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Snug as a Bug and other things

Inactive User

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Posted : May 23, 2010 01:09
"By the way funny to see people nowadays complain that music today isn't as psychedelic as the oldschool minimal trance. Back then people were complaining that it was boring and certainly not as psychedelic as even older oldschool psytrance"

"yes so true,i was complaining it was dead at that time but the sound around 2000 is one of my favorite"

Because that's a sign of groundbreaking music, it takes some time to get it and accept it. That usually happens with the good stuff
Inactive User

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Posted : May 23, 2010 01:53

cheap download here:
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : May 24, 2010 10:12
A Good Bug is a Dead Bug!

I really liked the sound that Paps, Yumade and Snug as A Bug brought. Also the guys from Creamcrop released some good minimal psychedelic stuff at that time. A shame it kinda died.

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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 24, 2010 19:41

On 2010-05-23 01:09, mica wrote:
"By the way funny to see people nowadays complain that music today isn't as psychedelic as the oldschool minimal trance. Back then people were complaining that it was boring and certainly not as psychedelic as even older oldschool psytrance"

"yes so true,i was complaining it was dead at that time but the sound around 2000 is one of my favorite"

Because that's a sign of groundbreaking music, it takes some time to get it and accept it. That usually happens with the good stuff

mica thanks man do u know if that site is secure?just to hear the small sample it remind me a party with tripiatrik like it was yesterday...with a friend we talk sometimes about our best parties and this one is one we haven t forget for sure ,their music bring such a paranoid athmoshpere in the forest, real dark and psychedelic sound, it was a great experience, one of the best of my life.
i wonder why they stoped making psytrance, paps really had somethign special to me ,lot of amazing music he made in solo or with the projects he was involved .
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 24, 2010 19:55

On 2010-05-23 01:02, mica wrote:
sorry PoM . I tried but now I'm really curious too about this track you mention , keep me updated if you find something , I'l look around too

But you made me find that track I showed you and I haven't heard it ever since that era , and I was having severe seizures of nostalgic flashbacks .. tears almost came to my eyes
thanks dude! ( YOU SEE!! this is why we are here just a reference to another post hope you get it)

i found it some weeks ago on youtube and was so happy someone uplaoded that vinyl...check the other side too, it like it even more, was a bit the sound of the good parties of that time here.
Inactive User

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Posted : May 24, 2010 19:58
Hey PoM could'nt tell for sure about security but it looks legit to me, go for it.
And I totally understand what you said I feel the same way. I remember reading something about paps where it mentioned that he was very unhappy about the direction the whole scene took and he went fulltime in to music production and editing for TV and Movies

cheers dude , and remember life is not a party its many partys
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 24, 2010 20:16
yumade rocked!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 24, 2010 20:25
check droidlock music, a bit the same style they made some good tracks togheter ,not sure but i think he is one side of snug as a bug .there is also some release with paps ,could find only that track on you tube .
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 27, 2010 12:50
i didn t know this one was from paps ...mica check it ,might remind you some good time in the morning


Started Topics :  10
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Posted : May 27, 2010 15:26
Hell Yeah!

i agree with what everyone has said
PAPS/snug as a bug/Yumade/Tripitrick great gear, my favorite ever

Full respect to Laurent Barateau, Pierre 'Pea' Busson

My all time NUMBER ONE favorite track ever, is Yumade-Gugang

Second most fav track of alltime Tripitrik-Eis muss sien

Proper Psychedlic music, with big groove and equal parts funk and attitude !:)

Definitley a HUGE influence for my style of djing and production...

there is still some Minimal/dark prog psy around like this... i like to think my last compilation Geek Mythology, has a very big nod to this sound and style and the good ol days

also check other releases from

i can tell you for a fact that the influence of the good old days is still present there

Inactive User

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Posted : May 28, 2010 04:26
YO Pom dude you are the man!!
these ones I never got to hear again either, holy jimoli what memorys man, This shit still rocks so much dude its like rolling stones or a led zepplin song they will be eternally excellent .
Inactive User

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Posted : May 28, 2010 04:29

i can tell you for a fact that the influence of the good old days is still present there

Thats really good to hear thx for your input

good to know there are more like me out there that feel the same way

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  89
Posted : May 31, 2010 19:30


Started Topics :  18
Posts :  783
Posted : Jun 2, 2010 10:14
Love this stuff... Mainly Paps but also some of the other stuff...
I would vote "Everybody In The Trees" my favourite... 
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  103
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Posted : Jun 4, 2010 07:43
best crop ever !
correct me if i'm wrong but its something like this..
snug as a bug = paps+ yumade
tripiatrik = droidlock+paps ?
my fav traks ,, paps- 200hands,pelfthelittleelf , phrifuzzbuzz, digital ache, tripiatrik - percussive rain ,i am sysex yumade - going mad , older ones .
best color bounce i got

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