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So GMS heard about IM's $$$$ making, called Oli and said...

IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
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Posted : Oct 7, 2010 10:11
the write up on psyshop about GMS + Space Tribe-Alien Jesus gave PMS to Disco Hooligan..this happens its good to be in touch with your feminine helps you get laid with women only..but here its mostly men..
when you want to bash someone in a predominantly male forum..use subtle and hidden like discovery..women like to be told..if you tell men that it is crap they will tell you you are crap..if you tell a woman its crap she will either say yes it is or no its not...

Alien Jesus is trying to please us by teaching a computer typing skills and the monkey learnt very quickly and definitely has good command over the language and can now communicate very well. But what is this message that he is sending us? It makes no sese to me. What is he trying to say..its so stupid and nonsensical..if i met this monkey i would open his skull and eat his brain like they did in Indiana Jones mmm delicious..and what is GMS and Space Tribe doing with this monkey style music and why are they doing what they are doing..obviously they are doing it for some reason..and how did they manage to get rights to Lucy in the Space with Diamonds? a beatles track? ..this monkey is writing nonsense and that monkey is making tracks and the third monkey is getting money..
and here the Hooligan is bashing..
so this means Hooligan is part of the conspiracy..because when bashing starts, it increases publicity which means the demand goes up..which means Alien Jesus gets famous..
Disco you just got busted!           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Oct 7, 2010 10:33

On 2010-10-07 00:49, demoniac wrote:
ok dude, we read that you don't like full on and darkpsy on milions topics and posts in the forum, ok we figure it out in the first 5 post from you...

you don't have to spam the entire forum about your music taste and act like you invented psy trance or something.

atleast 50 albums like this one are released every year, also your music is pretty cheesy you know...

I make music and make it available for people to download. Inherently I am a "legal target" for the people who will listen to it, and think its crap/cheesy/whatever. Some of these people will tell me so, like you did in your post.
That is fair enough, I'm not bothered, cause you just can't please anybody + I am enjoying my self making the music I make, so someone calling it cheesy, won't change a thing when I go back to the studio.
You are welcome to take the piss out of me, in ways you see fit. Its healthy behaviour, there should be no tabboos.
So Alien Jesus made this album and its great if they enjoyed making there is nothing I can say that will change that, BUT! I am also free to take the piss!!
Lighten up, pucker up, grow up and take it like like men and stop acting like little girls that dropped their ice cream, grow a sense of humour, even if some jokes are cheesy

On 2010-10-07 00:31, Hero #1 wrote:
and stop acting like the high priest er hooligan of psytrance.

Alien Jesus came to me in my sleep two nights ago adn told me to start this thread, I guess Xolvexs is right...the Lord works in mysterious ways...I guess that makes me at least a bishop, wouldn't you say Hero?

Peace out.
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
Posts :  2848
Posted : Oct 7, 2010 10:47
and that makes me Human Judas!
          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Oct 7, 2010 10:48
Alien Judas, was better. Who's Alien Peter? Fizz? Hero1, we're on to a religion here, pic your character.
We need one for Alien Magdalene..

IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
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Posted : Oct 7, 2010 10:56
Alien Zealots!           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Oct 7, 2010 11:11
Goa Gill is Alien Moses surely? He was here before Alien Jesus came to us + he's looks kinda remind me Charlton Heston from the original, "Moses" movie.  
Inactive User

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Posted : Oct 7, 2010 11:31
na , gils just a cunt
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 7, 2010 11:32
kunthill gil           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
Demoniac Insomniac

Started Topics :  85
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Posted : Oct 7, 2010 11:34
yeah we know this also gil + full on + darkpsy

same like pavel, but he put good pictures atleast           VA - Spiritual Science out now!
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
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Posted : Oct 7, 2010 12:08
look down
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
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Posted : Oct 7, 2010 12:14

kiss and make up?  
Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

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Posted : Oct 7, 2010 13:43
^^ Nice view, nom nom
Dj R2
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 7, 2010 15:40
Alien Jesus, really wtf !

Dj R2
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 7, 2010 15:42
kind of sad , since those guys were one of the greatest...

still had some hope at least in Oli... come on dude you can do much better !!

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  113
Posts :  1191
Posted : Oct 7, 2010 20:24
the music sounds pretty bad, but I really can't hate on their need to make some money. those guys have been stuffed underground for 20 years now....i'm sure their burning passion for the trance scene has been a bit stifled in that time.

I ask you all, who here wouldn't want to headline Coachella or other huge concerts? Vocal music sells, instrumental music does not. 
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