Topics :  9
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Posted : Mar 10, 2010 13:47

On 2010-03-10 13:14, Eleusene wrote:
The Ooze Bar is a nice hangout and they're playing psytrance every evening/night. Don't expect a club with a dancefloor, it's just a stall right on the street with some benches. It's great for having a drink and getting in touch with others. The ooze bar crew also organizes parties in the Kanchanaburi district. They can also help you with the occasional parties in Bangkok clubs. The ooze bar is right next to the Kao San on Soi Rambutri.
Overall Bangkok is not the best place for psytrance, like n.t.t. said you better try Koh Phangan for outdoor parties in the forest or on the beach, but it's also like you wrote full of drunk backpackers and they're not playing much underground stuff.

+ 1 and the are great ppl           ~~Co-Creator of A Ritual~~

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Posts :  20
Posted : Mar 10, 2010 13:52
nice one for the replies, looks like im gonna be heading there tomorrow or friday then! ill let you know what its like...


Started Topics :  150
Posts :  3315
Posted : Mar 10, 2010 22:21
Ban Sabaii           Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 11, 2010 00:20
Try to find some smaller parties in Koh phanghan or koh tao. Skip the fullmoon parties in haad rin if you don't like extremely f*cked up tourists... 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 11, 2010 07:51
add oozebar to ur Fb account and party away. Remember , the organisers of the greenspirit and voov are based in bangkok.

Im sure u can party .

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  20
Posted : Mar 11, 2010 11:34
where in ban sabaii should i go? or is it a club as well ads an area?

think ill ask around at the oozebar and hopefully they'll be able to point me in the right direction of some parties.

just checked out green spirit and doesnt look like the sites been updated for a while, sure ill get some tips at oozebar tho!

and @ supergroover: avoiding fucked up tourists is definatly one of my main aims, esp after bali, fucking hell... :-/
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - So... psytrance in bangkok then? ; - )

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